Kristang was an Obsidian Dragon and a lower court member of the Ruby Court.
In 810 BR, Kristang visited the secret vault under the Northern Snowy Mountains which held a feral member of the extinct Ruby Court: Feredemius. In his rage, Feredemius tried to kill Kristang, only to be stopped by invaders from the future, bound to set right a long chain of events that almost destroyed all of Isonhound.
He was bound under the mountain to keep The Shadowfell voidal source alive, spilling darkness into Umbralhound.
Feredemius held him prisoner to tear open a rift to the Shadowfell and being caught between two planes partially undid his existence hence why some folks like Bleucorundum have no memory of him.
(TODO: Some of this is conjecture, I'm not super sure of the details, need to cleanup Kristang info by using other page second-hand accounts)