Brak Treesgood was a carpenter NPC in the Towson Tabletop Campaign.
About[edit | edit source]
The Treesgood family were well known for their almost inhuman feats of craftsmanship. Through their talents, they were able to become one the wealthier families in Dolmvay, striking deals with various rich nobles and families for high demand contracts.
Brak was a woodworker and good friend of Verik Vanderboren who agreed to join Verik and the others on their voyage to Kiston. A skilled craftsman, Brak could assemble a small house in only hours...provided that he was given enough to drink before hand. Brak suffered from an incident that gave him no confidence and shaky hands when he was sober, requiring him to almost always work drunk. He was motivated by deep-seated impatience and an unlikely love for working his wood.
History[edit | edit source]
Brak knew the Vanderborens before ever meeting The Best Around, and joined their trip after a hearty inspection of the ships, to ensure they were up to his standards.
The Fateful Expedition[edit | edit source]
While on Cof, Brak was provided an ample supply of the remaining ale in order to construct barricades against the Yuan-Ti. When the Yuan-Ti struck down their first structures, the colonists moved further into the jungle, where Brak built an assortment of huts and lean-tos. Brak would not join the Best Around up the mountain, but he and the other colonists would still be affected by the 100 year time leap that Chronepsis incurred when she discovered the colonists breaking into her cave, thrusting him forward into the year 791 PR.
The Brak Foundation[edit | edit source]
While Brak was away, the wealthy Treesgood family would work with others to form The Brak Foundation, a group that would work over the next 100 years to map out the Kiston Isles and discover what happened to Brak. This all culminated in the renaming of Cof's current colony to "Brakville" on the 100th anniversary of his disappearance.
His Return[edit | edit source]
After appearing in the jungles a hundred years later, Brak stumbled into the now prospering colony set up in his absence. It was here that he met his grandchild Nate Treesgood. It didn't take long before Brak became a celebrity in Brakville, where he decided to stay and set up shop for good.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- His name means "One who breaks trees well".