- 06:43, 7 February 2025 The Strange Journal (hist | edit) [286 bytes] OGFlaya (talk | contribs) (This page can be used to decode the strange journal found in the apartment of Nikoli Sorell in January of 37 CR!)
- 21:43, 6 February 2025 Allinor Talis (hist | edit) [992 bytes] JonTheTeach (talk | contribs) (Created Allinor) Tag: Visual edit
- 06:40, 6 February 2025 Village of the Ravens (hist | edit) [490 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''Ravens''' were a tribe of Loxo the lived in the outlands of Isonhound. After the return of dragons in 795 PR, at least one Silver Dragon took it upon herself to defend these elephantine folk. Because of the Dragon's good nature the Raven's never needed to learn to fight or defend themselves. Harold was the exception learning the art of defense in his spare time. == Notable Residents == * Harold") Tag: Visual edit
- 06:28, 6 February 2025 Helmfirth (hist | edit) [269 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Helmfirth''' is a small town in Seglock == About == It was a good place to retire to, and it had a church. == Notable Residents == * Percy Giffard") Tag: Visual edit
- 06:15, 6 February 2025 Meldurnian Rav'vince (hist | edit) [1,402 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Prehistoric}} '''Meldurnian Rav'vince''' (Common: '''The Collective''') is the name of a Prehistoric Kingdom that once existed in early Isonhound before written history. == History == During The Umbral Flood in 826 PR, a number of the collective members who remained hidden in the ice, were brought to the surface as the mountains exploded. == Members == * Wintertusk, a sort of ancient hairy Loxo") Tag: Visual edit
- 05:59, 6 February 2025 Endi (Planet) (hist | edit) [358 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Endi''' was a planet in Astral Space where at least one Giff was said to have hailed from. == Residents == Thuchor a giff who crashed to Quelmar in 826 PR Category:Into the Greedy Green Category:Astral") Tag: Visual edit
- 05:55, 6 February 2025 Klat'Woad (hist | edit) [157 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Klat'Woad''' was a small forested area of Isonhound located opposite Seglock on the Ssaphibian River. == Notable Locals == * Pot'tu Kobb") Tag: Visual edit
- 05:47, 6 February 2025 The Whispered Reapers (hist | edit) [911 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''The Whispered Reapers''' was the original cult that worshiped and granted holy power to the death demigod known as Silent == Notable Members == * D'Kacilius")
- 05:45, 6 February 2025 The Boreal Valley (hist | edit) [371 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''The Boreal Valley''' is a wintery vale located in the northwestern corner of Isonhound == About == There are legends that the Boreal Valley is home to The Wagon, a poorly understood and legendary wish granting vessel that appears every decade. == Notable Locals == * Dancer of the Boreal Valley") Tag: Visual edit originally created as "Boreal Valley"
- 05:22, 6 February 2025 Greenfang (hist | edit) [1,578 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Greenfang''' was a village of Kobolds that grew along the Ssaphibian River in 826 PR == '''History''' == Following the near extinction of the Ixen Jonal in 821 PR due to an attack by the Kol Company, the sole survivor, Kihlek Vaess, dedicated himself to rebuilding the tribe. With the assistance of Shnek, they successfully hatched six kobold eggs, leading to a new generation and the eventual growth of their lair into a village. == '''De...") Tag: Visual edit
- 04:48, 6 February 2025 Bloodlusters (hist | edit) [1,397 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Bloodlusters''' are formidable, yet tragic figures created as that served in a vampyre army in Osugbo. == History == They originated from recruits who were forcibly inducted into the army of a vampyre prince, believed to be a rogue member of the LaCroix bloodline. These unfortunate individuals were subjected to brutal magical rituals over a period of four months, procedures designed to transform them into powerful warriors. While the rituals succeed...") Tag: Visual edit
