- Seglock University, located in Seglock
- The University of Nyxeros, located in Loontown
- Gammelgard Polyarcane Institute, located in Gammelgard
- Deeplake Academy, located in Deeplake
- Synàra Community College, located in Synàra
- Byennel Tech, locate din Byennel
- Briargreen College, located in Newfaire
- List of Champerty Institutions, located in Champerty
- Champerty was a kingdom founded entirely on education and magic, and had many, many schools in its short existence.
- University of Xyrneiros, located in Glendoveer
- Laergul, located in Jewelspar
- College of Jewelspar/Jewelspar University, located in Jewelspar
- Al'Adea University, located in Al'Adeaf
- Zobeck University, located in Zobeck
- Seawell Community College, located in Seawell
- The Bard's College of Galik, located in Galik
- Cauldomo Institute of Technology, located in Cauldomo
Gulfithorp Isles
- College of Saisin, located in Capsicum.
- Katharda Academy, located in The Underdark
- Demon University, located in The Abyss