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The Quelmar Wiki
Relatives Parents and two siblings (Ona is the middle child)
Languages Common, Auran, Sylvan, Celestial
Affiliations Professor Ona Holyspell Harbinger of the "The One Who Walks Among You", the Amythest Dragon
Place of Birth Pygmypoplar
Species Owlin
Gender Female
Height 3ft 5in
Eye Color Blue

Ona Holyspell is Owlin Alchemist Artificer with a Sage background, who is also the harbinger of Venaleth. She has a humunculus, Orion, who is a glass monkey with wings.

Physical Appearance[edit | edit source]

Ona is light grey (almost blue), short, but plump due to her thick feathers.

Orion contains a blue jewel in the center of his chest, and the rest of him is clear glass.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Ona is quiet and inquisitive, going along with the group and not really speaking out of turn. She is not afraid to ask controversial questions, for better or worse. She can come off very blunt, but she will always be willing to help a person in need.

History[edit | edit source]

Ona was born and raised in the small village of Pygmypoplar, deep in the Chilcrest Forest. Her family, the Holyspell's, are known for their prolific and powerful healing abilities, and people will travel from all over Isonhound for their abilities. Despite her family's affinity for healing magic, Ona shows no signs of inheriting the family magic. Instead, she taught herself to use the world around her to help others. Shortly after hearing about the dragon attacks, Ona set out from her village to help others and find unique items that she can use to continue to help people.

During an adventure, Ona retrieved a boon from the astrolabe orb thing, making her the Harbinger of the "The One Who Walks Among You", the Amythest Dragon.

Languages[edit | edit source]

Common, Auran, Sylvan, Celestial

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

All the "magic" she performs are actually potions and other substances that she has found/ created. She also creates potions that even she doesn't know what they will do until they are drank.

Attacks and Weapons [edit | edit source]

Ona has recently acquired a Mace of Disruption, that she will wield when she is 'out of potions'. In addition, she has the ability to cast a spell through her humunculus.

Adventure Log[edit | edit source]

Uhlm (8/17) [Draconic Timeshare][edit | edit source]

Ona eventually heard from a scholar in Deeplake, inviting her on her first adventure as a 'hero' in an adventuring party. At Direheart Pond, the party met the Curator who asked for the adventurer's help getting a key from a dragon's pocket dimension. That purple dragon was name Uhlm, and the dimension was called Thaer. The Curator failed to mention that the party needed to get three keys, not just one. After retrieving the first key and having Uhlm reset his dimension, the party was attacked by members of Thaer. On the second reset, they were attacked by death knights, one of which banished Ona back to Deeplake. Unfortunately, Ona had one of the keys on her so she had to make the travel all the way back to Direheart Pond to give the key to the Curator.

Drakkoths V (9/14) [Teatime Siege][edit | edit source]

Her second adventure started with an invitation for tea and biscuits from the Protectors of the People. The adventuring party met up at the Protectors of the People's hideout where Archie had information about Echamus, who was the moon dragon. Ona, at the time, barely understood the implications of this information. Suddenly, a war horn was sounded, and the base is under attack. After fending off the attackers (Ona herself got nailed while in the air by the drakkoth's petrifying breath, but was able to shake off the affects), the group returned to the hideout only to discover all the Protectors of the People that were left in the hideout where massacred and the place was ransacked. After determining the invaders didn't get what they wanted, the party split and went their separate ways.

Flame III (9/19) [Flaming Hot Doritos][edit | edit source]

Ona was determined to help with this war, so she began researching different dragons when she heard about a red dragon that had been terrorizing towns. She was able to determine that this red dragon (Flame) was doubling down on already attacked towns, so she decided to travel to the city of Musso, which had been hit about a week before by a gold dragon. She met up with some other adventurers who also believed that Musso would be the next target, before all spreading out around the city to cover as much of the city as possible. Not long after, Flame shows up and begins attacking the town. Luckily, due to the preparation, the group was able to kill Flame and save the towns people and their homes. During the battle, Ona heard a mysterious voice in her head asking if she wanted power, but Ona had promised to never agree to such offers, so she chose not to respond. The others of the party became confused when there was no dragonmark granted after Flame's death, but it was determined that Flame had sold his own soul to that mysterious voice. One of the other party members was able to ask the dead Flame five questions. Ona wrote down the entire exchange:

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Reylandor casts his spell.

