The Fated Five were 5 chosen individuals, who lived across the continents in different parts of the realm, brought together to save the realm and lock the island of Kiston before the World Breaker could escape.
These five were specifically chosen as they were descendants of another five known as The Venship.
History[edit | edit source]
In the middle of the afternoon on one fateful day in 1273 PR, each of the five members felt a sudden pull, described as "spears of energy" piercing through them, and then wrapping them with ethereal chains. As their minds and bodies felt this arcane grip, they were transported in an instance from all corners of the realm to the island of Ossuary, at the Kistonian Institute of Strange Studies (KISS).
By the next morning they were on their way to the mainland of Kiston.
Eldrina was able to contact the long dead ancestors via the Contact Other Plane spell, reaching out to the long dead sage who was her grandfather Edgar LaCroix. By viewing the visions and memories accessed through Edgar, the descendants were able to confirm their destinies, understanding that they needed to "Undo" the actions of their ancestors, and committed themselves to atoning for their collective sins past.
Members[edit | edit source]
Thimble Piep-Piep[edit | edit source]
The descendant of Hoppert Wellingdale.
Eldrina Nyx La Croix[edit | edit source]
The descendant of Mathias Edgar La Croix, Jr.
Lornagar[edit | edit source]
The descendant of Gymir.
Plutarch[edit | edit source]
The descendant of Alexias.
Murray O'Donchu[edit | edit source]
The descendant of Muirin Ó Donnchú.