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The Quelmar Wiki
An artists approximation of Kluck's appearance.
Relatives Unknown
Languages Common, Aarakocra, Sylvan
Place of Birth Unknown
Species Aarakocra
Gender Male
Height 6'0"
Weight 135 lbs
Eye Color Black

Kluck, whose real name is unknown to most humanoids, is an adventurer in the Greedy Green. While Kluck would much rather be flying high in the sky, he will take adventures wherever they occur. This has lead Kluck to become the 1st mate on the trade ship The Sea Strider, and the sea certainly provides many adventures. Kluck, being a barbarian, has become quite skilled at great weapons. He particularly enjoys using his Greataxe, both in slaying foes and for everyday use. While on his first journey at sea, during a particularly fierce ship-to-ship battle with The Lich's Curse, Kluck had a vision. This vision came in the form of a Fylgja: An animal spirit that took the form of a great black bear who assured Kluck that he and his ship would survive. To this day, Kluck often meditates and calls on the spirit of the black bear to provide protection to him and his allies.

Physical Appearance[edit | edit source]

Kluck stands approximately 6'0" tall, though he rarely stands fully upright. His feathers are a brownish-grey color. His head most closely resembles either a hawk or eagle with big black eyes. Kluck regularly enjoys a good preening, rarely allowing himself to be covered in mud, dirt, or blood for very long.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Kluck doesn't say much and keeps to himself much of the time. However, he will often let out a loud "kluck" sound randomly. He attributes this to a kind of nervous tick (and how he got his common name). However, once in port (or around close friends), and especially once the ale starts flowing, Kluck can become loud and boisterous. He may not chose to start bar fights, but he will certainly end them, and end them quickly.

History[edit | edit source]

Kluck's origins are a mystery, even to him. He remembers hatching and immediately seeing bright light. The next thing he remembers is being a young birdfolk looking for a job at the docks. Now, at approximately the age of 12, Kluck finds himself as the 1st mate onboard The Sea Strider, a trading vessel. Recently, his ship became damaged in a violent storm and was forced into drydock until repairs can be made.

Languages[edit | edit source]

In addition to Common, Kluck can read, write, and comprehend Sylvan and Aarakocra.

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

As a Barbarian, Kluck draws inspiration and guidance from the great black bear spirit that once visited him. This spirit seems to be able to provide some resistance to nearly all forms of attacks while Kluck rages in battle.

Attacks and Weapons [edit | edit source]

Kluck will use whatever is at his disposal to attack those who attack him. However, he is partial to using his Greataxe, whether it's to cut some timbers or cut down his foes.

Adventures in Isonhound[edit | edit source]

The Law of Consequence (7-29-22)[edit | edit source]

I arrived in Isonhound aboard the badly damaged Sea Strider. As first officer, it fell upon myself to inform the crew of the 3 options presented by Captain Pendleton. Option 1: Stay aboard the ship and start repairing what they could repair. Option 2: Find work around the area to help get supplies for repairs. Or Option 3: Leave the ship entirely. Most of the crew, including myself, chose option 2. So I set out to find work around Seglock.

Jobs appeared plentiful across the town that looks like it recently been attached and/or burned. That's when fate would intervene. I bumped into a man dressed in robes who called himself Aldean. Aldean claimed to be a respresentaive of something called the "Wold Order" and asked if I was up for an adventure. After I assured him that I was up for adventuring and was in need of work, he was told to meet him at the Trout's Toe in 1 hour and that the rewards would certainly be worth his effort.

So I made my way to the Trout's Toe where I met up with Linden Rue, Hugo Clarion, Tristram Caniedydd, Markoth, and Volrac who would also be going on this adventure. We were introduced to Professor Galloway, and the two of them (the professor and Aldeean) gave the group their assignment.

Aldean spoke of some nearby caves in the mountains that had these fire gates. He spoke of how these gates had sprung to life again, a sign that a dragon had taken up residence in these caves. My attention was fading in out as Aldean spoke, I mean that first drink went down TOO quickly and I was in search of another. But the basic story was that there was a hoard of rewards awaiting us if we could slay the dragon. This sounded too good to be true, but The Sea Strider was badly damaged and any and all gold or supplies I could get could make a huge difference in how quickly she would be ready to sail to our next port.

