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The Quelmar Wiki

The Firegates (formally "The Dread Titan's Firegates") is the title of a fictional training dungeon invented by the Wold Order

About[edit | edit source]

The Dread Titan’s Firegates are a mysterious piece of magic and architecture that open infrequently, but almost always when a dragon has taken up a lair (and hoard) in the caverns that lie behind the gates.

The gates have just opened again, and we are certain something lurks beyond them, likely another draconic beast hoarding away the goods and needs of communities all over Isonhound.

We need a team brave enough to sneak in and steal back the hoards. But beware the sleeping dragon, for when she awakes, the realm will shake.  

Presented as a rare opportunity (to entice adventurers), the Firegates were described as the most incredible and potent of dragon lairs.

However, in reality, the dungeon was furnished with treasure by the Wold Order, who also used their own captured Pearl dragon to guard the treasure and test the heroes abilities when it came to dungeon delving and dragon slaying.

Common dungeon elements that the Order put into the Firegates include:

  • Traps
  • Hallways
  • Cultists (In reality simply order members illusioned to look like Tiamat cultists)
  • Treasure
  • A Dragon

History[edit | edit source]

Allies of the Wold Order would meet with heroes, typically in a tavern such as the Trout's Toe in Seglock, to provide a flier (pictured right) discussing the dungeon and the rumored loot within. Ocassionally, Wold Member orders themselves, such as Aldean El’Naddath, would hand out the invitations personally, as he did with Linden Rue.

Used for roughly a decade, the Firegates had their first and most notable shuttering when the greatwyrm Sro, who had ALSO been training potential heroes of the realm. Sro had a personal rule of "Don't fight a dragon in its own lair", which the FireGates project explicitely taught people to break. As such, once he discovered its existence and infiltrated the dungeon, he helped the heroes release the trapped Pearl Dragon within, shuttering the experiment temporarily.

List of those Tested[edit | edit source]

This is an incomplete list of those known to have entered the Firegates and proved their worth (or died trying):

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  • John L • 22 minutes ago
  • John L • 22 minutes ago
  • Spiderjjr45 • 1 hour ago
  • Mslilith • 02:15
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