- 04:25, 6 February 2025 Lightmetal (hist | edit) [717 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Lightmetal''' is a special type of metal generated when a Starchild touches a piece of metal with their hand long enough. == About == The light frequencies of the metal are altered by the touch of Starchildren, and appear a new color as they bend the light around them. It is believed this is due to some sort of astral energy that is imbued into the metal itself. Metal that has been turned into lightmetal retains all of the original properties of the metal, and...") Tag: Visual edit
- 00:33, 6 February 2025 Lairus (hist | edit) [1,800 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "{{Infobox_character|affilliation=affiliation|name={{PAGENAME}}|image=image.jpg|caption=caption|relatives=relatives|languages=languages|alias=alias|marital=marital status|birthPlace=birthplace|deathDate=deathdate|deathPlace=deathplace|species=species|gender=gender|height=height|weight=weight|eyes=eyes}} '''Lairus''' comes from a small village near the ocean called Tusgrer and is the only changeling to have lived there (that she knows of). == History == She was...") Tag: Visual edit
- 00:32, 5 February 2025 Ssaphibian River (hist | edit) [1,573 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''The Ssaphibian River''' is the main trade route of Isonhound, and possibly the largest river in the realm. It connects the northeast and southwest shores of Isonhound")
- 04:24, 4 February 2025 Ooze (hist | edit) [747 bytes] K-dawg12 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox_character|affilliation=affiliation|name={{PAGENAME}}|image=image.jpg|caption=caption|relatives=relatives|languages=languages|alias=alias|marital=marital status|birthPlace=birthplace|deathDate=deathdate|deathPlace=deathplace|species=species|gender=gender|height=height|weight=weight|eyes=eyes}} '''{{PAGENAME}} '''is ------------- == Physical Appearance == Describe your appearance. Eye color, height, weight, hair color, particular clothing items, scars, tattoos,...") Tag: Visual edit
- 04:11, 4 February 2025 An Evening with the Bard (hist | edit) [5,800 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''An Evening with The Bard''' Presented by Tristram ---- === '''Act One''' === This act will be a collection of tales highlighting the trials and tribulations of various adventures. '''Including:''' * Defense of Seglock * Death of Thymor’ala the Black * Assault on the Shadow Forge and death of Horatio With some filler stories featuring the antics of Baroon Farquaad and the Mothers Prim. Throughout the selected stories, there will be several characters woven betw...") Tag: Visual edit
- 18:41, 1 February 2025 Gemstone Dragon (hist | edit) [2,705 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with " '''Gem Dragons''' (also called '''Neutral Dragons''' or '''Psionic Dragons''') are predominantly solitary beings, favoring secluded locales far from common paths and displaying a lukewarm reception to unanticipated guests. Like their other draconic kin, they revel in the comfort of sprawling atop their hoarded treasures. Named after various gemstones, they exhibit a particular affinity for sparkling jewels and precious metals. Although these Dragons tend to be smaller a...") Tag: Visual edit
- 14:52, 1 February 2025 The Proxy Dragon (hist | edit) [3,686 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "thumb|300x300px '''The Proxy Dragon''' was an non-conscious dragon-shaped spaceship built by Most Sanctified Disciples of Sardior as part of their mission to resurrect Sardior. == About == The inside of the finished proxy dragon was home to a demiplane which contained the controls for piloting the dragon, as well as resting quarters for a crew of 6, and miscellaneous accoutrements as expected on any long-distance faring vess...") Tag: Visual edit
- 00:07, 1 February 2025 The Wastes (hist | edit) [933 bytes] JaeltheJust (talk | contribs) (The Wastes) Tag: Visual edit
- 06:18, 31 January 2025 Kristang (hist | edit) [1,219 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Kristang''' was a lower court member of the Ruby Court. == History == In 810 BR, Kristang visited the secret vault under the Northern Snowy Mountains which held a feral member of the extinct Ruby Court: Feredemius. In his rage, Feredemius tried to kill Kristang, only to be stopped by invaders from the future, bound to set right a long chain of events that almost destroyed all of Isonhound.") Tag: Visual edit
- 21:13, 26 January 2025 Dumathoin (hist | edit) [1,466 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Dumathoin''' was an aspect of Moradin created to deal with concealment and hiding of secrets among the Dwarven people.")
