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Cheshire's Assault on Seglock

Cheshire's Assault on Seglock took place in Dalsk 825 PR as Horatio stole precious and rare resources from the University archives, including all of his own grad-school work which had been confiscated and banned, thanks to its research on forbidden magics.


Horatio Cheshire was a wild-minded alchemist and experimenter who had been operating in secret in northern Isonhound after securing the patronage of a mysterious benefactor (who was himself working for an even more mysterious benefactor). After Horatio Cheshire was captured and imprisoned at Gammelgard,

Meanwhile, the central city of Seglock had just finished preparing a Gala of Protection, a festival celebrating the heroes of the Greedy Green who had made a decision to headquarter themselves in the city, and as a result keep the city protected from any outside draconic forces thanks to their usage of the Crystal Moonwell of Eros.

The festival was meant to be a thank-you to the heroes, but would also draw the ire and attention of Cheshire, who used the city's distraction as a way to penetrate the usually well-guarded city walls and infiltrate with a three-front direct attack on the city.

The Festival

*Welcome to the Gala of Protection! This is the least our city can do to thank the heroes of Isonhound who have flocked to Seglock and protected not just the refugees who have fled here, but ALL of the Seglock population from the ever growing threat of Dragons on the outside. Please join some of our locals, nobles, students, and service members here in the streets. We've set up a number of stalls, booths, tables, and drinks for all to celebrate and enjoy this night.*

Drinks Offered

  • - Rum Cider, 5 CP
  • - Vulcan Fury Red Wine, 5 CP
  • - Brandy 8 CP
  • - Honey Mead 4 CP
  • - Dragon's Blood (Potion of Speak with Animals) 100 GP
  • - Imported Saki 30 GP
  • - Utter Moron 1 CP and `/roll 1d12` to avoid instantly passing out on a 1.
  • Potion of Greater Healing 150 GP
  • Potion of Fire Breath 240 GP

Other Activities

  • **Dunking booth**. Use `/roll 1d8` and see if you score an 8! Free to play up to 3 times.
  • **Cooking Contest**. Entry fee 10 GP, Describe the meal you make. Use `/roll 1d20`+Wisdom Modifier to create a taste value for your meal. The best tasting meals win prizes after all 3 Seglock games have been played.
  • **Arm Wrestling** Requires two participants. Wager money against another player and use `/roll 1d20`+Athletics to see who gets to take it all.
  • **Raffle Tickets** Costs 50 GP., Use `/roll 1d100` and get 5000 GP on a 100. Can only be entered once.
  • **Roll higher than Stan**, Try your luck against Stan the Money Man. Tag Stan and then see if you roll higher than him. DM Dave decides if you get a reward, a punishment, or nothing at all. *Roll at your own risk.*

The Attack

After getting forces into the city, Horatio directed them towards Seglock University, splitting the forces up across the Three Gates of Seglock U

Left Gate

* Inside the gates of Seglock Univeristy, this group was the closest to the building that Cheshire/Dracohydra was infiltrating so they got a good show of it, and had to dodge a prismatic breath spray first thing, which already put the team in terrible shape (two went down).

* Now with the team in bad shape, Kyle helped the Dragonflesh Abomination make his debut, crashing out of a nearby building damaged by the siege. It began a chase of the players through the city as they tried to avoid its acid spit and the various obstacles of a city under peril.

* After 5 rounds (~2 hours) they finally escaped him, and in the long, dramatic, and daunting chase, also managed to get him down a bit of health (though he has regeneration so it wasn't as much as they'd have liked)

* Once they caught their breath and could effectively heal from the Tiamat attack and damages incurred in the chase, they witnessed the Cheshire Goblins also heading towards a Firearm warehouse.

* When given the choice to chase the goblins to the warehouse or to head back all healed up to kill the Kaiju, they votied 4-3 in favor of finishing off the Abomination

* They found him in the middle of a battle with city forces, and used their surprise round to knock him down a notch. After 2 rounds of actual battle, they managed to finish him off, with one player taking the acid glands.

* Much discussion over the Moonwell, was it working? Was that Tiamat? Is this abomination considered a dragon? Who knows!

Center Gate

The center gate fought a group of Cheshire Goblins, who had the upper hand and immediately put down Dave before going in for the kill.

Professor Nguyen (N'win) appeared from a building and tested a hypothesis, mysteriously killing Cheshires with one hit. Nguyen also showed the team his bodyguard, an Autom, a machine from Sneerwell that follows the instructions of a Bluestone holder

Seeing that it worked, Nguyen guided the team to his office/lab across campus where he could provide them with more of this mysterious substance, revealed to be Drakkoth Blood

The team ran into some more battles (Glaive Guardians/Master of Chains/Orcs/Goblins) on their way to the back wall, discovering that the blood works on the glaive ones too (Master of Chains TBA)

Arriving at the entry point explosion in the back wall, they called thorns, spikes, and all druidic-esque effects to plug the hole, then Grandmush called Lightning to collapse it all into a big blockade, stopping more from coming in.

Right Gate



Somehow the locals thought that it was a good idea to have a festival. Had they not heard of what happened last time there was a festival? Dragons attacked the town. Well, this time all hell broke loose. Trina was sipping her free drink when explosions shook the town. Grandmush, the sorcerer and a few others run towards the source of trouble. The university was on fire, which made her assume that it could not have been anything worse than a failed experiment. The heroes had set up the moonwell here, so they were safe. But no, Tiamat(?) themselves broke out from within a building wrecking additional havoc to everything. Trina would have loved to get her hands into his evil essence… if she did not die first. Those Cheshire goblins were everywhere, threatening everyone’s lives. They were as tough as she remembered them and unfortunately Buho was not there to rain poop on them. However, a mad university professor had been making a drakkoth blood poison that could kill those bastards. It was a long and tiring fight against the attacking horde. Trina had never had to use all of her resources before, nor had she felt so tired and battered.

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