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Master Shama was the "Keep Master" of Wyvern Keep, located near the Wyvern Mountain between the borders of the Troverth Kingdom and No Man's Kingdom.

About[edit | edit source]

In 10 PR, Shama granted the Oathwielders permission to travel through the Troverthian borders after a lengthy inspection of Drake and Dusky. However, the exotic team could only come through on one condition. At the time, Shama was in the middle of investigating a possible Demonic occurrence in the ranks of his men. Shama knew that the feytouched party could possibly stir up exactly the chaos that attracts demons, he sent them to the town of Senshi no Rakuen to help clean up and look around after the temple on site was attacked by a Yokai.

Later, after exploring the town, the team returned to Shama with few answers. Unknowing to them, Shama's plan had secretly worked. The chaotic energies of the adventurers attracted the demon back with them to the keep. Not knowing exactly who the demon had possessed, Shama had the team arrested and put on trial to stall for time. After several rounds of "Litigation", Kel was forced to dual Master Shama himself, and in the resulting chaos, the demon revealed itself. The OathWielders then worked together to slay the Barlgura. After the attack, Shama granted the team with new titles and sent them through Troverth with written permission.

Shama's Letter to Kel[edit | edit source]

In 11 PR, Master Shama wrote this letter to the young litigator Kel after he had spent nearly a year traveling the realm, having been all but banished from Troverth after he killed fellow Samurai. Kel and his family struggled with his new reputation as an Oathbreaker but Shama's wisdom on the topic can be found below.


I hope these letters find you well, young Morioh. I still hear word from the Samurai of your exploits, no doubt gathered from messhalls across various encampments In the realm. Send my gratitude again to the Centaur Roha, Eve the Faerie, and the Mystic Neville who pulled me from that darkness in our encounter long ago.

There is a word for home departing voyages of self-discovery, like yours Kel. It is often used by parents who speak with melancholy of their now adult children. Dorohana, or “the road to blossom”.

Blossoming is not as straightforward as it looks. Though the flowers of the tree may appear to open up to us effortlessly overnight, we must remember that a tree must endure many storms, draughts, and enemies every year on its way to blooming.  You grew up parsing laws and spending time to find the loopholes that let the little guy win every time. In war, they must paint with such broad strokes of action that the time for parsing and saving every soul cannot be taken without the risk of losing a window of opportunity. The heroic samurai you grew up hearing stories about do not live up to your fictional expectations. These disappointments are the floods that try your roots. But as long as you stay rooted here in Senshi no Rakuen, where you and your ancestors grew up, it can be weathered.  

You have the makings of a terrible samurai, but they say it is easy to find a thousand soldiers…and hard to find one general. Your exploits and knowledge make you a formidable leader, and our war here at home could use you.

Magic is like water, unpredictably ebbing swiftly, but our Emporer leads like a boulder, a solid and loyal unmoving force. While we may seem like the strongest rock in the realm, I know that water hallows out stone through its persistence. Your wisdom on the roads could be the key to protecting our empire in the years of war that lie ahead, and I have the resources to help you spread your word among the visiting warriors here at Wyvern Peak. You will be an example to many on how we will win this war. The Troverth Empire as I see it will learn to weave, or be eroded.

Master Shama

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