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Bellix Braveheart
Bellix, College of Lore Bard
Languages Common, Elvish, Primordial, Infernal
Place of Birth The Wilds of Amusa
Species Human
Gender Female
Height 5'7"
Weight 175
Eye Color Violet-Blue Iridescent

Bellix Braveheart is Fey in human form, playful and fun in nature, yet cunning and sharp tongued when the moment calls for it. She is very much wiser than her years would belay but, she doesn’t let a little thing like wisdom get in the way of her fun and zest for life!

Physical Appearance[edit | edit source]

She has much the look of a typical human at first glance but her extended time in the feywilds has certainly left its mark. It would appear that she has a magical iridescence to her enchanting grey blue eyes and lovely curling flowing long locks of rich black hair that shines with the shifting oil slick rainbow quality of a raven’s feather. Also, her skin is smooth and very fair, akin to the Eladerin, but still, she is quite human. She has typical human features otherwise and stands at an average human woman’s height with her build being light but toned by all her acrobatics with her feywild friends.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Growing up in the Feywilds does strange things to a human, giving them more fey like natures than humans typically seem to have. Though she is bright and intelligent her time in the wilds has given her a bit more of a chaotic nature. She’d personally choose to believe that her chaos aligns with the side of good but, she also understands that the entire idea of alignment is really all about the morality of the perceiver so the jury maybe out on this one in the material plane for now. She enjoys wordplay, sarcasm, and shenanigans always quick with a ready smile.

The Ballad of Bellix[edit | edit source]

Darkness came on flaming paws

Gnashing teeth and foaming jaws

Terror in the chill of night

A family running, futile flight

Impossible, a choice to make

A babe is hidden for her sake

In tearful sorrow, last goodbye

Haunting howl, anguished cry

Her future grim as silence falls

A feyborn visitor hears her calls

Whisked away to feywild shores

A hellish hound in pursuit rancors

A giant’s fist will end the chase

Voracious hound turned into paste

New journey for the babe to start

Her name be Bellix of Braveheart

Raised in the wilds of the fae

Delights and trickery day by day

Mentored how to hone her craft

Sharing joy and quick to laugh

Happily thriving in strange new lands

A woman yet seeks to understand

What does “human” truly mean?

A truth, her heart’s desire to glean

New adventure now awaits

She leaves the feywild behind

Returning to her origin place

What answers will she find?

History ~ A Feywild Bard[edit | edit source]

Once upon a time a lost little girl found her way twisting and winding through wilds of fae.

Long ago a tiny, swaddled babe was found crying alone in the wood. The babe was hidden away nestled in a soft pile of leaves unattended and vulnerable to the creatures of the forest. Marniaellyn was an inquisitive sort of fae (still is by all rights) and hearing a small one’s cry so deep in the wood was very curious! She paused and decided to investigate and see if she could find the source of the sound.

As she is investigating, she comes across the sulfurous blackened tracks of a large hellhound and the tracks of what looks to be two adult sized humanoids. The tracks pass through the clearing and lead away. “Must be wood Elves…you don’t see much else that size this deep in the wood…” she mumbles to herself.

A sharp cry snaps her out of her musing and she returns to her search. As she searches on, she ponders to herself, “Those dogged hellish hounds never lose a target… I wonder if the caretakers of this little one were being tracked and hunted. If so, they must have made a very dark and powerful enemy. Odd that the babe would have been left alive, perhaps, it was only sent after the adults, or the adults were the primary target. If so, they could return at any time to destroy the little one.”

She picks up her pace and sees one set of adult humanoid tracks leading off in the direction of the noise and turning behind a bush. As she turns the corner behind the bush, she sees a pile of leaves shifting a head of her and hears the soft cooing of a child. She rushes ahead and carefully searches through the leaf pile finding a small human girl swaddled in a warm teal blanket.  

With no time to waste the Eladrin woman scooped up the child. Upon picking up the babe Marniaellyn hears a lone soul shaking howl off in the distance and her heart begins racing. She makes a few gestures while chanting a quick few words and her and the babe disappear and reappear a bit of a distance away. She then takes off in a full run moving fast and lithe with purpose. A howl echos from the clearing they left, it won’t be long before the hound catches them with its supernatural speed. She pushes on.

“Almost…there…” She pants. Just as she finishes her statement, she can hear the sound of thundering hellhound steps getting closer and closer behind her. No doubt it’s enjoying the chase.

She attempts to repeat the gestures and chanting she used in the clearing but finds herself too out of breath in her running to get a single word out. She can see a small stone circle a few yards ahead of her. She can also now feel the heat of the hellhound radiating behind her. It’s too close, will she make it?

With a last burst of her remaining energy, she takes a flying leap landing just within the circle and as the hound closes within centimeters of her, she disappears. The hell hound snarls in frustration and charges into the stone circle.

