The Greedy Green MegaGame is a celebration of the Community Campaign, built to bring as many of our team together for one last big Hurrah before the community campaign shutters its doors on March 31st. A goliath in gaming, there are a few things to note that make this session more special than your average Greedy Green Game.

The MegaGame is best thought of like a festival, each gamemaster offers their tables as a fun station that you can stop in and experience for a long or as little as you like. Feel free to linger or leave at your own convenience, but rewards are available for players who experience every table of that game! Seats do not belong to any one player, and everyone is welcome at every table. The MegaGame is not just the D&D adventure being held, but the fun had between tables, over lunch, chatting on the side, and just having a good time going around town and enjoying the greater State College gaming scene.
General:[edit | edit source]
- You may be handed a prop or item to take between tables, do not lose that item. If the items disappear between tables, they can not be redeemed at the destination. This can be devastating for your team in the event that it disappears.
- Players are welcome to communicate across tables in one of two ways:
- Messaging on Discord in the MegaGame thread, in which you can tag @healer if need be.
- Messaging on Twitch, which will blast any chat comments directly to the video feeds at every table.
- The Tables can be located at:
- Northern Snowy Mountains: Master Goblin Games, 234 E College Ave Suite D Player Capacity: 5 (+ Ensign/Silent)
- Gammelgard: Webster's Bookstore Cafe, 133 E Beaver Ave Player Capacity: 7+
- Seglock (2 Tables): IGAR Games, 1514 Martin St Player Capacity: 14+
- Sneerwell The Dungeon, 2525 Carnegie Drive Player Capacity: 7
- Tables may determine their own ways of doing initiative, but because of the swap in swap out, it may be untraditional.

Joining the Game:[edit | edit source]
- The Game runs between 12:00 PM noon and 8:00 PM on Saturday, January 21st, 2023
- Specific seats are reserved for specific players at 12:00 PM noon, and will be held for those players until 12:45 PM.
- Confirmed players are allowed to jump into their first table as late as they want or leave the game early.
- Players who do not start before 12:45 PM may be directed to start at a different table, as the table hopping will be in full swing, and their "starting seat" may have been hopped into at that point. Please refer to the Twitch and Discords for where to jump into the game if you plan on joining late.
- Players must have confirmed their attendance on Discord, just like any other Greedy Green game. If you show up without having confirmed your attendance, you may not be able to play as we may not have a seat ready for you.
Timeline[edit | edit source]
12:00 PM[edit | edit source]
The game begins! The players at each table will enjoy some roleplaying and light gaming activity.
12:45 PM[edit | edit source]
The game REALLY begins. The Intro Sequence rolls and something amazing happens. You won't want to miss being at a table at this time.
3:00 PM[edit | edit source]
The game enters "Phase 2"
5:00 PM[edit | edit source]
The game enters "Phase 3"
8:00 PM[edit | edit source]
End of the adventure! Please be considerate of your gaming location, pick up all trash or items you left behind, and if possible assist your gamemaster in a swift close up of the shop.
9:00 PM[edit | edit source]
The After Party! Join your fellow gamers at IHOP for late night food and drinks and to share your amazing stories of the adventure your character had that day.
What to Bring[edit | edit source]
- We recommend you PRINT your Character Sheets if you usually use a computer or other digital device. As you will be joining and leaving many tables over the course of 8 hours, and you can not be promised a particular seat at any one table, it may wind up being a much larger hassle to bring a Laptop than it normally is. Especially since we can not also promise open outlets at any given location.
- We recommend not to bring any large backpacks, pets, oversized cosplay pieces, or anything that may be a hindrance when seated at a table or when traveling between tables.
- In short, the lighter your gear and the faster you can get yourself situated at a table, the better. The ideal setup would be a drawstring back with the following:
- Your Character Sheet
- Your Miniature(s)
- Your Dice
- A water bottle and/or bagged snacks.
Eating/Drinking[edit | edit source]
- Food and Drink are allowed at all locations and tables, and snacks/drinks are available for purchase everywhere except for The Dungeon, where a small fridge will provide waters to players free of charge.
- We recommend finding time between 12 and 8 PM to stop and take a Lunch Break for yourself. For the same reasons as mentioned above, eating and drinking at a table can wind up being a hassle if you bring large meals or open drink containers to a table. Tables for eating are provided for you to use at Webster's and Master Goblin Games (Not IGAR nor The Dungeon will have extra tables to eat at)
- Alternatively, eat before arriving, and join the team at IHOP after the game for a late dinner and drinks.