So I agreed to undergo this task with this bunch of adventures. While I have had limited exposure to land, at a quick glance, this group of adventurers seemed like they could handle themselves (though against a dragon, anything was possible). I have to admit that I was partially more excited to just see a dragon than collecting the rewards. The tales I could spin could get me (and my crew) some nice rewards at our next port.

Anyways, once the meeting was over and we decided to head out first thing in the morning, we decided to stick around and start having some drinks. As we continuing planning for the trip, the bard by the name of Tristram devised a plan to get a Glyph of Warding. What little gold I had I freely gave to Tristram as I figured I would be rewarded 10-fold on this quest. Then as we settled in, the one called Volrac tried to get myself to start a bar fight with the patrons. I assured Volrac that I wouldn't start any bar fights, but I would certainly finish them. Then Volrac tried to rile up the crowd as Tristram performed on the stage. That's when things went...sideways. Long story short: I don't think anyone was seriously harmed and the Trout's Toe can probably repair or rebuild the fire damage.

Anyways, the next morning, we gathered and set off into the Greedy Green. The trip was said to be about 3 days long. For the most part, it was an uneventful 3 days. We all told our stories, at least some of them, and tried to become friends along the way. I tried my best to spend as much time as I could on the ground, but from time-to-time I just had to open my wings and soar above the trees. This didn't seem to bother my new friends. In fact, it was of great benefit as I was able to scout out our path and for potential enemies (which thankfully there were none).

As we began breaking camp for our last bit of travel to the Fire Gates, a not-too-stealthy visitor approached the party. I immediately took to the top of a nearby tree to scout for others, but it was just the one. He called himself Sro and claimed to be an expert on dragons. After some conversations with the rest of the party, Sro agreed to join the party (or was it that the party agreed to allow Sro to join them). I may not know much about dragons, but my thought is the more of us, the better odds we may have.

There was some talk of magical influences dragons have over the land and such. Much of this conversation went over my head. I, and the rest of the party including Sro, just needed to know what kind of dragon we were facing. This would help determine our best plan of attack. So it was decided that Tristram, using some magic, would scout the caves and see what we were dealing with. We would then try to lure the dragon out and go collect the hoard.

Once Tristram returned, he told the group of a hidden arrow trap, of some elven mages, and of a large beast making some kind of sounds (like they were sleeping). But we still didn't know what kind of dragon we were dealing with.

That's when the one called Linden Rue started putting the pieces together. She was convinced that the dragon was not evil but could be good and trapped. The rest of the party seemed to buy that so we decided the mages had to go.

As we entered the caves, we came across the entrance to the Fire Gates. A dragon greeted us and said "they are coming" before disappearing back into the darkness. Then, 2 mages arrived. The quick tongue of Tristram sent the mages into confusion before Sro (and the rest of us) attacked! The first real battle on land for Kluck was underway! However, these 2 mages were quickly disposed of before Kluck could do anything. Oh well.

Further into the caves we went. Quickly we caught up to the dragon and 2 more mages. The dragon was convinced to not attack us while we dealt with these powerful mages. Much of the party suffered and even dropped unconscience during the battle. However, Linden was able to use some magic to revive the party, the dragon aided us, and we were able to finish off the mages! I finally got to battle some land-lovers and was able to strike the killing blow on the last mage!

Once the battle was over, Sro lead us to a back cave where something called a binding circle was found. Apparently, this strong magic was preventing the dragon from leaving the lair. Linden said that after a night of rest, she could try to dispell the magic and free the dragon. This was agreeable to all. So we slept and the next morning, Linden conjured up some strong magic herself and was able to dispell the binding circle. The dragon (whose name is Mentztonalcoatl and is a Pearl Dragon), was freed. Once we left the cave and saw the dragon leave, that's when we found out that Sro was also a dragon. In fact, Sro was a Great Silver Wyrm and offered to fly us back to Seglock, which the party agreed to.

I don't know what I enjoyed more: standing on the back of this dragon with my wings extended or slying beside him! Either way, my shipmates won't believe this story, even if I tell it sober! But the gold I was able to retrieve will go a long way to help repair the ship.

Maybe there is more in life than traveling the high seas. Maybe there is something to these land-lovers and adventuring in forests and mountains and even in towns. Maybe I will seek the Captains permission to stick around Isonhound and stretch my feet a bit as it were.

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