Marniaellyn curls around the babe as they tumble out of the portal.

“You O-K, Marni?” The sound of the booming ogrish voice echos down to her. Before she can react, he scoops her and the babe up gently in one of his huge giant hands. “Me help you!”

Just as Ro’gaesh lifts the pair up to get a better look at his friend Marni to see if she’s hurt, the hellhound comes snarling through the portal. The giant ogre balls up his fist and slams it on the hound before it can get it’s bearings smashing it into a smoldering gooey puddle. “BAD DOG!!! You leave my good friend Marni alone!” He adds a few stomps on the hell puddle just to emphasize his point.

And so began my upbringing in the feywilds by my new adoptive Eladrin mother. She kept me in the wilds for much of my upbringing. One thing she found odd about me was the fact that I knew how to speak fluent despite having never been taught that language by anyone in the feywilds. She often wondered if it had something to do with the hellhound that chased my parents and me. Anyway, time is much more… linear or well, fast perhaps here in the material plane. I can almost feel myself aging sometimes. I suppose I may have a few hundred “years” more experience than I might look like I have. It’s a convoluted thing to sort out so I don’t really bother.

After a while it became painfully evident that I was truly lacking any understanding of how humans…er… my species actually is, or what they’re like. Marni was always honest with me about what she knew of my heritage, which was pretty much the story I just told you. She could tell me about humanity from her Eladrin perspective but was quick to tell me that it’s an ‘outside looking in’ perspective and that the only way I would truly know would be to go and experience them for myself.

So, I decided that perhaps it was time for me to meet my people. I plan to keep an account of my interactions with them and others on the Material Plane but if I’m honest I don’t intend to stay too long. Marni warned me that things move faster here, and I might find my life a bit more short lived if I linger in the material plane too long or too often as the feywild magic will not be able to slow my aging outside of its borders. I think if she’d have had it her way, I never would have ventured away from the feywilds. She understood, however, that I have the same curious nature she does, and “stories” just don’t satisfy my desire to know!

So, my quest is to collect as many stories and meet as many peoples as I can in the short time I plan to stay here. I was thinking of translating my experiences into a book that I can give to the Eladrin encase they should find other lost ones who grow up in the wilds away from human influences.

More than that I am on a journey to find, well, myself? Or well, my family at any rate, or rather most likely, any trace of who they might have been. I really have no idea how time has passed in the feywilds so they could have lived hundreds or even thousands of years ago. I was told that Marni found me in Amusa in the wilds not far from an old fey crossing. It hasn’t seemed to be working for as long as I can remember. Marni wondered if the Hell hound’s crossing somehow disrupted the circle on either end or caused it to stop working. I will be investigating that's well. I was told by Marni to keep an eye out for the warden. They may be an ally in a time of need but are not exactly the most social of types.

I was shown to the city of Galik and Marni introduced me to the company of the Tempest Brothers who were leaving on expedition to the wilds shortly within my arrival. I the first Airships were full, but I was to follow with the others after base camp was set to reinforce the group.

Languages[edit | edit source]

Primordial, infernal, Elven, Common

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Bellix has always felt at home on any stage, be it sharing the beauty of her lute and song or sharing the spoken word with those that sought to listen. She is a teller of tales and a clever one at that. She is fey at heart which informs everything she does.

A Bard’s Life ~ Tales of Valor & Victory[edit | edit source]

Arrival at the Amusan Frontier

I had met so many wonderful peoples in Galik and I could have spent my entire trip there just talking to the people, learning from them, hearing their tales! Oh, what a chaotic melting pot that giant city was! However, I do have another part of my quest at hand that requires me to keep moving on out beyond this glittering metropolis. So, I now find myself upon an airship and finally a small but still sizeable tent city has begun to emerge from the wilds of Amusa. I watch the camp grow larger and larger as we near. The closer we get the more I burn with anticipation. Will there be anything of my own family, my own people left to find? I don’t even know how long I’ve been gone, or how “old” I really am. I will certainly say this age strangeness seems to be unique to my experience, as far as I’ve found at any rate.

Upon landing I am shepherded off to check in and then hurried off to go find an available tent location in the tent city so I can settle in before getting a lay of the land. This trip is working out swimmingly as I have found that things cost money and I apparently didn’t think to bring much with me and luckily, I’m getting paid to do what it is I planned to do anyway. I do hear there are something like “missions” or “quests” that this group may require me to go on from time to time but I think I can certainly find a way to kill multiple birds with one stone. Who knows, maybe one of these quests will lead me to find the answers I already seek. Time will tell, but it’s time to go off exploring and meeting my fellow tent city dwellers. I am excited to explore this wild place!

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