Flame: Speak up, insects.

Hugo: "All things burn in the end." You fought well Crimson Terror, but even dragons live by the code of survival of the fittest. We here believe both parties today can find mutual benefit in this conversation. We would be willing to offer a request of yours in return for your cooperation regarding our following questions. So then our first question. What request would you, the Crimson Terror, like to ask of us?

Flame: Go kill yourself

Hugo: Now onto our next and second question. You were an adult red dragon, a king amongst your kind, the apex predator. Why were you scavenging on the remains of what other dragons had left behind rather then taking it all for your own?

Flame: Finish the job

Hugo: Now our third question, you would always attack towns that had already been raided by a dragon in the past. Individuals were able to follow this pattern, eventually tracked you here. They say that the dragon that attacked Muso before had scales of the finest gold. What do you know about the dragon that attacked Muso before yourself?

Flame: She embraced the darkness finally

Hugo: Now onto our fourth question, for which we hope you are most cooperable. Your hoard was one of legend. One to rival the greatest kings and nobles of this age. But now it sits there all alone, unguarded, without its dragon to sit upon its heaps of gold and jewels. I imagine a being as prideful as yourself would not wish for just any commoner to come across it to claim it for themselves. it would be an insult to your nature as a red dragon. At least we who respected your strength in battle as a dragon and a predator would be more worthy of it then your average man. As they say, to the winner goes the spoils. So Flame, we ask you, where can we locate your lair and hoard?

Flame: Go kill yourself

Hugo: Now for our last and fifth question. As it seems you will no longer have any use for it and relinquishing this to us might give us the chance to help your soul in any way you might desire, Great Flame, the Crimson Terror, can you tell us your true name?

Flame: I'm not done with it

Hugo: I think someone else has something to say about that. All things burn in the end...

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Following this exchange, a local named Meem Poil gave the party each a Moonflower as a thank you. The group took what they could from the rapidly decaying body of Flame, before separating into the wider world.

September Downtime [Researching Moonflowers][edit | edit source]

Following the death of Flame in Musso, Ona decided to research what she could about the Moonflower that she was given by Meem Poil. Below is the information that she was able to gather:

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It seems that Moonflowers can be found in the wild around moon/crystal dragon lairs. The root of the Moonflower, when chewed-on, acts as a mild stimulant and pain reliever. There are very few successfully recorded accounts of people domestically growing Moonflowers, of which lycanthrope urine appears to be the common ingredient in proper germination of the seeds. The largest concentration of Moonflowers can be found in direct moonlight near lycanthrope dens. A tea can be made from Moonflower Petals. In low concentration, the leaves give a euphoric effect. In high concentration, the effect can be poisonous or even deadly. Creatures that are shapeshifted (polymorph, wild shape, doppelgängers) into goats are drawn to the smell of Moonflowers. Natural goats do not seem to be affected in this way. Druids of the deep forest have been said to consume a plant mixture that contains Moonflower, prior to wild shaping, to strengthen their beast form. Moonflowers appear to be very resilient against temperatures both high and low. They have been found in frigid high altitudes and barren deserts. Being rare, valuable, and difficult to reproduce, the Moonflower can sometimes be found in the wares of dark merchants or fey. Due to their affinity to moonlight, Moonflower seeds must be planted just below the surface of the ground. The burning of dried Moonflower petals by magical fire creates smoke that that can bring on prophetic or hallucinogenic visions.

