Dead and Retired
Character | Class | Race | Status | Player | Level |
Kris | Artificer | Leonin | Retired | Bo | 4 |
Jeb | Warlock | Tiefling | Dead | RJ | 3 |
Boros | Sorlock | Tiefling | Dead | RJ | 5/1 |
Mallen | Cleric | Tiefling | Dead | Mike | 3 |
Miles | Bard | Tabaxi | Retired | Ben H | 4 |
Jo | Sorlock | Changeling | Dead | John | 2/2 |
Ulka | Fighter | Bugbear | Dead | Marcy | 5 |
Einari | Paladin | Loxo | Retired | Melody | 5 |
Varryn | Ranger | Elf | Retired | Sam | 4 |
Alenka | Warlock | Star-Soul | Dead | Claudia | 4 |
Tordek | Druid | Dwarf | Ascended | Jake | 5 |
Cyan | Druid | Dhampir | Dead | Matt | 5 |
Patches | Ranger | Reborn | Retired | Charles | 4 |
Akagane | Fighter | Tiefling | Retired | Ino | 4 |
Búho | Bard | Owlin | Retired | Edelio | 5 |
Tokax | Fighter | Elf | Dead | Alex | 5 |
Archie | Wizard | Elf | Retired | Alex | 5 |
Izaak | Fighter | Half-Elf | Missing | Nick P | 5 |
Asger | Cleric | Goliath | Missing | Luke | 6 |
Joshua | Rogue | Human | Missing | Nathan | 5 |
Markoth | Paladin | Aasimar | Missing | Gavin | 6 |
Elric | Warlock | Yuan-Ti | Dead | Marcy | 6 |
Naxxradormu | Wizard | Dragonkin | Returned | Logan | 6 |
Dur'kalak | Barbarian | Lizardfolk | Dead | Jon | 7 |
Silent | Arbiter | Demigod | Retired | Nin | ∞ |
Ignidicus | Warlock | Tiefling | Missing | Brandon | 6 |
Aesir | Ranger | Elf | Missing | David | 6 |
Alanis | Cleric | Elf | Missing | Steph | 6 |
Mumiy | Barbarian | Half-Orc | Missing | Mei Ling | 6 |
Omni | Cleric | Dwarf | Missing | Chris | 6 |
Rex | Barbarian | Dragonborn | Missing | Lev | 6 |
Mabel | Sorcerer | Gnome | Missing | Emma | 6 |
Barbie | Barbarian | Dragonborn | Missing | Krista | 6 |
Ren | Druid | Elf | Missing | Kennedy | 6 |
Pum | Bard | Changeling | Missing | Miriam | 6 |
Kellen | Monk | Human | Missing | Phillip | 6 |
Karl Anders | Barbarian | Dwarf | Missing | Russell | 6 |
Zevendell | Barbarian | Orc | Missing | Ben | 6 |
Kluck | Barbarian | Aarakocra | Missing | Rob | 6 |
Amber | Warlock | Genasi | Missing | Andrea | 6 |
Indy | Fighter | Fairy | Missing | Sam | 6 |
Volrac | Monk | Dragonborn | Missing | Charles | 6 |
Adonis | Paladin | Half-Orc | Retired | David | 6 |
Adonis[edit | edit source]
Adonis Coastborn, the level 6 Half-Orc Crown Oath Paladin was a part-time hero who briefly assisted the The Order of the Watchful Eye on board the Bonny Roberts to take down a White dragon in the Northern Snowy Mountains. It's likely Adonis became a more permanent part of that ship's crew.
Aesir[edit | edit source]
Aesir Goodsky was an Elf Ranger who joined a team venturing into The Firegates.
Aesir previously received a quest from the dragon inside The Firegates to help gather the scattered bones of his daughter, a River Pearl Dragon, which had been raided by previous heroes. If Aesir can get all the bones, they can be brought together to revive dead player Cyan.
Akagane[edit | edit source]
Tiefling hero who took a job with The Order of the Watchful Eye.
Alanis[edit | edit source]
Alanis is a Cleric that joined in late July, previously worked at the Field Hospital established by the Band of the Iron Hawk (Player Guild)
Archie[edit | edit source]
Archie was an aspiring wizard who was killed by The Umbral Flood.
Barbie[edit | edit source]
Fought in the Olympia Magisteria and might still have a casting of Inspiring Leader.
