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The Quelmar Wiki
Player Name Craig
Affiliations Padlock Gang
Aliases Little Boy, The Leech Mother
Date of Birth 685 PR
Place of Birth Sneerwell

Tobii was just a little guy. He was a Half Elven orphan from the city of Sneerwell. He was a low ranking member of the Padlock Gang, and -before becoming an insignificant deity- played an integral part in healing the personal rift between the members of Sick of this Shit.

History[edit | edit source]

Early Life[edit | edit source]

First discovered floating in a basket down the sewers towards the “Poo Portal”, the orphan baby boy was taken in by the Padlock Gang and raised for a life of felonious intent. As a young member of the group with little experience he was often put on leech duty, clearing the subterranean hideout of the amphibious pests. Before long a bond formed between the boy and the creatures, and he found he could see value and use in them others could not.

Sick of this Shit[edit | edit source]

In 692 PR -around the time of the Battle of E. Core Arena- Tobii entered the personal tutelage of Zugs McFlair as his ward, dragon keeper, and personal Little Boy. Zugs sought to teach him the skills of the gang, making use of him during the investigation of the city's destruction and the hunt for Asuag.

After sending the lich to the Tovag Baragu and uncovering the abomination Protoforged Darius's twisted experiments, Tobii took it upon himself to give the ultimate sacrifice. With the death of Anema at the hands of the Protoforged, Tobii delved deep into himself and his connection with the leeches, summoning a torrent of power described by Doraleous as "truly the most horrific sight imaginable."

As the mound of leeches dissipated, and the last words of Proud To Be A Sneerwellian left the lips of the little orphan boy, Tobii's body lay in the arms of the now resurrected Anema. However, the child had not truly died.

Ascension[edit | edit source]

When Tobii pushed himself fully as he communed with the leeches, he tapped into a raw power he was unprepared to wield. His consciousness melded with those of The Leech, and ascended beyond his corporeal form. Tobii was no more; what remained was the Leech Mother, an incredibly minor deity-esque being. Doraleous was able to communicate with the Leech Mother through the leeches of the sewer in search of aid when wrapping up their investigation.

Skills and Abilities[edit | edit source]

What Tobii lacked in physical strength he made up for in spunk and charm. Something about the eager young lad was very endearing to people. Even the infamously reclusive Zugs McFlair found himself feeling protective of the kid.

Animals too bonded easily with Tobii. Zugs entrusted him with the care of his dragon, which let him ride and command it in return for heath bars. His deep connection with leeches and skill in their craft outshone all in the realm, going as far as to actually heal those around him with the blood they had collected, through both physical and magical means. Tobii even got along with the hordes of dogs that would often show up in the taverns.

He was in the process of developing his thieving skills with Zugs and other's from the gang. He had managed to steal a prototype gun from Pendergras Industries, but never had the opportunity to find out what it actually was or how it worked.

Relationships[edit | edit source]

Zugs McFlair[edit | edit source]

Zugs was the de facto leader of the Padlock Gang, and somewhat of an idol for Tobii. Like Tobii he was a half elf, which naturally led to Tobii thinking he was essentially their father. Zugs did not agree, however he was still fond of the kid. Tobii was entrusted with looking after his dragon whilst he was in town, and later was brought under his wing to learn the skills required of a Padlock.

Snarklii[edit | edit source]

Snarklii was a fence with the Padlock Gang, working within Sneerwell's blackmarket. Like Tobii he was a half elf, which naturally led to Snarklii thinking he was essentially their father. Tobii did not agree. In fact he thought Snarklii was pretty much the worst. He'd be weird and overbearing with the young orphan, often asking to play cards or other games. He'd also try reinforce the delusion by mimicking Tobii's accent when the boy was around. A very weird man.

Joland[edit | edit source]

Joland was a beggar that lived on the streets of Sneerwell, and was one of Tobii's best friends. Once a wealthy merchant, Joland lost it all through excessive gambling and debt. Tobii would sit with him and enjoy his tales of adventure, but had more interest in his more mundane stories of simple family life.

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