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The Quelmar Wiki

Isonhound is a continent of dense forests. The alpine forests of the northwest exist as an extension of the arctic climate found near Breme, while the rest of the continent harbors woodlands with occasional tropical jungles. Isonhound attracts the greatest concentration of fey and sylvan creatures anywhere across the realm.


Elven legends say that Isonhound was a gift to Quelmar from either Elysium or The Feywild during The Giving, a prehistoric event in which the gods were said to have "seeded" the realm with various creatures, lands, and powers.

The woods of Isonhound could get freezing in rough weather, but the treehouses and natural landscapes provided both shelter and fire, in high winds and flooding conditions, the natural limberness of the forest stood tall and thrived even when waterlogged. It never got too hot in Isonhound (like it does in Pteris) so the natural forest fires that broke out were very few, and even during hotter times, the forest gave shade.


After the Cavalry Rush: Isonhound's Domains
After the first Realm War: Isonhound's Kingdoms









The Quelmar Realm
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