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The Quelmar Wiki
The Crescent Moon

Corellon Larethian is the Greater God of Elves, Bards, Light (specifically Moonlight), and Beauty.

About[edit | edit source]

Corellon created the elves and brought them to Quelmar during The Plane Wars from their native lands of Arborea, it  is said he had seeded the realm with what would become magic, forging a bond between the weave and the material. Elves, particularly devout followers of Corellon, see the Moon as the great portal to Arborea and worship it, speaking directly to Corellon and asking for advice and assistance.

It is said Corellon fought hard to let mortals keep their powers over the weave, while the great spider tried to control the wave all for herself. Even today, true believers believe that Corellon is in a deep holy battle against the spider. His other enemies include beings such as Bane, Gruumsh, and goblinoid gods like Kurtulmak.

The color associated with Corellon is Blue.

Corellon clerics often work as leaders, teachers, artists, and diplomats.

Notable Actions and Interventions[edit | edit source]

Creation of Fractus[edit | edit source]

Corellon experimented forging his own universes by creating a new realm outside of Quelmar known as Fractus Quotar , and he made his most loyal and notable followers gods over this new world, notably including Anema E. Core.

Followers[edit | edit source]

Followers of Corellon worship at night, and worship for fervently during full moons.

Notable Followers[edit | edit source]

Prayers[edit | edit source]

Prayers always start with addressing the father (or mother), "Hei-Corollon shar-shelevu" or Corellon, may your grace grant…".

Elven Rites Prayer[edit | edit source]

"The elves are sculptors and wardens of magic's endless mysteries. Bring forth the beauty that envelops and lets the spirit gambol unfettered. Seek out new experiences and new ways. Ward against those that would destroy what they cannot create. Commune with the natural and mystical world. Be ever vigilant against the return of the banished darkness and be strong in heart against the corruption of the Spider."

Refugee Prayer[edit | edit source]

The following prayer is pulled from the elves of Ethiruva to pray for the refugees of Realm War I.

"Hei-Corollon shar-shelevu [Corellon, may your grace grant]

The many in the realm today who have been forced from their homes by persecution and violence.

Keep them in your constant care, and bring them to a place of safety.

Be the moon's beams to refugees who are in flight. Guide them to the green forests of safety.

Be the Everlasting mother to refugees who have lost home and loved ones. Lead, protect and provide for them.

Be the Great Protector to refugees who are suffering. Grant them healing and hope.

Be the Hiding Place to refugees who are languishing in the propagation, cut off and held at bay from their escape. Shelter their souls as well as their bodies.

Be the Deliverer to refugees who have been able to return here. Restore their lives so that those who have sown in tears may reap in joy.

Be the Wonderful Counselor to refugees who have been resettled. Help them find their way in a new land.

Be the Giver of all good gifts to those who serve refugees. Empower them to do justice and love mercy and walk humbly with You.

We ask these things in the precious and powerful name of Corellon our Lord. Diola Ll'e."

Children's Prayer[edit | edit source]

Hei-Corellon shar-shelevu:

As I await the morning dew

I pray to You for who I’d be

And trust in You to shepherd me

I’d shelter all from raging storm

In winter, I’d be a fire warm

May my love be fierce and my beauty bright

May you always guide my path with light..

Exarchs[edit | edit source]

It is widely theorized in clerical lore that the goddess of the moon Selûne is an aspect or exarch of Corellon, or perhaps just a feminine identity that Corellon takes on when they want.

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