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The Quelmar Wiki

The Sheath was the name of a vigilante group who joined forces in 11 PR to put a stop to the group known as The Oathwielders. The Sheath all had different reasons for fighting the OathWielders, but besides their own personal vendettas, they were dedicated to getting vengeance for the death of all the elves in an incident that happened the last year known as Drake's Deal.

Members[edit | edit source]

The Rattzias[edit | edit source]

Reason for Vengeance: Nearly killed one of them and stole an artifact they were hunting.

Asar Partui[edit | edit source]

Reason for Vengeance: Robbed him of thousands of gold pieces and saboaged his trade of "exotic servants" aka feywild slaves.

Ramon Olorona[edit | edit source]

Reason for Vengeance: The OathWielders accepted his patronage, took his money and goods, and then broke his rule that they couldn't court other patrons under his nose.

Isaac Elhorn[edit | edit source]

Reason for Vengeance: The OathWielders make a fool of him by casting a charm on him that made him think he was a goat, making him eat parts of his own book collection.

Wieva WaphMalrek[edit | edit source]

The Walphmalrek Dragonborn was a liver who believed it was Eve's fault he was cursed to never die. He formed the group to build his own personal army of vendettas to take down Eve's "bodyguards"

Reason for Vengeance: Eve.

The Battle Against the OathWielders[edit | edit source]

In early 11 PR, the Sheath chased the targets of their vengeance across The AmuPter Front, eventually catching up to them after they had faced trial after trial in combat against the Dolina Region. Despite already being short staffed (the team had several casualties on the front in the form of their lookout Qra and their friend Blit), the OathWielders put up an admirable battle.

Though it first appeared to be a battle to the death, with Asar Partui being the first casualty as the centaur Roha and her mother were more than happy to put an end to their rivalry. Before long, Julian was unconscious and the Sheath's own Dragonborn Wieva was thrown overboard to die. But as it soon appeared the Sheath would take the life of the satyr Orris, the former Oath captain Drake brokered a deal mid battle. He told the Sheath that if he returned to Nawfar he could be turned in for a sizeable bounty. Exchanging Orris' life for his own, Drake handed himself over to the surviving Sheath members Elhorn, Olorona, and the Rattzias.

Together, the avengers took Drake in manacles and left the others with a nearly sunk ship, hopeful that they would die on the front with no where to go now. They were in fact correct that the ship was now useless, and the team was almost treading water when they were rescued by none other than Drake's own wife Morella Prakseesin, who missed seeing her husband again by only hours.

After the Battle[edit | edit source]

The Rattzias shared the bounty with the Jewelspar nobles, and were not seen again, presumably marking the end of The Sheath's alliance. However, one avenger was still not settled, the immortal Liver Wieva would soon wake up alive again on the beaches of the Dolina Peninsula, and he would soon make his way north to Galik where he try to take his final vengeance on Eve during an epic conflict known as The Griffon's Last Stand.

Behind the Screen[edit | edit source]

  • Originally the team was named The OathSilencers internally before their appearance.
  • Another member of the team that wound up not joining was Chief Krusgir
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