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Vadath Stormterror
Relatives None alive
Languages Common and Giant
Affiliations Mercenary
Aliases Stormterror
Marital Status Single
Place of Birth Unknown
Species Goliath
Gender Male
Height 8ft
Weight 350lbs
Eye Color Gray

Vadath is a Goliath barbarian mercenary

Physical Appearance

At 30 years old, Vadath strikes and imposing figure at 8ft tall, and 350bs of muscle. His skin has a blueish gray hue to it, and he has battle scars all across his body. He has a tattoo of a shield embedded with a dragons head on his left forearm, in memory of his fallen mother and her faith in Bahamut. As well as a mysterious blood red mark on the side of his neck in the shape of two diamonds ontop of one another with an arrow through the middle of them. Vadaths eyes are a lifeless steely gray and his hands rough and greatly calloused from many hours of swinging his greatsword. After the fight with the Green Stag a magical mark appeared on his right arm. This mark presents as a green colored tattoo of a dragon curled up on his shoulder.


Vadath takes great pride in his strength and battle prowess. Vadath does not typically run from a fight even if the odds seem stacked against him. Do to his mercenary training and a lifeitme of battle he has some mind for unit tactics and setting up a favorable battlefield. He can come off as a bit uncouth or uncivilized at times, and he usually is a man of few words. Off the battlefield he is quiet and composed but once battle has started his demeanor changes to animalistic like furry. He is loyal to those he fights besides and honors the friendships that he has forged in battle. He often forgets his friends names do to his many close calls with death and a few to many blows to his head. He also has a bad habit of getting involved in brawls with other patrons at local taverns and a few of those places won't even let him in anymore. He does however have a sense of humor even if it is a little on the darker side.


After the slaughter of her village Vadath's mother gave birth to him on the side of the road with her dying breaths. Her last breath became Vadaths first. Effectively being born from a corpse Vadath will seemingly forever have one foot in his grave. The slaughter of his mother's village fell on a moonless night and was a ritual killing for the God Nerull. Those that committed the ritual slaughter took their own lives as well, offering their own souls to their god. A passing mercenary company, known as The Band of the Hawk, found the new born. Then a cleric by the name of Sella took pitty on him and adopted him as her own. Sella herself was a cleric of Bahamut that travelled within the company. Vadath then was trained by Captain Ellric, of the Hawks Raider corp. Since then all he knew was battle. He viewed Sella and Ellric as his parents. He began to fight for the company at the age of 7. He has been fighting loyally ever since. Around the age of 16, durning a particular bloody battle, The Band of the Hawk was almost decimated. His pseudo-parents, Sella and Ellric, we’re killed by the enemies leader. He himself was believed to be dead. His body was found amongst a pile of corpses. He later awoke and searched the battlefield. While searching he found his parent's bodies. To honor them Vadath buried them together. He took the shattered remains of his fathers greatsword, a once magnificent blade now nothing more than a charred hilt. In the hopes of surpassing his fathers strength and prestige he vowed to avenge them by claiming the life of the being that took the lives of his adoptive parents.

Due to the decimation, the Band of the Hawk disbanded. Then Vadath set out on his own wandering alone for a few years. He took any job he could find and participated in any fighting tournament he could enter. One such job he took was to help lay siege to a castle and over throw Lord Calhoon. He felt the need to make a name for himself since he was only seventeen years old. He took this job to prove himself among his fellow mercenaries. Lord Calhoon's forces had a particularly formidable warrior on their side, a massive Bugbear. This hulking warrior was clad in what seemingly impenetrable armor. Vadath took it upon himself to challenge this warrior to single combat. The Bugbear accepted the challenge with a grin believing it would easily finish him off. When Vadath drew his sword the crowd was astonished to see he could even hold the massive blade. Some hoped for his failure and others waited to see Vadath use it with precision and dexterity. Then in a surprising show of his strength and speed he proved to his foe a formidable opponent. This young underdog ultimately came out on top though not unscathed. The Bugbear, scoring a well placed strike that almost took Vadaths head from its shoulders, left a massive scar on the left side of Vadaths face. Vadath again almost succumbing to his wounds from the battle woke up a few days later. With thier champion bested Lord Calhoon's forces turned tail. They lacked the leadership to withstand such a loss such as that of the Bugbear. Lord Calhoon himself was taken prisoner and swore vengeance on the "Goliath menace" that slew his champion.