Darakhas[edit | edit source]
A Dragonborn Warlock played by Nazrin, he encountered Dug early in his adventuring history.
Is a classic hero of the realm, looking just to help out wherever possible.
Eesaak[edit | edit source]
Eesaak al Corelloni was a lost member of the ancient tride known as the Sylvan Vanguard. He considered himself a protector of the Wayward Oasis, Way of the Kensei, and Desrt Monk of Corellon.
His quote was "May the light of their beauty ever brighten your path"
Eesaak helped in the The Shadow Forge Shutdown but didn't do much Greedy Greening after that.
Felicia[edit | edit source]

Felicia du Manoir (she/her) was a Human Eldritch knight with a Rapier. Once a valued member of Fallhorn City state’s nobility and guard, she studied magic in hopes of doing her job better. However, such studies were banned for most of the populace and were reserved for an elite caste of mages. Eventually, Felicia’s secret was revealed by those she loved and she was brought before the rulers of the city. Her position as guard was revoked and she was sentenced to banishment from the city. Now she wanders aimlessly, her head trapped within a magically sealed, Iron mask, trying to find a new place in the world.
Eventually the Du Manoir Key was found in the city by Tristram Caniedydd and handed over to Felicia, allowing her to finally remove her mask shortly before the group went into The Battle of Five Lights.
Gregor Indisson[edit | edit source]
Gregor was a one-time companion to Arlin, Trina, Tordek, and Harold, who lived near Breme and helped fend off Krampus in the campaign pilot session. He did not move to Isonhound afterwards and as a result missed the entire campaign!
Ignidicus[edit | edit source]
A tiefling warlock/fighter, Ignidicus helped saved Luanda from a siege by a Blue Dragon, and briefly came face to face with Flame. Following that, he participated in the Olympia Magisteria before disappearing back into the Greedy Green.
Junky[edit | edit source]
Junky was a hero who briefly dablled in adventuring by going into the lair of The Green Stag...but decided it wasn't for him, thank you very much.
Khan[edit | edit source]
Khan (played by Kat who also played Ophelia) is a Genasi who did one mission for Gammelgard so far.
Mabel[edit | edit source]
"The Mother of All Sorcery Gnomes" who fought in the siege on the headquarters of The Protectors of the People.
Mallen[edit | edit source]
Mallen was a dude who fought at Three Dragons on Synàra, dying at the hands of Velathidros the Black Dragon.
He was rebuilt with the most modern of technology and explored the lair of The Green Stag.
Mumiy[edit | edit source]
Mumiy (pronounced Mummy) was Mei-Ling's half-orc barbarian who has only played once, but made good friends with Vadath.
Naxxradormu[edit | edit source]
Naxxradormu was a bronze Dragonkin wizard.
Naxxra (short for Naxxradormu) is a creature from a Parallel but similar universe who's experiments into Chronomancy has caused them to "Time Jump" to this parallel timeline. They are searching for a way to undo the process but require certain elements:
Naxxra's To-Find List for returning home:
- An Anchor of Quelmar (Must be DISTINCTLY Quelmarian)
- An Anchor of his Home World
- A Substantial Power Source
- Conductive "Fluid" for the ritual
- A Fluid Mover (Pipes, drains, etc.) that can handle the powerful fluid: Naxxra is working on very thin Crystal tubings as a start.
- A Contact Metal
Naxxra believes that someone in the town of Luanda can lead him to finding the fluids.
Brenna/Baz said she owes Naxxra a favor.
Naxxra comes from a world where Dragons are ALL benevolent and protective of the people of his home world. Aka...Another Space Traveler.
Omni[edit | edit source]
A cleric played by Chris who joined the fray for a session.
Orifyire[edit | edit source]
Orifyire Grrrmmballhyst was a black dragonborn fighter.
Oxan[edit | edit source]
"I don't want the meat
I have red dragon blood inside my weird"
- Oxan after being offered some of Flame's red dragon flesh.
Oxan Lightkeeper was a red dragonborn fighter who had a donkey named Rabbit. It only gets more confusing from there.
- The Donkey hates his existence.
- Belle killed Rabbit.
- Rabbit is not pet.
- and he is coming back
At that point Oxan became a Beast Master Ranger and summoned Rabbit as his animal companion. Rabbits never die.
