Anema was typically outfitted with an outfit of Purple and Gold, the colors of the Core lineage. His skin was soft like silk, his hair was always perfect, and his eyes were enchanting. He fashioned a goatee and several pieces of gaudy jewelry. After becoming immortal, Anema always appeared to be in his mid 20s.
When transformed under a full moon, Anema was considered still to be a handsome wolf monster.
Anema was born of the Core lineage in Golik, Amusa in 571 P.R. His father was Riccardo E. Core, and his mother was named Bella Sposa. According to Anema, his parents were "the Opera's first great stars".
Pictured: Riccardo E. Core, Lord of Music
Spoiled from birth, Anema was the noble son of a long reigning family of bards who ran the entertainment district in the largest city in Quelmar: Galik, Amusa. For over a century he indulged in women, money, drinks, and low level addictions, all the while he performed music in Galik's underground circuit, which mostly included small taverns in odd-sides of town.
But ultimately his father beat the shit out of him for spending most of their money. Anema had realized he could be happier away from the urban lifestyle. Because hiring a boat from Galik would have drawn controversy, he fled to the nearby shanty town of Seawell.
It was during his adventures in Sneerwell that Anema decided he would write his own book and add it to the Sneerwell library. This book became How to Perform for Orcs, and launched Anema on his writing career.
The strings of relationship are tight and about to break, and the only way to actual peace [Motto stop writing every word] I feel that there is no other alternative to hostile climate of this region's peace (not just faux surface peace) is to let the cities express their opinions through force.
Fondly yours, Anema E. Core.
P.S. the main diplomat between Sneerwell and partnering cities, I firmly propose that you endorse Dardin [not Dardin, what is the city with the elves?] Granite, not Dardin, in the future war. This will become a world war I'm sure.
On an expedition to find his friend Zugs, Anema and Doraleous once again entered the Tovag Baragu. After reuniting the team, they made their way back to Quelmar (or an alternate Quelmar). However, they arrived in the ethereal plane, and it appeared to be over 100 years later...on the day of Tiamat's attack on the city of Dolmvay.
Nearly an hour after phasing his way back onto the material plane, Anema pissed off Vecna, who then sent him back to his native timeline. Because of this, Anema then had 100 years to prepare for the events that were unfolding. He vowed to raise an army large enough to take on Tiamat, and to arrive on the day of the battle the long-way-around.
Thanks to the effects of Corellon's "Boon of Immortality", Anema reverted to a much younger form, appearing in his early 20s for the rest of his life.
Shortly after he retired, Anema began work on his memoir. "Anema and the Life without Death" became the stories and adventures of Anema E. Core after he became immortal. His post-mortalis life starting with The Day of Nimz in 693 and ending with the Anema and the Father of the Halls in 701, just after the turn of the century. The most notable things of this time period include the founding and growth of The Anema Institute of Discovery (AID), which he based out of Sneerwell. Additionally he lived through the birth of his and Lora's child Giustino E. Core, the death of Lora Pendergras, the marriage between Anema and Paulette, and the birth of Anema's child with Paulette: Enel E. Core.
Anema's retirement roughly lasted until 740 PR (with the exception of a small number of extraordinary days). Anema returned to the adventuring trail by first putting together a new team. To do this, he went back to the company his old team founded: Sick of this Shit Incorporated. Talking to the guild leader Benny, Anema stumbled onto three members of the guild he believed could fill the hole in his heart left by his old teammates.
Some time in the 800s PR, Anema was approached by an avatar of Corellon, asking him for assistance. The Gods had a game going on, which revolved around a halfling who lived in Bywater who was ADAMANT that the gods were not real gods, but rather powerful wizards. Anema was tasked with using his bardic charm and wit to convince the halfling, but in the end, Anema let the Halfling decide to do with his life what he wanted, while also simultaneously (and slyly) offering the halfling a new life, working at Sick of this Shit Incorporated. It was Anema's hope that this sudden and fortuitous offer that had fallen at the hobbit's large feet was evidence of a God.
Corellon reached out to Anema years after that again, telling Anema that he could not join the royal courts and play for the gods, as he had work to do on the Material Plane...namely, he needed to convince his son Giustino to get into the bardic arts. Corellon saw Anema's generous and kind fathering as weakness, and an attitude that could end the famous Core bloodline of artists forever. Giustino would later write a song, though the circumstances were unknown, and Guistino's children would also go on to become musicians.
Anema was a magical bard, with all the powers that typically came along with such a title. However, Anema was also capable of many unique powers that he picked up along his adventuring days.
Rhythm: Anema could give 1d20 as a Bardic inspiration die if he gave a die out 3 turns in a row.
Riveting Performance: If the final blow or tactic of a battle added a bardic inspiration die, the team gained a short rest.
Minion Slayer: On creatures of CR less than 1, Anema could attack 10 times, typically killing instantly.
Subsonics: Anema could cast bardic spells silently.
Accompaniment: Anema could give 2 inspiration dice to one person.
Projection: Anema could give 3 inspiration dice at once.
Harmony: Anema could give out dice to 2 allies at once.
Anema also had a fascination with summoning astral creatures. But his biggest power was his ability to lead a team and generate motivation even when the odds were stacked. His born leadership saved more lives than it took, even when working with assassins and magical aberration.
During the lengthy history of the realm, Anema was immortal due to his attunement to the Boon of Immortality.
Anema typically equipped a sword, a bow, and a magic spear he had recreated several times. The spear returned to him in a boomerang-like fashion.
In addition, Anema was famously noted through lore for carrying a ladle, a "spooky" helmet, and a locket with a picture of Paulette and Enel. The ladle was used to cook meals for his team and the helmet was his signature performance accessory.
Anema had many relationships throughout his lifetime, with Zugs, Doraleous "Tree Bitch" Walken, Paulette, and many others. He had deep friendships and romantic relationships, some of which led to children. His most notable relationships included:
Despite becoming immortal and never aging past his mid 20s, Anema's long retirement was filled with moments of peace, wisdom, and satisfaction.
His retirement included the birth and growth of his sons, Giustino and Enel. He also saw the death of his wife, Lora Pendergras, and the marriage with his second wife, Paulette. Anema experienced many things in his long retirement, including the foundation and growth of the Anema Institute of Discovery (AID), based out of Sneerwell.
Giustino was Anema's firstborn son, born in 693 PR who would grow up to become an engineer much like his uncle Colin. He worked with his father's company for some time leading developments in the science sector, often times influenced by the mathematics of music, though he himself was never a huge bard, he had a small selection of original songs he created.