At the age of 19 Vadath had been struggling to find mercenary work. He continued to take odd jobs as a hired hand. One in particular was that of escorting a Drow prisoner to the gallows. The Drow was caught in an assassination attempt on a church official. During the travel of the guarded caravan Vadath was assigned as the jailer. If the prisoner decided to make an escape Vadath was the one that would carry out the execution ahead of schedule. While traveling Vadath learned the Drows name was Dinin Del'Armgo and that Dinin was excommunicated from Menzoberranzan. Dinin claimed he was sowing choas in the name of his goddess Lolth in an attempt to curry some favor in hopes of returning to his city. As they traveled Vadath exchanged war stories with the elf and as time passed Vadath would learn that Dinin was a very accomplished warrior in his own right. Vadaths fighting style favored his greatsword where he used his strength and size to overpower his fowes. Where as Dinin favored the sword and dirk which instead of overpowering his foes he out maneuvered them and would strike at the vital points. Dinin claimed he was one of the droe warrior elite though Vadath couldn't imagine that as he was a bit on the scrawny side. When they had arrived at the gallows it was time to move Dinin from his caged carrage to the hangman noose. As the door opened Dinin burst fourth having slipped his chains. In just a few lightning quick movements Dinin had gotten his hands on two of the other guards swords and subsequently slit thier throats. Dinin Del'Armgo stood in the middle of the courtyard and squared off against Vadath. A battle ensued one that showed Vadath how much he still had to learn. With each swing of Vadaths large sword Dinin nimbly dodged it and landed swift counter blows of his own driving Vadath back. Archers began to appear on the walls surrounding the courtyard as Vadath seemingly in vain tried to keep Dinin with its walls. The archers let loose several volleys of arrows Dinin managed to dodge a few but some still hit thier mark. Dinin eventually fell to his knees and Vadath severed his head. Covered in wounds himself Vadath learned a valuable lesson that dexterity and finesse can be just as deadly as brute strength.

Now at the age of 22 Vadath this time would take the lead for a siege on a wizards tower. This wizard, whose name was long forgotten to the annals of history, was deep in the study of necromancy and was raising an army of the dead. Vadath lead the siege to the tower with a unit of twenty soldiers. The siege lasted far longer than anyone expected. Vadath and two others decided it was time to take the fight to the wizard. When they entered the tower's courtyard they were immediately swarmed by a multitude of the undead. Vadath and his companions hacked their way through the horde till nothing but shattered bones remained. The three warriors went further still into the tower. Upon entering they were greeted with an eerie stillness. A jet black double door stood before them. Before they could reach the door it burst open and the monster that burst from it charged them. The skeletal Minotaur gored through one of Vadaths companions and splattered them on the tower wall. Vadath and his remaining companion fought the Minotaur for what felt like an eternity. It seemed as though the monster would never tire. Eventually the beast fell to their blows and both warriors were battered and drained. Even still the duo continued their trek towards the wizard. What awaited them at the top of the tower they could not have been prepared for. Upon entering the chamber there were corpses all over, torn about and most were mutilated beyond recognition. The wizard was suspended in a few feet in the air chanting some twisted spell. The wizard's bones began to twist and contort as necrotic energy filled the room. The mounds of flesh in the room began to take shape and stumbled their way to Vadath and his companion. The two fought the fleshy horde till the were both covered in viscera. Unbeknownst to Vadath his companion was mortally wounded. Vadath then charged the suspended wizard and with one swift swing split him in two. A ghostly laugh filled the room as black tendrils escaped the wizards body and made their way to Vadaths now dead companion. Vadath stood in horror as the man he once fought beside was now possessed by the evil necromancer. In his new body the necromancer began swinging axes that previously body use to slay the undead, and charged Vadath with a feral like ferocity. The reanimated necromancer fought Vadath, like a rabid animal, driving him back and gained some ground on the Goliath. Vadath knowing there was no way to save his companion flew into a rage and engaged the possessed corpse of his battle companion. Knowing that if he lost the necromancer would claim his body as well. Vadath fought with a reckless abandon. The necromancer suprisingly fought with more skill than Vadath expected. Eventually Vadath saw an opening and took it. The body he was fighting was a corpse after all and could not properly withstand the blows of Vadaths heavy sword. Blow after viscous blow was exchanged till only Vadath was left standing. Vadath exited the tower carrying the corpses of the men that entered with him. Upon exiting he had found that dark magic had corrupted those outside and that they had turned on one another slaughtering each other. Vadath burned the tower and the surrounding area to the ashes.