Patches[edit | edit source]
Patches was a friendly scarecrow who momentarily rose to the occasion to help out during Cheshire's Assault on Seglock.
Pum[edit | edit source]
Pum was a short-time ally of the Greedy Greeners who helped take down the Black Dragon known as Thymor'ala. After taking down the dragon, Pum took one of the black dragon eggs with them. However, unknown events led to the egg finding its way from Pum and into the hands of The Protectors of the People.
"I think we need to note the tactics used in successfully tackling the dragon. Or is that a trade secret? ::Pum wanders to an open window, gazing out pensively as she surreptitiously sums an ever-swelling chorus on her loot to compliment the increasingly dramatic lighting of the swiftly diminishing raise of light to emphasize her words.:: We could copyright it ensuring that our party is paramount in dragon slaying, famed the whole world over, invited as guest lecturers and key note speakers, renowned worldwide, and monopolizing the dragon slaying industry as a whole. Who do you call when a dragon's lair threatens your echo system? Who do you call when other adventurer's bones litter the grounds of your former summer home? Who do you call when young men and women are plucked from fields as they collect crops? THE DRAGON BUSTERS". - Pum
Rakim[edit | edit source]
Rakim Greyshot was a half-elf ranger who helped take down Lord Belovaar
Ren[edit | edit source]
Fought in the Olympia Magisteria and might still have a casting of Inspiring Leader.
Rex[edit | edit source]
A red dragonborn hero played by Lev who helped saved Luanda from an attack by Flame.
Sly Corvis[edit | edit source]
Sly Corvis was a hero that helped save the Bonny Roberts during the Umbral Flood. He just wanted to get rich.
Saidhbhin[edit | edit source]
Saidhbhin (p. Shiv-van) is a Herpetologist (Study of snakes) in possession of a Staff of the Python inherited from Tordek when his character died/retired. A staff that turns into a giant python named Nathair Nimhe.
She was an ally of Varnath the Red, a member of the Wold Order.
Saidhbhin may be interested in the Yuan-Ti cult of the Hellslithers which PC Elric belongs to.
Saidhbhin may also be interested in the Mindsnare Naga that is inside Boros' head.
Last but not least, we known by the end of this campaign that Siobhin is also a member of the Astral Defiance, some star-trekking group of plane jumpers, which means we may bring her into the Space fold (a result of Erin bringing this character to a one-shot where we saw Siobhin in the far future at level 8 or so)
She speaks Common, gnomish, elvish, dwarfish, giant, orc, draconian, infernal. She has knowledge.
Tokax[edit | edit source]
Tokax the Yandere was an elf fighter who ventured Into the Greedy Green to slay dragons.
Tokax's many husbands include (in chronological order)
- Pinky the Dragon Slayer
- A Drakkoth named Gregory (technically a thrall of Feredemius wait did Tokax marry Towie?)
- Asheer
- A warforged centaur
Tokax died during The Shadow Forge Shutdown
Varryn[edit | edit source]
Varryn was a ranger who became the sworn protector of Synàra and a prominent Knight of Wold after completing a mission for the Wold Order tracking down a hidden tower in the Barrier Peaks known as Relith Tower. His retirement coincided with his migration into top-secret order operations.
The Fauxfaun[edit | edit source]
The Fauxfaun was a character who did not show up at a game table but started to enter the campaign via RP and online interactions.

Eurus[edit | edit source]
"It's all about the speed"
Eurus Sharpgust was an air gensi fighter, he was Male, 5'10, 150 lbs, with golden/orange eyes and a purple skin. Typical Paladin stereotype with little background, he joined the Band of the Iron Hawk.
Vereaux[edit | edit source]
“She is a street performer from Zobeck that did daring acrobatic tricks while her friends pickpocketed onlookers. She hasn't done any work like this before but thinks it will be rewarding.”
Vyuprax[edit | edit source]
Vyuprax the Unstoppable was a Sapphire dragonborn Paladin who joined the adventure towards the end, most significantly taking part in The Battle of Five Lights as a possible thane of Sardior in the Sapphire seat. He loved to Pit Fight.
Grinkle[edit | edit source]
Grinkle was a guest PC at the Greedy epilogue session at QuelmarCon 2023. Grinkle was "Just a Dude"tm , and he hid in a crevice. His parents had a haberdashery. He once worked on a monologue/tap dance routine for his parents' new haberdashery