Pages in category "NPCs" The following 87 pages are in this category, out of 87 total. A Alistair Hearthorne Alkiir Scalesborn Archdruid Archmage Nimz Asar Partui Atnas Autom LordB Bazzniagalvinica Benny the Bard Bleucorundum Blit Liver Bob The Zookeeper Brak BulioC Colin Pendergras Commando Reconnaissance Unit Theta Cookie CoseismusD Dorian Shroud Dutharr DyniaE Echemus Enel ErosF Falgrim Norest Feredemius Fork Frori PredestineG Galidant Gideon (Dragon) Golkont the Hawk Mage Grumble Fist-PatrickH Horatio CheshireI Into the Greedy Green/NPCsJ Jack of Hearts Jaqueline HearthorneK Kallus Dinn Kalzivach Kelrynne, Eldest of Isrun Killis Goodman Kleckless Racoba Kyle LaneL Lenore Hearthorne Lieutenant Azha List of All NPCs Longfang Lora Pendergras Lorrie Haslo Lucinda Grimfold Lyowyn MossbringerM Malakar the Maleficent Master Shama Mathias Edgar La Croix, Sr. Midnight Mila Perturb Montane Capella MotherO Old AlkinimicP Paulette Strummings Pharastra Pinky the Dragon Slayer Pope Felix Prince Ulftiir PromissaQ Queen Alyara EverlillyR Ripjaw Rome HolidayS Shelmlock Dolmes Skippy Smargarg Solomon SugarsprinkleT Talyth Testicles (Pet) The Collector The Gnoll King The Seven The Warden of the Wilds Tini Titan Tolmé Pendergras TuschelloV VenalethW Within the Wicked Wilds/NPCs Within the Wicked Wilds/NPCs Year 1Y Yellana Eedryll Ysildra Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. (Hi Margarita's Table. 🇩🇪)OK