When Vadath was 24 he found himself in the middle of yet another lord's skirmish. During this time he met Talia a Fallen Aasamir and a fellow mercenary. Vadath and Talia joined a company during some freelancing. Luckily they were assigned to the same unit for combat. Talia supplied support with her magic, from a disntance. As Vadath was known to lead the charge in any battle, sword held high. The two worked well together. From this battle on they grew into a cohesive unit. One particularly rough battle had Vadath and Talia outnumbered. With a cliff at their backs the pair fought off as many as they could. Unfortunately in the end they were pushed off the cliff. Landing in the river below Vadath and Talia fell unconscious. They awoke a few hours after thier fall battered and bruised. Upon doing so they discovered the side they were fighting for had lost and everyone taken prisoner. The pair decided to head off on their own. Unknown to Vadath, Talia had a plan of her own. She is a servant of Nerull and knows about Vadaths origins.

A few years later when Tallia and Vadath, now at the age of 26, were traveling together the pair took on a another difficult job. This time it was to hunt down,what the local populace called, "The Storm Bird". The bird was beleived to be causing massive storms in the area. These storms made the mountain pass unaccesable. The pair headed up the mountain toward its peak and made camp. After a few days of investigation from their lofty vantage point they discovered that "The Storm Bird" was in fact a massive Roc that once belonged to a Storm Giant. The pair fought valiantly against the Roc for what seemed like an eternity. The bird would evetually fall and almost take Vadath with it. Once again Vadath was at deaths door and again he awoke a few days later. When Vadath woke he realised Talia was nowhere in sight. Talia had left a note for him, as he read it he felt a stinging pain on the right side of his neck. Lifting his hand to the wound, he felt a mark carved into his flesh. The wound itself took the shape of two diamonds stacked ontop of one another with an arrow piercing through the middle. The note was short and to the point : "You have been branded and when the time is right I will find you and take what is owed." Vadath, scarred and confused, decended the mountain earning the nickname "Stormterrror" due to his victory over the Roc.

It was after this mark was carved into his flesh that is when Vadath began to experience new abilities. He noticed his sword would turn black when he raged and it seemed to slice through flesh like never before. He began to enioy battle far more after being scarred. He does not know that Nerull is aiming to claim his soul, nor is he aware that his mother's god, Bahamut, is helping to keep him alive. Bahamut hopes he will be able to avenge his mother, Sella, and find peace. Though he does not curse the gods Vadath does not have a particular fondness towards them because to him it seems even his mother devout faith couldnt save her from the enemies blade.

Summary and Goals.

Though Vadath is unaware of the true source of his necrotic abilities he himself has been surrounded by death his entire life. Because of all the death surrounding his circumstances he has become an unknowing agent of Nerull. He has had many close calls with loosing his own life but so far has been able to persevere. He is not afraid of death itself and has no fear of dying in battle. As a mercenary he takes all kinds of jobs from a bodyguard, jailer, caravan guard, to even a dragon hunter should it be needed. All he cares for is to surpass his father's strength, restore his father's prized sword, and to take revenge on the one that took his adoptive parents lives. He will carve his name into the history books with every slash of his trusted greatsword.

The Band of the Iron Hawk.

Vadath had plans to surpass his Father on strength and battle prowess but he needed more than just himself. Vadath and the Paladin Percy spoke of battles they had fought and formed a fast friendship. As Vadath spoke he realized somthing he needed to suprass his Father and that was a mercenary company of his own. Percy agreed to startng one with Vadath and thus The Band of the Iron Hawk was born. The name giving tribute to Elric and his Band of the Hawk as well as Briggs and his Iron Brace. The two friends will attempt to recruit those wishing to find comradary and battle. Though they are few now Dur'kalak agreed to join them in this endevour. Anyone wishing to join is welcome and must agree to the tenents of the company. The tenents of the company are simple :

Protect and Support those in the company and the peoples of Isonhound

Give all your effort to every job you take on

Purge Evil from the realm

Build Honor and esteem for the Band of Iron Hawks with the citizens of Isonhound.

And with those tennats and those three warriors late at night on June 1st The Band of the Iron Hawk was born.

Current members

Vadath as it's Captain, Percy Giffard as its 1st Lieutenant, Dur'kalak as the Chief of its Raider Corp, Arlin as the head of the support division, Nockdus as its Infiltration Specialist, Ensign as its Chief Medical Officer with Delphi as his Lieutenant, Dancer of the Boreal Valley as its Lone Ranger, Buho as its Iron Choclatier.

Adventures in Isonhound.

