Wanda was a fire genasi from Amusa who had an unusual bond with the fire god Kossuth.
Seemingly out of the blue on one night in 695 PR, Wanda picked up a cute looking diadem from a thrift shop in Galik, and upon touching it, received the voice of Yro, the corrupted soul that burned within the The Crown of Empyrosis.
From that moment, Wanda felt a connection with Kossuth she couldn't understand, and for months she would travel and train herself to prepare for the oncoming battle she would fight in the flamefather's name.
Except...Wanda's lone wolf tendencies meant that she happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time for almost the entirety of the Ancients Alive campaign.
That is, until Wanda was finally approached in a vision. Given one half of the necessary information the realm needed to free itself of the Arctic Autumn, Wanda finally reunited with AFEW, a team of adventurers who had been carrying, investigating, and protecting the Crown of Empyrosis all these months.
After passing on the message Kossuth had given her, Wanda, in a frenzy of red hot jealousy, decided to abandon the quest, seeing that Kossuth had picked a "new favorite" as she put it: The Flamefather Aritian, who had also been given the other half of the prophecy. Only by combing Aritian and Wanda's messages did the realm learn how to stop the Tools of the Primordial Ancients.
Fun Facts[edit | edit source]
- Wanda's hero was Xena