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The Quelmar Wiki
Galactic Space

Type Vast planer region
Location past the boundary of the Astral Sea

 At the edge of the immense Astral Sea begins a Galaxy where sentient species explore new life and new civilizations. Will you bravely go where no Qulmarian has gone before?

About[edit | edit source]

The Astral Sea, the Astral Plane, there are many names for the vast nebulous region. Many who find themselves there think it infinite, never to find their way home. But those who call the region home, who know how to sail the enigmatic winds know there is a boundary, and across this boundary is an a vast area known as Galactic Space.

From within Galactic Space, the Astral Sea is known as the Amittere Nebula, a dangerous and anomalous region that space fairing vessels rarely return from. But from the boarder of the Nebula to the Galactic Core, countless sentient species span innumerable star systems. Many system spanning governments explore, interact, trade and war via FTL communication and transportation.

History[edit | edit source]

To trace the entire history of Galactic Space would take more pages than the entirety of the rest of this data-log combined, but for now, two major events have shaped much of Galactic history.

Humans, who have a number of home planets including "Redemption", successfully negotiate peace between two of their long-warring neighbors. This accord marks the founding of the Cooperative, a collection of smaller nation states that conglomerate in a republic. The Cooperative is defended by the Stellar Navy, a peace-keeping and explorative organization comprised of species from across the Cooperative.

The Relic Empire, a vast autocracy ruled by the tyrannical Relic Dragons, came into contact with the Cooperative 4 galactic cycles ago. The Relics thought them weak and repulsive. So, with the combined might of several subject species (including the enslaved and genetically augmented Relith), they launched an invasion of Cooperative space. The Stellar Navy pushed back, fighting much more effectively than the Relic Dragon's expected. Immense space-flying Relic Dragons, as well as their considerable support fleets, fell to valiant defenders and joint efforts among the Cooperative. In the end, an uprising of Relith slaves (supported by Cooprative fighters) on the Imperial home-world caused the downfall of the Relic Empire. Though the fighting has ended, the scars of the conflict are still felt across the galaxy. And the Relic Dragons have gone into hiding, many pray for good.

Notable Places[edit | edit source]

Redemption: One home world of the Humans and seat of the Council and Senate of the Cooperative, as well as the officer training academy for the Stellar Navy. Though now idyllic, it is said that once the plant was covered in toxic waste, overheated and barely livable. Only by banding together the humans were able to restore their planet, and the lessons learned helped found the Cooperative.

Relith: Frigid home-world of the Relic Dragons, and their augmented Gith slaves, later named after the planet. Relith is half in Galactic Space, half in the Amittere Nebula, so the species that call the planet home are quite comfortable in both regions. After the fell of the Relic Empire and the disappearance of the Relic Dragons, the Relith are rebuilding a society in the shadows of the monumental Relic ruins.

Notable Events[edit | edit source]


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