March 24th Whisty Session

Shortly after arriving in Isonhound Vadath found himself in the town of Seglock. While at the local inn he heard the bar keep, a Saytr by the name of Rory, needed some help finding his daughter. Vadath and a few other adventures took on the job. Upon talking to Rory the found out his daughter was a Dryad by the name of Whisty. Rory told them all that Whisty had gone north to help with a settlement and that he hadnt heard from her recently and what he had heard from locals coming from that area was comcerning. Supposedly the northern settlements were being attacked by dragons and Rory feared for Whistys life. The adventurers took the job and ventured north. Upon arriving at the settlement where Whisty was the group saw Whisty and a few villagers try to fight off two Lindworms. The group of adventurers burst into action a few focused of engaging the Lindworms where as Vadath attempted to rescue Whisty. The Lindworms wreaked havoc on the battlefield killing the two villagers almost instantly. Whisty fought bravely and began to retreat in an attempt to reach Vadath. Sadly just before she could reach him Whisty succumbed to her wounds and fell. Vadath and the other fought the Lindworms in a violent struggle. Even Vadath himself falling in battle and he was prepared to take his last breath when the dwarf Tordek reached Vadath and saved his life with magic. Vadath stood up, flew into a rage and tossed a javelin at the only remaining Lindworm piercing through its head and killing it. In the end Whisty could not be saved. As he body was huddled over by the group a curious sapling sprouted from her body. Dancer of the Boreal Valley toom it upon herself to cut the sapling from the dead body. Vadath would carry Whistys body all the back to her father Rory. Later upon trying to purchase some wares from a traveling ceramics dealer Vadath and Dancer would find out that a bounty was on their heads for kidnapping.

April 12th Mutated Goblins

A few days later Vadath caught wind of another job to the north in the dwarven town of Gammelgard, the home of the Order of the Watchful Eye. Vadath and the others that took the job were greated by Falgrim Norest. Falgrim told them that their job was to try to find an entrance to a lost ancient dwarven city as well to investigate any mutated goblins we come across. He also wanted the group to bring him any of the mutated goblins we come across. They set off shortly after their conversation with Falgrim. The group traveled till late in the evening and decided to set up camp for the night. As night fell a thick ominous mist filled the forest. During the watches that night Dancer of the Borreal Valley sensed that a dragon was near by. Though she remained on high alert the dragon did not engage the group. The following morning dragon tracks were discovered confirming Dancers suspicions. Vadath and the group eventually encountered some Orcs and goblins arguing. Though no one understood what they were saying beacuse no one in the company spoke goblin. The goblins appeared to be mutated so Vadath came up with a battle plan. The plan was to spark a fight amongst the two groups. Dancer took a snipers position inna tree and fired and arrow in hopes of accomplishing this goal. The plan worked somewhat and the goblins engaged the orcs the adventuring party. The orcs were wiped out by the goblins and the goblins were destroyed by Vadath and his companions. Upon inspecting the corpes of the goblins the group dicovered they were mutated. Thier heads seemed much larger than they should be. The goblins were also clad in armor that apeared to pieces of metal with elvish designs on it. Just north of the battlefield a cave entrance was found. The group entered the cave and discovered a giant ancient dwarven statue and behind it a stone archway that appeared to be blocked by a giant stone. Just in front of the archway were more pieces of the same metal the goblins wore as armor as well was remains of more goblin corpses and pices of insectoid carapces from a creature known as Kruthiks. Vadath inspected the stone in the archway by hitting it a fee times and was going to swing his sword at it until Tordek stopped him. When Tordek melded with the stone he was sucked in unexpectedly. A few moments later he reimerged and told the group that the stone was an earth elemental that was charged with keeping the passageway sealed. Upon returning to Falgrim he told the group the dragon tracks could be from the Green dragon known as Longfang and the mutated goblins served the dragon. Though Falgrim doesn't believe that Longfang is the one mutating the goblins.