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Mothers VI - Hagtober (10/17) [Jinkies!][edit | edit source]

Ona was on her way into Seglock to research at the library, when she heard a voice calling out to her from the bushes. Curious she met with a man named Gideon who claimed to be a copper dragon. Unable to enter the city himself due to the Moonwell, he wanted to warn Ona (and any other adventurers) about the Hags and their attack. She assured him that she will watch out and he gave her a ticket to An Evening with the Bard, a One Man Show by Tristram, where he believed that the attack will take place. Ona took the ticket and headed for the venue. She decided to sit toward the righthand side, scanning the crowd for anyone suspicious. The lights dimmed and a giant black dragon appeared on the stage, which began to spew shadows into the crowd. The hag (aka Mother Peace) showed herself and created shadow versions of all the adventurers. After a hard fought battle, the group was able to kill the hag, saving the day.

The Breach II/Gloomwings II (11/3) [Journey to the mountains.][edit | edit source]

Ona received a message from the Order of the Watchful Eye, asking her to meet in Gammelgard. She traveled to Gammelgard and met with Falgrim, and some other adventurers. Falgrim wanted the group to go into the Northern Snowy Mountains to find a scouting expedition that had not returned. The party make the journey into the mountains, and eventually come across the almost abandoned camp. The party sees a single dwarf who was in a trance of sorts. Suddenly several Gloomwing moths descend on the camp, and Ona teleports the dwarf to safety, before the party takes out the rest of the moths. The surviving dwarf directed the party to the location of his friends, which was through a giant purple rift. The rift (Shadowfell Breach) led to the Shadowfell, where the party fought shadow creatures to save the remaining dwarves. While the clerics were healing the dwarves, the party spotted a Shadow Giant and many other creatures headed toward them. The party chose to flee and was able to save the dwarves, returning them to Gammelgard.

DOS III (11/22) [Something Wold Something New][edit | edit source]

November Downtime [Created Healing Potions][edit | edit source]

Ona spent 600 gp to create 6 greater healing potions.

White Dragons of the Mountains II/Tushello I (12/13) [White Dragon][edit | edit source]

December Downtime [Researching Amethyst Dragon][edit | edit source]

Ona was able to learn that the Amethyst dragon is the most powerful and is able to control gravity. Ona was invited to meet Smargarg, the dragon who runs the hatchery, and was able to ask several questions (herself and others) about the gem dragons.

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Ona: During a trip to the mountains, a group of us were labeled the Harbingers of the various gem dragons. I was wondering how much you know about the Amethyst dragon as I was labeled their Harbingers?

Smargarg: I'm not familiar with gem Harbingers, but a Harbinger typically heralds the oncoming arrival of something else. Perhaps you being deemed as an Amethyst Harbinger means that Sardior's Amethyst son will soon fly among us once more? Or perhaps they have already shown themselves. I suspect that Feredemius lives among us in disguise, as I feel his presence everywhere. The Amethyst, whoever they are, could be doing the same. Like the great dragons of Bahamut, Gem Greatwyrms have a tendency to grow tired of living like gods, instead opting for a peaceful and secluded life, where hunters dare not stalk them in meaningless attempts to conquer. I myself can only dream of the day I come into such power. Quelmar is not kind to dragons like me, and I hope to leave this war stricken world as soon as I have located Feredemius and confirmed his return.

Ona: Are there any tips and tricks to identifying dragons that are transformed into a human (or any) form?

Smargarg: Ask them if they can see your friend Durian here.

Feyjin: As for the Amethyst Dragon, 'He who walks among us', Would they have a preference on what form they would take? I know some that like to take the form of elves... Do gem dragons have a similar preference when wanting to wear a... Smaller skin?

Smargarg: I myself have taken the form of a Rakshasa before, merchants and other creatures who interact with large populations are key to reading and knowing so many thoughts and memories.

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MEGA-GAME (1/21) [THE MEGAGAME][edit | edit source]

January Downtime [Researching three missing artifacts][edit | edit source]

Ona was informed that the Sapphire Artifact is in the possession of the Sapphire Dragon Bleucorundum. She was able to find some ancient records that indicate that the Emerald Artifact is a hand held weapon.

The One That Waits V (2/13) [The Hundred Acre Woe][edit | edit source]

------ (2/28) [Return to the City with No Name][edit | edit source]

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