A Tuckerism is a character who pulls their name (and/or other characteristics) from real life people (or other pop culture icons) as a form of in-joke.
List of Tuckerized Player Characters[edit | edit source]
- Grindseed (Chewbacca, Star Wars)
- Terra (Ansem, Kingdom Hearts)
- Bird Person (Rick and Morty)
- Sycamore (Yoda, Star Wars)
- Hillevi (Harley Quinn, DC Comics)
- Vimes (Discworld)
- 11 (Stranger Things)
- Monty (Monty Python)
- Chet Sexton (Guy Fieri)
- Spencer (Criminal Minds)
- Amanda (SAW)
- Eugene Epond (Genie, Aladdin)
- Dorothea Doubtice (Mrs. Doubtfire)
- Forger Ramirez (Bender, Futurama)
- Ratchet + Clank (Eponymous video game series)
- Gnome and Steel Defender from the Realmtrotter's Guide to Zobeck campaign.
- Ratchet and Clank (Eponymous video game series)
- Two separate other characters from Jean-Pierre in community campaigns.
- Elder Mephisto (Marvel Comics)
- Paris Hilton (Media personality, businesswoman, and socialite)
- Dancer of the Boreal Valley (Dark Souls)
- Frances Langford (Singer and actress from the Golden Age of Radio)
- Ren Atherton (Persona)
List of Tuckerized NPCs[edit | edit source]
- Leemoy Nenard (Leonard Nimoy)
- Brendan Fraser
- Akasha (Vampire Chronicles)
ExpandThe Quelmar Realm |
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