A Demonym is a word that describes a person or object belonging to a specific place or nationality. Quelmar is home to countless locales from over 3000 years of (written) history, and as such, many demonyms have been used.
World[edit | edit source]
- Quelmarian, of Quelmar ("Tablets of Quelmarian nature were found in Mechanus long after the end of days.")
- Quelmartian, individuals ("The Quelmartian popped in and out of the Astral Plane on Threesdays.")
Continent[edit | edit source]
- Pterish, of Pteris
- Pterisian, of Pteris
- Osugborn, of Osugbo
- Amusan, of Amusa
- Ison, of Isonhound
- (Alt) Feytouched, of Isonhound
- Bremish, of Breme
- Kistonian, of Kiston
Kingdom/Domain[edit | edit source]
- Champert, of Champerty
- Troverthian, of Troverth
- Nomanese, of No Man's Kingdom
- Snobbish, of Snobbite
City[edit | edit source]
- Atlan, of Atla
- A-holes, of Ahol
- Brakvillager, of Brakville
- Dolmvan, of Dolmvay
- Galic, of Galik
- Granish, of Granite
- Jewelspari, of Jewelspar
- Lunal, of Lunas
- Ostromeese, of Ostrom
- Shimatamites, of Shimatama
- Sneerwellian, of Sneerwell
Other[edit | edit source]
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