- 04:34, 25 January 2025 The Battle of Five Lights (hist | edit) [8,285 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "thumb|300x300px") Tag: Visual edit
- 03:01, 25 January 2025 Artificial Moonwell (hist | edit) [1,904 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''Artificial Moonwells''' were creations of Tolmé Pendergras created after The Umbral Flood destroyed Isonhound, turning it into Umbralhound. == About == The artificial constructions required two things: '''Cymulean Crystals and Laridium Wires'''. The combination of these elements alongside his own artificing allowed him to replicate the effects of the Crystal Moonwell in a much more scientific manner. === Cymulean Crystals === Tolme explained to...") Tag: Visual edit originally created as "`Artificial Moonwell"
- 02:45, 25 January 2025 Shadow Sickness (hist | edit) [2,352 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Shadow Sickness''' is a mental disease caused by either intense exposure to Shadowfell energies, or prolonged exposure to less intense energies. == About == Shadow Sickness that is inflicted by a powerful shadow creature also allows that creature to dominate and charm the target, taking control of their destroyed will. However, this side-effect of charm CAN be over-ridden by using other charming effects and powers, though it does not restore the creature to full h...")
- 02:40, 24 January 2025 Wolf (Who Howls at Night) (hist | edit) [1,078 bytes] (talk) (Created page with "{{Infobox_character|name={{PAGENAME}}|image=Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 9.16.27 PM|caption=caption|playerName=Milo Flanagan|birthPlace=birthplace|species=minotaur|gender=male|height=6'10"|weight=625 lbs}} '''{{PAGENAME}} '''is a Druid Minotaur Uthgardt Tribe Member. == Physical Appearance == Describe your appearance. Eye color, height, weight, hair color, particular clothing items, scars, tattoos, etc. == Personality == Is your character social? A drunk? Laid back? =...") Tag: Visual edit
- 04:16, 23 January 2025 Illuminant Order (hist | edit) [1,309 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''The Illuminant Order''' (also called the Church of the Illuminant) is a collection of knights sworn to eliminate fiendish pacts, devil worship, and communion with beings from the far realm for purposes of power. == Notable Members == *Amund Zen")
- 23:25, 22 January 2025 Into the Greedy Green/Roleplay Archive (hist | edit) [176,880 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with ""Tristram:all who post will owe a 1cp excise tax, muwahahahahaha " "Tristram:ha " "Tristram:it will truely be, a penny for your thoughts " "Vessel:_ANGRY ANARCHIST NOISES_ " "Drang:""i dont have this money"" " "Archie:Archie frowns”how about a 50% of voucher for my book shop which has a snazzy skull hanging above the register” " "Nockdus:(Nockdus) 100 people can post here for a single gold. I'll give you 2gp. " "Nockdus:nan " "Linden Rue:He is from th...") Tag: Visual edit
- 20:08, 22 January 2025 Into the Greedy Green/MegaGame Module (hist | edit) [40,350 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* '''TODO ON GAME DAY: Dave Drops off the Keller box & Airship''' * '''TODO ON GAME DAY: James runs around and sets up stream tech, drops off blank Character Sheets (for deaths, etc), drops off Player MegaSheets, and an FAQ sheet.''' '''VDO Stuff:''' * '''Director Link''' * '''<nowiki>https://vdo.ninja/?director=Greedy_Mega_Game</nowiki>''' * '''Table Links''' * '''<nowiki>https://vdo.ninja/?room=Greedy_Mega_Game&broadcast&push=MGG</nowiki>''' * '''<nowiki>https://vd...") Tag: Visual edit
