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The Quelmar Wiki
Revision as of 01:05, 17 October 2024 by Datsadness (talk | contribs)
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Languages gith undercommon common
Place of Birth plane of Limbo
Species githzerai
Gender male
Height 6ft01in
Weight 146lb

Character Sheet

(I don't use dndbeyond so I will try to keep this current)

Image Credit

"aiimagegenerator.art" bot for discord, curated by datsadness

Background Bullet Points

-planar traveler stranded in Quelmar, original party got wiped out by X [easiest answer would be githyanki or mind flayers but could be anything local]

-(cant plane shift on his own and all his 'zerths' got killed)

-presumably picked up by the outpost colonists while he was wandering around trying to figure out how to continue his mission

-belongs to obscure order of gith knights whose purpose is to destroy planar gates

-believe permanent gates are 'tools of chaos' that will eventually merge and destroy all the other universes if allowed to exist

-(borrowing this idea from Greyhawk where it makes somewhat more sense, also why I changed the race from relith to gith)

-otherwise somewhat mild and curious about Quelmar, but there's underlying 'sadvibes' because he thinks this world is doomed to fall to chaos

-(also borrowing from Elric and Morgaine novels)

Mission History

s83 patrolled northern farms, several unrelated threats seemed to be bothering farmers, made "friends" with reclusive wild magic sorcerer Derwin willing to construct combat golems to guard the farmers

s86 explored mysterious stones at behest of "Paul", traveled to nearby cliff with hollow, seven crudely carved headstones and cave, tried to read carvings and made out names from 'trophy hunter' adventuring party which disappeared 100 years ago, started digging by graves which woke up seven ghosts that immediately attacked, explored cave after fight which was guarded with magic wards and large spiders (all bypassed), found room with taxidermy table and sparse furniture/possessions, signet ring with 'cracked compass' crest, lab book with notes about capturing adventurers and draining their souls, then feeling bad about it and burying them outside, adventurers' magic gear was looted from secret closet

s88 investigated "hauntings" in eastern village Ymbtryman, fought canvas golems in sewer and found magic mirror converting paintings to evil constructs, deactivated/recovered mirror (found links to "Naz and Marion" former PCs)

s89 escorted magical researcher while scouting the southwest jungle in new airship, looking for "Well of Souls", found possible spot shrouded overhead by magic fog, jumped into the fog rather than doing recon, party got wiped by evil tree boss, saved by local harengons and told to try again later

s92 signed treaty with fiendish giant to recover helmet which blocked devils' plane travel to Quelmar, infiltrated frost giant fort in glacial rift area, looted magic coin to open vault while other PCs created distractions, escaped with helmet/freed winter wolves/giant plans/hag eye as well as random loot

s95 tracked down ranger possessing "Ring of Winter's Wrath" wanted by frost giants to expand territory, ranger wanted to avoid contact and tried running away, put him to sleep and took ring, then ambushed by giant hunting party with frost salamanders and ice mephits, white dragon endboss showed up before party could get away and took ring

s97 asked to find reasons for drought at border town of Darbin, attacked by water bandits outside town, researched three merchants making undue profits from situation, recruited weaponsmith who was least involved of the three, "water wizard" attacked party at his factory and company was controlled by last merchant, "Madam Alligator" was evil mastermind, fought her and guards at temple, killing her ended Control Weather ritual which restored normal rainfall

s102 outpost helped Xandrian scientists attacked by poachers, told to recover mysterious packages, traveled to science camp and fought bandits searching the wreckage, discovered two pet carriers with unkwown living creatures and learned poachers were holding some scientists hostage, went to poacher camp, fought main leader who abused strength/growth potions and his construct guardian, freed hostages, learned researchers were trying to recover poisonous snakes to use their venom in war

s104 village of Redwell had problems with crops (blight), weird remote chanting at night and farmers disappearing, party started searching fields and found dead farmers blasted with "otherworldly" energy and branded with tomato icons, checked tomato field and found no plants diseased, in fact very healthy, and signs of magic rituals and sacrifices, mayor verified dead farmers were previously missing, said "MacDonald" the tomato farmer had a grudge for losing first prize at fair, confronted MacDonald at his house and read his thoughts, he realized he's caught, thought about escaping to "Otamot" then dissolved into tomato paste (simulacrum), Iris the plasmoid ate the paste, almost got mind-controlled but resisted and instead felt mental pull to destroyed barn outside village, PCs fought farmer cultists, abominations, MacDonald and avatar of "Otamot the Tomato God" and harvested his tomato guts

s106 got letter from Derwin asking to help his farmer neighbors, went to homestead and found Derwin guarding houses with his constructs but three adult farmers missing, he said they'd be gone for "weeks" and captured by monsters the constructs couldn't damage, followed faint trail along valley, bypassed swamp and found ancient ruins by waterfall, got attacked by cultists, went into cave inside ruins, glowing mushrooms and pack of werewolves painted or scarred with undeciphered runes, rescued farmers and brought leader's scarred body back for research, also found old Tempest journal

s107 party asked to investigate death of 'celebrity' adventurer in village of Mossbank, met mayor who acted nervously and claimed no actual body was found, examined victim's house, found signs of battle with blood from "only one being", met deceased's mother who didn't like her ex-boyfriend but saw them together before disappearance (gave tavern receipt as proof), met head of watch who was also deceased's husband, read his mind while interrogating which reveals he was romancing his watch partner, said the last time he saw her alive was at arena, checked with butcher and found out victim had bought a live chicken before death, talked to arena manager who wanted us to audition as gladiators in return for info, just used charm person and found out victim and husband had argument at arena, checked tavern and found ex-boyfriend, he said victim hated her husband, was talking about divorce, husband also threatened boyfriend out of running in election for watch captain, went to husband's house and found evidence of victim knowing husband was having affair, heard commotion outside, found dying husband, tied-up mayor and owl flying away, cast spells to catch owl which started shapechanging, eventually turned back into adventurer who confessed to faking death, impersonating mayor and husband to throw us off trail etc., party decided to let wife escape and turn in evidence against husband

Current Magic Gear 

+1 amulet of the devout (attuned) looted from necromancer lab in s86 (tasha)

+1 warhammer bought from vendor before s88 (dmg)

mithral plate armor bought from vendor after s97 (dmg)

rope of climbing bought from vendor after s97 (dmg)

angel bone pendant (attuned) gifted by chrysaor after s107 (custom) (rare) While attuned the wearer gains advantage on saving throws against paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, and stunned conditions, and is able to speak and read Celestial.


starting array s15 d8 c9 i10 w12 c12 (rolled)

lv1 +2 str to 17, +1 con to 10

lv4 heavy armor master, +1 str to 18


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