April 20th Green Stag II

Vadaths next job would be join in the hunt for the Green Stag. Vadath joined up with adventures that were hot on the dragons tail. The group explored the secret basement of a very influential family and discovered an empty chamber that gave way to another room with several ragged and weakened slaves. Ulka the bugbear recognized one of the slaves from her past. The golbin disclosed that they were all imprisoned by the dragon to work the forges. The Green Stag was very adept at manipulation and hiding. So far it has used several wizards and spell casters to keep himself and his hoard invisible. From the rescued slaves they were told the hoard was in the room just before the forge. Upon inspecting the room all that remained of the hoard was a few coins, potions, and a magical unbreakable arrow. The group took to tracking the Green Stag north to the snowy mountains. While traveling the whole party grew close to Jo a curious changeling. Vadath himself grew close to Jo when he presented as Jo'Krum a half-orc fighter. Though Vadath doesn't typically drink Jo'krum knew Vadath couldn't turn down a challenge and would eventually break Vadath down the interesting events would ensue. There was an incident Vadath hazily remembers an incident with Jo'kum involving a stuffed basilisk, a unicorn horn, a few barrels of ale, and three female mages. Though what really happened well no one can really say or fully remember. Eventually the party caught up the Green Stag near the summit of a mountain. As the party rested and made camp before the coming battle they were approached by a dragonborn paladin by the name of Sro. Sro approached the party looking for Dancer of the Borreal Valley as well as the rest of those associated with the matter pertaining to the Dryad Whisty. Sro showed the group a wanted poster and Vadath and Dancer were amongst them. Vadath knew he had to talk to Dancer and Rory to sort this out when the time was right. Sro encouraged the group and Vadath questioned what he was doing all the way up here. It was at that moment Sro revealed his true form a giant Adult Silver Wyrm. Sro spoke draconic into the cave where the Green Stag was making a new home telling the dragon that his reckoning has come. The party entered the cave to see a lone mage weaving a spell. Vadath charged the mage hitting her with a javelin trying to break her concentration. Jo and the other joined in in breaking her speel and revealing the Green Stag hiding up on a ledge of the cave using the mages invisibility spell. Insults were thrown at the dragon and it flew down and engaged the group. Vadath, Jo, and Ulka charged the dragon. With a wicked grin the dragon opened its mouth and let's loose a blast of its poison breath. Killing Jo instantly and knocking Vadath and Ulka unconscious. The warlock Stan began firing spells at the dragon as Ferris came to the aid of Ulka and Vadath. Delphi and Stan kept the preasue on the dragon forcing to stay on the move. Ulka made multiple attempts to pin the dragon down. Vadath will never admit it but succumbed to the murderous presence that was the Green Stag. Ulka would fall in battle, Stan would fire magic often and with to great effect, and Delphi and Ferris supported thier efforts. Vadath saw this and pushed through his fear. He climbed the highest pillar he could with a plan of plunging his sword into the dragon below. Before he could do this magic swirled around Stan as he fired bolt after bolt of magic at the dragon. The Dragon exploded into a bright green light knocking out everyone but Delphi and Vadath. The magic of the Green Stag and a mark apeared on everyone in the room. Delphi and Vadath removed the Dragons head in hopes of collecting the reward from the witch Yggwilv. The reward was three uses of the wish spell all that needed to be done was spend three nights at her hit with her.

As Vadath and Delphi traveled to Yggwilvs hut Vadath would reflect on his past battles and how little help he has truly been. He set his pride aside and confided to Delphi how his strength and battle prowess pales in comparison to his father's and how worthless he has felt in his battles. Delphi and Vadath discussed what they would wish for and they evetually came to an agreement. They would use one wish for thier own goals and use one to revive Ulka. While the pair traveled together Vadath caught word Dancer was on the move back to Seglock and new he had to meet up with her because of the bounty. Delphi promised to make make Vadaths wish on his behalf and the two parted ways. Delphi would go on to make the wish for Vadath though what she had to endure in the witches hut he cannot possibly imagine. As a show of his gratitude and loyalty Vadath has sworn to lend his sword to Delphi should she ever need it.