- 16:28, 22 January 2025 Raritan (hist | edit) [1,161 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Raritan''' was a small city located on the Sapphibian River in Isonhound == About == Located at a strategic point on the river, Raritan was often the victim of sieges and other attempts to take over the city from both political factions and independent pirates and bandits. == History == At some point in the early 800s PR, Raritan was attacked by the Kol Company of mercenaries, who charged the city gates with a small militia, however after witnessing a c...") Tag: Visual edit
- 20:45, 21 January 2025 Draennac (hist | edit) [1,131 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox_character|affilliation=affiliation|name={{PAGENAME}}|image=|caption=caption|relatives=relatives|languages=languages|alias=alias|marital=marital status|birthPlace=birthplace|deathDate=deathdate|deathPlace=deathplace|species=species|gender=gender|height=height|weight=weight|eyes=eyes}} '''{{PAGENAME}} '''is a Wyvernborn Sorcerer who was in Isonhound during the events of The Umbral Flood. He was also the '''Harbinger of Tusc...") Tag: Visual edit
- 23:24, 20 January 2025 Sparrow's Point Ink (hist | edit) [2,157 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<blockquote>*You're immediately hit with the smell of disinfectant and ink. The shop is small and cozy with chairs lined up of return heroes waiting to get their tattoos finished or retouched up. It's a lengthy process, with many return visits, so you might even see someone you know. A small elven woman introduces herself warmly.* *"Here's what we have the right inks for at the moment. Some of the larger ones will require coming back for multiple sessions, but we'll get...") Tag: Visual edit
- 22:02, 20 January 2025 White Dragon (hist | edit) [811 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''White Dragons''' are the most fierce and beastial form of Chromatic Dragon, often compared to mindless monsters or beasts. == Notable White Dragons ==") originally created as "White dragon"
- 21:02, 20 January 2025 Maris (hist | edit) [611 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Maris''' is a small town located at the base of the Northern Snowy Mountains in Isonhound. == History == In late 825 PR, the town was threatened by "The White Dragon", who wound up not being a real dragon, to the disappointment of heroes looking for glory, but rather a leader of a group of bandits that were hiding out in a small shrine they had taken over which had been carved in the side of the nearby mountain, a shrine that was originally built to house...") Tag: Visual edit
- 05:52, 20 January 2025 Baron Faro (hist | edit) [6,515 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Baron Virion Faro''' [m/Eladrin Elf] - Head of the Faro family of Seglock. The only remaining original inhabitants of this once heavily forested area. Owns a large share of the Sheridan Lumber company. Rich, flamboyant, and self-absorbed Baron Faro earned his wealth and clout by establishing a relationship with the founders of Seglock and involving himself in all of their major ventures. He holds no political position or power, he was given his title of "B...") Tag: Visual edit
- 06:53, 19 January 2025 Carmen Baxter (hist | edit) [4,450 bytes] Warden (talk | contribs) (Page creation) Tag: Visual edit
- 22:37, 18 January 2025 Earworm (hist | edit) [1,123 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''Earworm''' is a type of magical item/creature often traded in Bullywug society. == About == To attune to this insect, you must hold it against the skin behind your ear for the entire attunement period, whereupon it burrows into your head and bonds to your skull. The earworm allows you to cast Detect Thoughts (DC 13) a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier per day. As long as you maintain concentration on the spell, you can use a bonus action to send...")
