Useful World-building Stuff
- Alcoholic Beverages
- Books
- Currency
- Diseases
- Drugs
- Guilds
- Holidays
- Items (Magic, Mundane)
- Languages
- Major Conflicts
- Quelmar Spells
- Weapons (Magic, Exotic)
List of Campaigns
Quelmar Campaign Setting
Adapting Existing Settings to Quelmar
- GM:Blades in the Dark
- GM:Forgotten Realms
- GM:Dragonlance
- GM:Paranoia
- GM:Swords of the Serpentine
- GM:Cyberpunk
Adapting Existing Game Systems to Quelmar
- GM:Shadowrun
- GM:Crash Pandas
- GM:Deadlands
- GM:The Warren
- GM:Honey Heist
- GM:Super Dogs
- GM:Monsterhearts
- GM:Monster of the Week
- GM:Changed Stars
- GM:Magitech Space Western
- GM:Inspirisles
- GM:Chromatic Gamut
- GM:Necrobiotic
- GM:Call of Cthulhu
- GM:Numenera
- GM:Dungeon World
- GM:The Deep Forest
- GM:Alien
- GM:Yazeba's Bed and Breakfast
- GM:Teatime Adventures
Variant Rules
- Implied Transcreation: a term used to define what is "canon" and what is an "analogous reference" in sessions, especially improv heavy ones.
- GM:Honor
- Bolstered Companions
5e Specific Resources
Game Planning
- GM:Unadapted Modules
- This is a list of popular and famous adventures, sourcebooks, and modules that HAVEN'T been run in the Quelmar setting yet, a great source for GMs looking for what to run.
- GM: Already Adapted Modules
- And these are the ones that HAVE been run, and exist in Quelmar already.
- GM:Planning A Game
- GM:Timeline Help