May 10th Drakoths

Shortly after Vadath parted was with Delphi he met up with Dancer of the Borreal Valley and several others outside the city of Seglock. Upon entering the city the Satyr Rory was talking to a living conglomerate of mushrooms known as Grandmuush. Rory spotted both Vadath and Dancer of the Borreal Valley and asked Grandmuush if any one of the group had his daughter. Grandmuush sensed that Whisty was with them. Dancer handed the Whisty sapling to Vadatg and proceeded to scamper off. Vadath and Rory exchanged a fee words and eventually little Whisty and her staff were given to Grandmuush for safe keeping. Amongst the group was a peculiar man by the name of Nekros yet Vadath felt a strange draw towards the man. The group ventured into Seglocks library Vadatg ran into a friend that saved his life when he fought the Green Stag. Ferris was huddled up holding an elderly woman's hand giving her comfort ,presumably for some pastries, Ferris introduced Vadath to her. Madame Webe told them that a village not far from Seglock was a village under attack from Dracoths. The rest of the group deterred deeper into the library while Vadath and Nekros waites outside. Nekros made a passing remark about wanting some snacks so him and Vadath wandered around the outskirts of the library. Sadly no snacks were found even though Vadath wasn't sure what they were looking for at the time. Eventually the rest of the group came out with a strange priest in tow and they all spoke to the towns guard captain who told them where to go. As they approached the village they saw it was on fire and still under attack. One of the group told them that the Drakoths were talking and mentioned somthing about only having a few days. Not wasting much time they set a plan into action and engaged the Drakoths in battle. While the group engaged the Drakoths the priest was supposed to stay behind but he decided to enter the fray himself. The priest turned into a large "whitish" dragon, grabbed one of the Drakoth and flew into the sky. The party could tell they were arguing in Draconic but nothing could be understood. The battle raged below as the priest/dragon let go of it prey and the Drakoth fell to the ground dead. Just before the last Drakoth fell it spoke of "the one who waits will come for you." The group managed to successfully defeat the Drakoth as well as save the remaining villagers. After killing the remaining Drakoths and returning to Seglock the group conversed with the Madame Webe yet again and asked her some questions. Madame Webe ,a lunalwn priest, told them the Echamus ,the name of the strange priest, was a name of legends. He is supposedly "the moon child" or also known as The son of the moon dragon Eros. They also also question about "The one who waits" she told them that he is thier peoples boogeyman and nothing more than a creature of darkness ment to scare little kids. When asked where this creature dwells the group was told.The tales claim that it lurks in the dark places, preying on those that stray from the blessed light of the moon. But one day it will no longer be satisfied with just that, and will come into the light, setting in motion a series of events that aren't good. All Madame Webe could tell them about The Moon Dragon Eros was that he is in charge of guarding what we would call "The Feywilds" and that Eros and "The One Who Waits" do not have any corralation to each other.

May 17th More Mutated Goblins

Vadath once again found himself employed by the Order of the Watchful Eye of Gammelgard. This time he met up with his companions and they met up with a cheerful scribe by the name of Tibby. Tibby told the group about how recently wagons full if supplies leaving the city have been ransacked and have gone missing. The party took the job of finding out what has been happening. The plan was to take a cart with some horses and hide some of the party inside the cart while the rest drove it. Well as they traveled they evetually came across a fallen tree blocking thier path. Sure enough it was an ambush spot set up by the mutated goblins that were encountered before. The group fought expertly against the platoon of mutated goblins saving thier leader for last. Vadath and Kellen came up with the idea to capture the goblin leader and bring him back to Falgrim Norest. The two cornered the leader tackling him to the ground and restraining him. After a brief struggle the goblin gave up and became the parties prisoner. The Gnome Cecil questioned the goblin asking where the supplies were and where the survivors were if any. The Goblin led them down a fairly hidden trail to some ruins. A few of the group tried to sneak up and get a closer look to see what they could find to report back. Before they could do much of anything a massive mutated Orc walked over one of the burms. The Orc saw Vadath and his companions and open fired with very large hand cannons narrowly missing his targets. The group decided to make a tactical retreat since they were exhausted and spent from the pervious battle with the gang of goblins. Upon returning back to Gammelgard and linking up with Falgrim the placed the mutated goblin leader in his custody. Falgrim was quite happy to have a living specimen not only to study but to question as well. Falgrim believes am alchemist by the name of Horatio Chesire is behind these mutated creatures. Falgrim also suspects that Horatio is in league with the dragon known as Longfang, who the goblin chief said was his master. Vadath relayed to Falgrim the passing of thier mutual companion the druid Tordek and Falgrim poured one out for his fallen dwarven brethren.

