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The Quelmar Wiki
The Three Wold Wizard Colors: Red, White, and Black.

The Wold Order is the high order of elves, both Wood and High, that consider themselves the ultimate protectors of the land known as Isonhound.

The Wold Order is a subset of an even larger realm-wide order known as the Sylvan Order.

The Wold Order contains two classes of power: The Knights of Wold and The Wizards of Wold. Within those two classes exist further subdivisions of color and rank.

History[edit | edit source]

Prehistoric Article

This article contains information said to be from Prehistoric Times. The validity of prehistoric content is dubious at best due to poor recordkeeping in the era, and should be considered unreliable, or at best: Legend.

The magic that the Wizards of Wold practice is said to have been originally taught to them by Corellon himself during an event known as The Pixie Nixings.

Presumably the order either formed , or was named after, Woldlin, one of the largest and oldest collectives in all of Quelmar, let alone Isonhound.

It was the Wizards of Wold in prehistoric times who defined how magic's forms took shape, and named those shapes. Names which would become second nature in the realm as "Schools of Magic". These include Abjuration, Alteration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Invocation (Later Evocation), Phantasm (Later Illusion), and Necromancy,

List of Operations[edit | edit source]

The Firegates[edit | edit source]

Operation: Starchild[edit | edit source]

After diving the location of Tiamat's missing herald Vezoth, the wizards of Wold discovered that it still lived, as an aspect of its soul, trapped inside of the Soul Star. Fortunately for the order, the soul star had recently become a sentient being traveling Isonhound in the form of Alenka.

After kidnapping Alenka and interrogating her, they discerned that she had no idea what power she processed, or the threat that she was to the realm's existence. They tasked an operational force of Greedy Green heroes in pulling the dragon out of Alenka's head such that it could be slayed. To do so, they needed to channel a similar astral magic that the soul star used. The only local source of that magic was an abandoned tower known as Relith Tower. After traveling to Relith Tower, the team was able to pull Vezoth out of Alenka's head...but only by disastrously unraveling the soul star itself, spilling its contents out across the realm as a wave of ghosts. The Starchild was undone, and Vezoth was unleashed, but the Order could now begin its work in stopping Vezoth for good.

Wizards of Wold[edit | edit source]

The Wizards hold themselves to 3 reminders:

  1. All Wizards of Wold are one in their order. All orders are one in their power.
  2. A Woldlin Wizard's only loyalties are to the preservation of the weave, and the preservation of Isonhound.
  3. The world beyond the walls of their order may try to push wizard against wizard and order against order, but such is the way of the universe.

Depending on a Wold Wizard's view of the world, they may cloak themselves in one three colors: White, Red, or Black. While White and Black wizards may find themselves on separate sides of a battlefield (Such as in The Holy War), when meeting on neutral ground, both wizards would join together to fight an enemy if it meant defending Isonhound's lands.

Red Wizards[edit | edit source]

"I believe that magic binds us together"

Red Robed Wizards consider themselves the most charismatic and closest to the land's natural inhabitants. They often form friendships and alliances with various other Elves, Satyrs, Loxodon, and other Isonhound inhabitants. As such, they exercise the Law of Consequence based on their own personal experiences, grudges, and alliances.

White Wizards[edit | edit source]

"I believe that magic makes us strong enough"

Detail-oriented studiers of the weave, White Wizards tend to be the most powerful, through long lives composed of intense studying and memorization of the weave. White Wizards follow the Law of Consequence liberally, often offering second chances and helping others learn and gain through their mistakes.

Black Wizards[edit | edit source]

"I only believe in the magic."

Wizards of the Black Robe are sometimes considered as cruel as a black dragon. They exercise the words of the Law of Consequence as strictly and clinically as possible, often leaving no room for error even on the smallest of mistakes or slights that one commits in their presence. As such, many consider Black Robed wizards as "Evil", as they will have no issue sacrificing young creatures to the moon, even when the punishment wildly doesn't fit the crime. The symbol of the Black Wizards was a Fox or a Vixen, sometimes mistaken for a Fylgja.

Knights of Wold[edit | edit source]

Often times keeping their highly trained experts in magic and history safe in cloisters across the woodlands, the Wold Order also operated the Knights of Wold, dedicated preservers of the Wold Order.

Becoming a Knight of Wold often required passing various tests of both strength and loyalty given to potential knights, sussed out from the innumerous heroes of the realm. A good knight was not, after all, just powerful, but passionate about the cause, and willing to lay their life down for preservation of the order.

The CR Era[edit | edit source]

After the Fracturing of the Weave at the end of the PR era, magic was shattered, and the fey magic that bound the Wold Order was similarly missing. The aftermath of those grand events led to the formation of the New Wold Order.

Known Members[edit | edit source]

Behind the Screen[edit | edit source]

  • The Knights and Wizards of Wold function as one way to bring the popular Dragonlance concepts of the High Sorcerers and Knights of Solamnia to Quelmar.
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