Table Hopping[edit | edit source]
- All tables will be visible (but not audible) from all gaming spaces through monitors, as well as on your phone or any other internet-connected devices through the Quelmar Twitch Channel, so make sure to go follow it now Players will be active on Discord in this thread during the course of the game, and are welcome to discuss swapping specific seats during a game
An example of what to expect on the TV Monitors during the MegaGame - You may leave a table at any time
- You may choose to join any other table at any time, pending the next open seat, which will never be a long wait because:
- Players are encouraged to always open their seats through the Boon of Community, which is the only way to gain short rests, leaving a table also gives other benefits such as letting you cast spells of any duration (including 1 hour) and drink any number of potions.
- Players get the boon every time they swap out to give someone a seat.
- Players who leave a table break their concentration on any abilities that don't come with them from their last location (summons, bless, etc.) though they may still concentrate on effects placed on themselves.
- There are additional bonuses given out when you complete Mini-Bingos on your MegaSheet.
- The Mini Bingos are as follows:
- First Bingo: One reroll of a die
- Second Bingo: One auto critical hit
- Full Card: +1 to Attacks and Spell Save DCs for the remainder of the session.
- On average, a player would need to spend about 95 minutes at every table to get an equal split of gameplay, but everyone's experiences will vary greatly, so if you may get more time at a table you like, r even come back to the same table 3 times for different reasons, you may lose out on time at other locations, but this game is freeform, so go where you want, when you want.
- There is no scheduled meal break, though DMs may take small breaks at their own leisure, and players are encouraged to go out and eat or meet up between table hops, no hangry players please!
- Players are not required to table hop, but may be asked to step aside if they spend more than a 2-hour span at one table
- Players are not required to travel to all locations, but will only understand the game's full story and connections by experiencing every location
Infection[edit | edit source]
Infections are picked up at one specific table, and then carried outward to the rest of the tables.
- Infected characters treat all rolls of 20 on a d20 as a 19, this means no critical hits or checks.
- If you are infected, whenever you sit down at a new table, you randomly infect one other member of that table. Each table may have a different way of determining what is "Random".
- Infections can not be cured with player abilities.
Cosplay[edit | edit source]
- We'd like to get a picture of all the cosplaying players together at some point, but details are TBA on that.
- Players who cosplay (with minimal or maximum effort) will get the Boon of the Cosplay from Dave.
- The Boon of the Cosplay allows a user to teleport anywhere on the board from any location...once. A great tool in case of emergencies to get to the danger, or get out of it.
Lending Library Donations[edit | edit source]
- Thanks to expert work of Quelmar's Lending Librarians, a donation bin for collecting any donated RPG goods will be set up at the following locations for Lending Library Donations:
- Master Goblin Games
- The Dungeon
- Additionally a small donation Jar will be available at both places for monetary donations to the mission.
- A note from the Lending Librarians (Jonathan, Julia, Jake, and Luke!)
Hello there, Greedy Green Gamers! We certainly hope that you’re enjoying yourselves with all of your fellow friends and players! This is a core part of our goals at The Quelmar Realm: bringing together people of all sorts into a community dedicated to collaborative storytelling. This includes you; you are already part of our community and helping our mission when you play! With that in mind, as a non-profit charity organization, we are always looking to continue spreading our resources to not only expand our community, but also facilitate the growth of new ones! We all benefit and learn when more people join the wonderful world of collaborative storytelling through TTRPG play. So then, how can you help? Glad you asked! The Quelmar Lending Library is a brand-new initiative with the express purpose of lending materials to aspiring players and gamemasters so they can play, free of charge! TTRPGs can be notoriously expensive to play, especially if you want all the bells and whistles that can elevate the immersion of storytelling. We believe that cost shouldn’t have to be an insurmountable barrier to storytelling, so that’s where the Lending Library comes in! We’re still working on getting all the gears turning before we officially open the doors to lending, but in the meantime, you can help us out by directly donating materials into the box placed near this sign! Don’t have said materials on hand to donate? No problem, you can donate to our organization by using the collection jar near this sign or by scanning the code to donate electronically. We’ll have an official Quelmar Lending Library web portal up SoonÔ for borrowing and donation, but in the meantime, check out the Lending Library channel on our Discord server, and/or contact the Lending Librarian Jonathan Hardin on Discord or at Thank you! Have fun, and keep rolling those dice!