May 24th The capture of Horatio Chesire

Another job for the good dwarf Falgrim Norest and the peoples of Gammelgard. The noose was closing on the alchemist working with 'Longfang'. The captured Goblin leader had dislcosed the whereabouts of the alchemist. Vadath and several other set out with some backup from the Order of the Watchful Eye. Vadath found the alchemists lab right where the goblin said it would be. The Goblin also made mention of a secret underground area that no one but Horatio himself could enter. Noctus and Dancer scaled the Cliffside surrounding the lab on an attempt to find its exit while Vadath and the others stormed the front. Violet a tiefling in the party was spotted when two large mutated orcs step out of the lab and that is when all he'll broke loose. Vadath knowing the importance of capturing Horatio took matters into his own hands. He drank his potion of Frost Giant Streangth, a Potion of Speed, and his friend Arlin blessed him with a shield of faith. Now stronger, faster and more resolute then he as ever been he began his assault on the lab. One of the orcs broke off and attacked Violet whole the other became Vadaths first target. When Vadath sprung into action he quickly dispatched the remaining orx and cockily knocked on the labs door challenging those inside. The door opened to reveal some monstrosity wielded a double bladed glaive and two more orcs. Quickly going to work Vadtah soon disposed of the monster and one of the orcs. As he entered the lab with the rest of the party in toe he spotted yet another one of those monstrosities. He rushed it and took it down swinging his trusted greatsword with a furry never before seen. Noktus opened a door not far from the entrance this time revealing tow more of these double bladed glaive wielding monstrosities. These two though were mutated as sign of Horatios handiwork. Knowing how deadly Horatios poison is that infects his mutations Vadath wasted no time. Noktus and Spinal attacked the one closest to the door while the other tried to break the walls down to get at them. Vadath saw and opening and took it. Charging the first he slew it with ease and immediately went to work on the second. He stood his ground and vanquished the last one with little difficulty. All while this was happening Dancer found what she believed to be Horatios secret escape route. She expertly placed a snare at its mouth and when the battle finished Horatio attempted his escape in some fort of metal tube. The snare did its job wonderfully and stopped his escape and the tube tumbled down the cliff side to the rocky beach below. Spinal communicated woth Dancer through a spell and alerted Vadath of what had transpired below. With then potions still I'm effect Vadath decended the Cliffside and broke Hortatio out of his metal coffin. Horatio had very little to say he began to say his masters true name but never said it before correcting himself to saying 'Longfang'. Vadath and Dancer pulled the man out and bound him and brought him to the city of Gammelgard with the rest of the party. The crew also brought some of the mutated monstrosities back for Falgrim to study. While Vadath fought with the Orcs they shot some sort of crude projectile weaponry at home which me managed to get his hands on after the fight. Vadath thought for a little while and got an idea on how to use the enemies innovated weaponry against them. With the help of Ensign the two designed a sort of gunblade by combining the Orc weapons with Vadaths greatsword. Vadath and Ensign would work on the weapon together to bring more of Isonhounds enemies to heel.

June 10th Crypt of Sir Beren Cohnal

Vadath and several others were personally asked by Falgrim Norest to assist in uncovering where these mutated goblins were getting their armor from. The Order of the Watchful Eye reached out to the Wold Order and an emissary was sent to Gammelgard. Aldean El'Naddath of House Kessaria , the elven emissary and member of the Sylvan Order, along with Falgrim Norest met with Vadath and the rest of the party in Gammelgards mess hall. Aldean explained the goblins were likely getting their armor pieces from a nearby elven Crypt. This particular Crypt is important to Sylvan Order because in it is buried Sir Beren Cohnal a paladin and esteemed Commander of the Sylvan Order. The group was given two amulets with the symbol of the Sylvan Order. These amulets were blessed and were ment to help the party. Aldean expressed concern for Sir Berens spirit and wanted the group to ensure his spirit was not defiled. Aldean and Falgrim gave the party a map, some strong horses as well as a wagon to carry the group. Within a few hours the party arrived at the Crypt of Sir Beren. They were greeted by immovable stone doors and signs of goblin and Orc tracks all over the surrounding area. Arlin held up his medallion to the stone and is magically unsealed itself. The group was able to enter the Crypt from an entryway the goblins weren't able to. Upon entering ghosting blue lights ignited from the torches on the walls. In the center of the room was a stone tomb with the carving of an elf. One of the party members held up the Sylvan Amulet to the tomb and Sir Berens spirit appeared and greated the group. After talking with Sir Beren and gaining what info they could the group promised to rid his Crypt of the vile goblins. Sir Beren opened a door behind him and agreed to magically hold it shut for the party. It wasn't long before the group encountered the enemy. Vadath rushed in and was surrounded on all sides by mutated goblins and orcs. One Orc stood out the most because it was riding a large fanged beast. With Vadath, Arlin and Spinel holding the front line while Boros and Buho supported with magic it wasnt long before the enemy was routed. Vadath tried to claim the mount the orc was riding as his own but when Arlin tried to heal it he could tell his god would not be pleased by such an act, and the creatures life was then ended. Dancer and Percy were keeping watch down another hallway were more sounds of goblins could be heard. With Sir Berens blessings Vadath and Buho opened and examined the two sarcophagus in the room. Weapons and a shield were found amongst Sir Berens fallen comrades. Vadath and Buho made their way down another hallway in an attempt to pincer the remaining enemies. Before long the entire Crypt was emptied of the goblin menace. Sir Beren willingly let the party keep the treasures they found within his Crypt. Upon returning and reporting what happened Aldean was relieved to hear Sir Berens spirit remained in tact. Aldean was also kind enough to identify the treasures that were found. Some of the treasures that were recovered needed special certificates to prove that those that took them were the rightful owners. Aldean and Falgrim extended thanks to the party and Buho made his way to the kitchen to make celebratory chocolates for everyone. What happened in that kitchen no one can say but a fire erupted from within causing everyone to leave. With another mission success Vadath asked both Buho and Dancer if they would join The Band of the Iron Hawks and both agreed.