- 19:09, 18 January 2025 Bleakfrost Mountains (hist | edit) [180 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''Bleakfrost Mountains''' covered the western most island of Breme == Notable Residents == * Asger") Tag: Visual edit
- 19:07, 18 January 2025 Abyssal Dragon (hist | edit) [978 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Abyssal Dragons''' are chaotic manifestations of energy and destruction that take draconic form. They hail from deep within The Abyss. == Notable Abyssal Dragons == === Moirmiodeog === Hailing from the Bleakfrost mountains, the legends spoke of a great evil that had escaped from the darkness of the Abyss. The Abyssal drake; Moirmiodeog, The Voiceless One. Moirmiodeog ravaged the lands below the high peaks of Bleakfrost. Citi...") Tag: Visual edit
- 04:37, 18 January 2025 Bullywug (hist | edit) [966 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Bullywugs''' are frog-like monsters that inhabit swamps and aquatic regions all over Quelmar. == Notable Bullywug == === Stollblossom Bullywug ===") Tag: Visual edit
- 04:35, 18 January 2025 Stollblossom (hist | edit) [1,118 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Stollblossom Island''' is a small island located on the western coast of Isonhound just outside Fasiltum, where the Sapphibian River empties out into the ocean. == About == Stollblossom was a swampy island, known for its marshy terrain, hidden hazards, and Bullywug inhabitants, who lived in a place called "Camp Boilwart" == History == At some point in the BR era, the island was maintained by fey spirits of the seasons.") Tag: Visual edit originally created as "Stollblossom Island"
- 22:54, 17 January 2025 Zodar (hist | edit) [513 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Zodar are mysterious constructs that hail from Astral Space")
- 22:31, 17 January 2025 Umbralhound (hist | edit) [1,162 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Umbralhound''' was a version of Isonhound that existed for nearly half a year in 826 PR when a shadow breach at the Northern Snowy Mountains cascaded, erupting and connecting shadow crossings all over the continent, swallowing it entirely, and replacing it with its Shadowfell equivalent.") Tag: Visual edit
- 22:21, 17 January 2025 The Umbral Flood (hist | edit) [21,887 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''The Umbral Flood''' {{Battle|next=The Battle of Five Lights|name=The Umbral Flood|conflict=An attempt by the shadow dragon The One That Waits to devour Isonhound and all of its fey energies.|date=826 PR|place=All over Isonhound (later called Umbralhound)|result=The One That Waits was purified by holy energies back into his un-shadow form: Feredemius, the dragon god Sardior was resurrected, Isonhound was restored.|side1=Feredemius,...") Tag: Visual edit
- 06:05, 17 January 2025 Jabberwock (hist | edit) [1,455 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "A '''Jabberwock''' is a type of fey dragon. == About == Jabberwock lairs were often a combination of thick glades and low ceiling cavern entrances. Jabberwock lairs could simultaneously feel cramped and spacious at the same time.")
- 19:48, 16 January 2025 The Oasis (hist | edit) [5,619 bytes] JaeltheJust (talk | contribs) (The Oasis is here!) Tag: Visual edit
- 03:59, 10 January 2025 Cavii Kero (hist | edit) [2,740 bytes] Wizardess (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox_character|name={{PAGENAME}}|image=|caption="You live a lot longer if no one wants you dead."|playerName=Victoria Jones (aka Vic, vix)|alias=Don Cavii|marital=widower|birthPlace=|species=choeru|gender=male|height=5' 1"|weight=~120 lbs|eyes=bronze, amber}} '''{{PAGENAME}} '''is a dabbler of sorts, a drinker of wines, a cracker of jokes, and a friend to all. His insatiable curiosity, quick wit, and amiable nature endear him to the average adventurer. Above-averag...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- 07:20, 9 January 2025 Crystal Dragon (hist | edit) [456 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Crystal Dragons''' (also called '''Moon Dragons''') are a rare form of dragon with an innate connection to The Moon. == About == Moonflowers were often found around the lair or resting sites of Crystal Dragons. == Notable Crystal Dragons == * Echemus * Eros") Tag: Visual edit
- 05:40, 9 January 2025 The War of Dragons (hist | edit) [3,403 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''The War of Dragons''' (785-850 PR) was the contemporaneous name of The War of Many Names when it first began in 785 PR. When the war moved beyond dragons and began to devour the realm in great factions of civil war as well, it evolved into another war entirely: Realm War II. == History == The War of Dragons most notably included the largest force of Draconian armies across Quelmar ever, who fought on the beaches of Kiston but also in various re...") Tag: Visual edit
- 05:28, 9 January 2025 Trash Griffon (hist | edit) [173 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Trash Griffons''' are a class of small Quelmar animals. == Species == * Raccoonraven * Capybaraparrot") Tag: Visual edit
- 05:16, 9 January 2025 Raccoonraven (hist | edit) [379 bytes] Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Raccoonravens''' are unique type of animal that is known to frequent Pteris, Amusa, as well as occasionally Kiston. == About == They look like Raccoons and also like ravens. == See Also == * Capybaraparrots, a similar species that operates in the north regions of Quelmar.") Tag: Visual edit originally created as "Raccoonravens"