The Mutated Chimera were a series of 10 creatures created and imprisoned in early the early BR era by a series of powerful warlocks.
Creation[edit | edit source]
Asaug, Hygewald, and Durmundri Capella were three magical elven brothers who lived around the beginning of recorded history. At the time, magic was hardly something to be controlled, and those who chose to dabble in it fought strange consequences. In attempts to become immortal, the three brothers studied magic, and even attended a showing of magical abilities hosted by a then-mortal Vecna. It was Vecna who had showed them powerful secrets about magic and tempted them to reach immortality. They tested their experiments on a herd of Chimera that lived in the nearby caverns, though the experiments did not live up to expectations. The vitality of the chimera was somewhat increased, as were their rage and their power, but Vecna encouraged them to go further. Through extensive trickery, they got their hands on a significant portion of Divine Spark energy safeguarded by the leaders of Inergos, and infused divine, necrotic, and arcane energies together into the chimera. The resulting mutated chimera abominations immediately destroyed Inergos and then scattered across Quelmar, leading to an era of war known as The Chimera Containment Wars, as the realm tried to capture and stop the attacks from the 10 monstrous beasts.
The warlocks themselves would later learn how to become liches, and would be punished for the attacks by being buried alive...leaving them trapped until their awakening in the year 691 PR.
The Chimera Containment Wars[edit | edit source]
Mutations[edit | edit source]
The effects of the tainted magic granted the chimeras several unique properties.
Vitality and Strength[edit | edit source]
The mutated creatures had nearly twice the life force of a normal chimera, and grew to over twice their size. With the increase in size, the mutated chimeras became far more lethal than a typical chimera.
Breath Weapons[edit | edit source]
Unlike a typical chimera, who has a fire breath weapon (usually emmited from the dragon), the mutated chimera have access to 3 to 6 different types of breath weapons, which are usually split up among the 3 heads. These can include acid breath, ice breath, and poison breath.
Immunities[edit | edit source]
The most lethal part of a mutated chimera includes its ability to shield itself from external threats. A mutated chimera has a faint glow of either Red, Blue, or Green. Depending on the glow, the chimera activates a different immunity which keeps it from being damaged by all but melee attacks, magic, or ranged attacks, respectively.
Locations[edit | edit source]
The Chimera fled to areas of the world which were fertile and already full of life. Unfortunately the same places that the Chimera were attracted to for geographical reasons would also attract other life in the realm. Nearly all of the Chimera would later emerge in these settlements, burrowing up and into the city that had no idea what monster lurked underneath.
- Sneerwell (Slaughtered by SotS during the Battle of E Core Arena)
- Nymphsview (Slaughtered by the Shadow Queens)
- Jewelspar (Slaughted by Archmage Nimz)
- Galik (Slaughtered by city forces)
- Sarcof (Slaughtered by Xender Pleth)
- Zobeck (Slaughtered by the Cool Chimera Killers)
- ?
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- ?
Mutated Chimera Statblock (5e)