June 28 Storming an Orc encampment

Vadath again found himself in the employ of the The Order of the Watchful Eye. Falgrim Norest gave the companions information regarding an orc encampment where they were potentially breeding their mutated fanged mounts. Falgrim also disclosed that the fanged mounts the orcs were riding were in some way of draconic lineage but mutated by Chesire. Vadath along with several other Iron Hawks set out to search and destroy this encampment. Dancer leading the way and following the map guided them to the encampment. Noktus and Dancer both scouted the encampment from surrounding trees and Buho telepathically communicated their findings to the rest of the group. Vadath waited for the signal to storm the front gate while Arlin, Spinel, and Cynthia took up a flankong position. Vadath with Buho on his shoulder disguised as a backpack rushed into the middle of the encampment taking an attack from a goblin half heartedly guarding the entrance. Dancer and Noktus fired arrows from their concealed positions as the remaing three began to flank the encampment. Once entering the compound Vadath threw severl vials of Falgrims Fire into the encampment burning as much of it as possible. Buho supported from the air spreading choas and confusion amongst the enemy ranks. It wanst long before Vadath and the rest of the group were close to being overwhelmed. Holding fast and blocking the entrance forming a choke point Vadath squard off against two orcs. One of them was one of Chesires normal mutations the other shrugged off many well struck blows from Vadath before eventually falling. Cynthia was down and both Arlin and Spinel were in the jaws of the dreaded fanged mounts. Vadath believing the situation dire and seeing his companions on the brink of defeat drank his remaining potion of speed in an attempt to turn the battle in their favor. Both Arlin and Spinel managed to free themselves from the jaws of the enemy and took them down as well. Noktus decended from his perch attacking an orc with his magic obliterating it and stirking terror into the remaining enemies as they were showered in the blood and viscera that was once their companion. The entire encampment was slaughtered save for one of the mounts that the group captured. Vadath will make attempts to train it so that it can be Chesires creations can be used against themselves. Upon returning to Gammelgard with the city in view a shadow engulfed the returning heros. A multi headed dragon swooped in over them and stormed Gammelgard. The massive dragon began to destroy a tower within the city as the city guard and those of the Order tried to bring it down. All Vadath and his companions could do was watch in horror as this terrifying creature created destruction and devastation in its wake. The dragon flew away after it ransacked the tower and over the commotion of the town the group heard a familiar voice from the back of the dragon. The dragon had freed Horatio Chesire and he was exclaiming the Power that is Tiamat.

In his adventures in Isonhound Vadath still winds up coming out of his battles by the grace of the gods. Lindworms knocked him flat on his back and the Green Stag almost melted him with its poison breath. If it wasnt for his companions Tordek and Ferris he would have surely died on the battlefield. Vadath currently spends a lot of his time in between jobs working in the town of Gammelgard learning smithing techniques on how to forge weapons with the hopes of being able to reforge his fathers greatsword. Do to Vadath helping deliver a mutated goblin leader to Falgrim Norest, Vadath has been sent to The Iron Brace. This is where Briggs and his men will further help him improve his smithing techniques.


Common and Giant.

Powers and Abilities

When he is raged he losses all concern for his own life. It is durning these moments his blade exudes necrotic energy. One seemingly born of death is forever close to it. During combat Vadath draws inspiration from those he fought along side of when the Green Stag was slain.


His main weapon is his greatsword though more like a massive hunk of iron than an actually “cutting” weapon. As well as the handle and shattered blade pieces of his adopted fathers great sword that he carries around hoping to have it reforged to its former glory. He chose this fighting style because at the age of 7 he trained with a full size sword. Like his father once told him “There are no child size swords in a mercenary company.” As he grew so to did his choice in swords so that he could maintain his fighting style.

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