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Flame (Dragon)
"All will burn in the end"
Relatives Unknown
Languages Common, Draconic
Affiliations Silent
Aliases The Crimson Terror, The Doritos Dragon
Marital Status Unknown
Place of Birth Unknown
Date of Death -
Place of Death Musso
Species Chromatic Red Dragon
Gender Male

Flame (Dragon), The Crimson Terror, was an Adult Red Dragon responsible for attacking a number of towns and cities throughout the Greedy Green. He was eventually slain by a party of adventurers during his raid on Musso. His soul is currently in the possession of Silent.

Physical Appearance[edit | edit source]

Flame was a massive Red Dragon with crimson colored scales, back horns, and yellow wings.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Much like the rest of his kind, Flame was prideful and cruel. he was extremally aggressive yet manipulable, as shown when Lord Believer manipulated Flame into attacking The Spyre.

Flame's pride played into his M.O. when it came to attacking Isonhound. He often times arrived to cities and towns that another Dragon had recently hit. In his mind, he viewed it as "Cleaning up the failures of lesser dragons". Unfortunately once his patterns became predictable, he lost his element of surprise, and ultimately his life.

History[edit | edit source]

Attack on Synara[edit | edit source]

Flame was first seen when he attacked Synàra alongside a number of other dragons.

Flame would then continue raiding towns and cities, eventually establishing a pattern of attacking locations that had previously and recently been attacked by other dragons. This would lead to an 8,000 GP bounty being placed on his head.

He made an acolyte out of Jeb at that time.

Attack on Luanda[edit | edit source]

Flame was manipulated by Lord Belovaar into attacking the Spyre in order to free the shadow being. After attacking the Spyre, Flame moved on and attacked Launda, encountering a group of adventurers when he crashed through the roof of the Melted Muse --- the fondue cheese covered his burning skin, netting him the nickname of Dorito Dragon.

Attack on Musso[edit | edit source]

Each separately by their own means, arificers Clank and Ona were ale to identify the pattern of Flame's attacks and moved to intercept him at Musso. They were joined by a number of other adventurer's at Musso including Reylendor Aspenmorrow, Hugo Clarion, Oxan Lighkeeper, and Nockdus. During the battle Silent managed to sign over the souls of two of the adventurers who used the power gained to fight against Flame. After being forced to use his Death Ward, Flame attempted to escape but was shot down by Oxan Lightkeeper.

Typically a dragon killed in such a classical and heroic fashion will bestow upon its slayers a legendary Dragonmark...But for Flame, he was two steps ahead. For that same god of death, Silent, had also been whispering promises to Flame, and Flame agreed to hand over his soul in return for an undead immortality of his own.

The adventurers cast Speak with Dead of Flame and worked to harvest the corpse. The body of Flame decomposed supernaturally quickly, starting with the bones before moving to the flesh, which is suspected to be due to the influence of Silent.

As such, while Flame's body may have perished, he bestowed no power or glory onto the heroes, as he became The Ghost Flame.

Part of the Many[edit | edit source]

Flame, as part of The One That Waits, is stationed to kill Eros on his return. A failed mission.

While Flame's soul may have now been under the posession of Silent, neither Flame nor Silent could have guessed that they would then become corrupted with an unholy form of Shadow Sickness, caught by Silent when a number of cultists of The One That Waits were sacrificed in her name. Slowly but surely, Silent (and thus Flame) became one with "Towie", and Flame became nothing more than another of the many weapons he would utilize and deploy across Isonhound.

Flame was stationed primarily at Rana Ndore, the prophesized holy site of Eros, a dragon god of the moon. When Eros returned in 826 PR, Flame fought valiantly against him, but ultimately was forced to flee.

Last Stand[edit | edit source]

Flame fought in Towie's name at The Battle of Five Lights, ultimately being a major factor in the death of Drang.

Flame's Final Mortal Words[edit | edit source]

Flame, as seen on a....Valentine?

The adventures who slew Flame managed to cast Speak with Dead on his corpse before his body decomposed. They asked Flame five questions:

Question 1. What request would you, the Crimson Terror, like to ask of us?

Response 1. Go kill yourself

Question 2. Why were you scavenging on the remains of what other dragons had left behind rather then taking it all for your own?

Response 2. Finish the job

Question 3. What do you know about the Gold Dragon that attacked Musso before yourself?

Response 3. She embraced the darkness finally.

Question 4. So Flame, we ask you, where can we locate your lair and hoard?

Response 4. Go kill yourself

Question 5. Great Flame, the Crimson Terror, can you tell us your true name?

Response 5. I'm not done with it.

Three large takeaways from this is that a Gold Dragon has turned evil, Flame may me in cohorts with other dragons with his attacks on certain towns having more purpose then just raiding, and that Silent may have plans for Flame's soul.

Languages[edit | edit source]

Flame has shown proficiency in speaking in both Common and Draconic.

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Flame demonstrated immense strength and the ability to fly in battle. He also possessed an immunity to fire damage and a devastating fire breath. Due to his deal with Silent he was capable of casting Dominate Person as well as utilizing a Death Ward.

Behind the Screen[edit | edit source]

  • Flame is named and modeled after Flame, the first named dragon to appear in Dungeon Magazine (on the cover of issue #1)
    • Sro shares this trait with Sro who is likewise named for the first named dragon in Dragon Magazine, and Velatheidros named for the first named dragon in the rebooted Dragon Magazine.
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