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Within the Wicked Wilds/NPCs

Revision as of 18:43, 19 October 2024 by K-dawg12 (talk | contribs) (→‎Major Antagonists)
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This page currently displays only NPCs who are in Year 2 of Within the Wicked Wilds. If you wish to read about Year 1 NPCs, check out Within the Wicked Wilds/NPCs Year 1

Tempest Brothers Expeditionary Company NPCs[edit | edit source]

Darian Tempest[edit | edit source]

The older of the two Tempest Brothers, Darian is one of the co-founders of Tempest brothers Expeditionary Company along with his brother Adrian Tempest. Born well off, Darian took to the refined life of the upper class from a young age. He was stocky and tall even as a young boy and this didn’t change in adulthood. His size made him an imposing presence at first but his charm and personality was almost instantly disarming to anyone he met. But should an encounter come to blows, he was well skilled with blades and magic. His curiosities during his studies led him to research some of the legends and lore from times past, and it was this curiosity that helped to lead him to found the company.

Adrian Tempest[edit | edit source]

Adrian is the younger Tempest brother, 6 years younger to Darian, and co-founder of Tempest Brothers Expeditionary Company. He is lithe of frame but just as tall as Darian. He has a reserved demeanor and has never minded existing in his brother's shadow socially. Adrian is just as intelligent as his brother but was always more interested in developing his physical strength and prowess. Through this he grew to become an extraordinary explorer and fighter.

Adeline Hatchic[edit | edit source]

Adeline is Head of Mechanics at Tempest brothers Expeditionary Company. Her parents owned a successful airship repair company and taught her everything she knows about the industry. After her parents perished in a tragic accident, Adeline threw herself into the work of running the company and expanded into ground-up construction of ships. She became an expert in all aspects of airship construction, from the design of the engines to the fabrication of the hull. In later years her company was bought out by competing companies. Though she had lost her company, she did retain her personal wealth, a number of ships and the original family workshop. She met the Tempest Brothers who pitched their company idea. She agreed to work with them utilizing her remaining ships to redefine how exploration expeditions were conducted. Her workshop would become their base of operations.

Cookie the Otter[edit | edit source]

Cookie the Otter is an abjuration wizard working for Tempest Brothers Expeditionary Company. Cookie was formerly Lyowyn’s animal companion, but after being awakened and working with the Tempest Brothers Expeditionary Company, they mutually parted ways so he could begin to pursue his own interests. He works in the Tempest Brothers Expeditionary Company Mystix and Magicks division and has become proficient in abjuration magic. He is a small brown river otter wearing spectacle glasses, a small blue vest, and a small pack that is able to carry one to two scrolls.

Paul Fletcher[edit | edit source]

Paul is a field research manager for Tempest Brothers Expeditionary Company. Paul is a relatively, even surprisingly, young human male. He is rather lanky, but does have some muscle. He has big round metal glasses and shaggy, dirty blonde hair and is dressed rather simply. Paul is gifted in fields such as anthropology and history and religions. When he was younger he decided to travel the world doing his own independent research. When Paul saw the job listing for the new Tempest Brothers Company and approached the titular siblings with his skill set, though he wasn’t very good combat-wise, he was very good at exploring and unearthing things that many would overlook. They hired him on, and he’s been with them ever since.

Velemar Decrye[edit | edit source]

Velemar Decrye is a professional consultant from Galik, first serving as an accounting manager for Coreway Trading and later working for the government as a guild auditor. He has now been hired by the Tempest Brothers to assist in managing finances and internal affairs. Currently he serves as the Department Overseer for Basecamp Operations. He is a tall half-elven gentleman with a dark suit, pale skin, and short well-groomed brown hair. Velemar also handles a majority of commission work that the company receives connecting specific departments of the company with outside entities who may be willing to pay or invest in the company for some small service in return that is related to the company’s expeditions.

Lucinda Grimfold[edit | edit source]

Lucinda is a field specialist working for Tempest Brothers Expeditionary Company. Lucinda is a tall imposing human fighter in her late thirties with brown hair and gray eyes. Wielding a halberd, she wears heavy plate armor and a heavy fur and feather cape, with her helmet shaped in the guise of a snarling dragon. She is the life partner of Lyowyn Mossbringer and is a former commander of the Galik Lyreguard.

Lyowyn Mossbringer[edit | edit source]

Lyowyn is a field specialist for Tempest Brothers Expeditionary Company. She is a skilled druid and explorer who is the life-partner of Lucinda Grimfold. Contrasting with Lucinda, she is very warm and caring, but holds a deep anger for when those she cares for get hurt. She is an elven woman with bronze skin and long red hair, wearing a simple green cloak and carrying a flowered staff. A young man called Billiam serves as her assistant.

Skippy[edit | edit source]

Skippy is a young Halfling Skiff Strider working for the Tempest Brothers. His job includes ferrying company members about the regions surrounding the basecamp as well as organizing pickups. Skippy has also been awarded the captaincy of the company's newest airship, the Windrunner.

Friendly NPCs[edit | edit source]

Bulio[edit | edit source]

Bulio is the strange and mysterious proprietor of Bulio's Bobbles and Boons, a traveling wooden cart shop from which he sells his mystical wares. He wears a long dark cloak and a large wooden dragon mask which he never seems to remove. He is protected by his guardian, a massive white camouflage drake by the name of Duuk. It is unknown how he is able to move his cart through the dense and uncharted wilderness of Amusa, or what he looks like under the mask.

Sugarsprinkle[edit | edit source]

Sugarsprinkle is a fairy candy maker, and owner of "Sugarsprinkle's Wonderland Confectionary." They create magical candies which they would sell to company members. After some convincing and help in her store, she agreed to join the company as they traveled out east to establish a new waystation.

Oliver Vincent Bartholemew[edit | edit source]

An eccentric immortal adventurer who is forever pursued by a monster-like death. He was summoned by members of the company to assist in their journey to find the lost kobold village of Drakemire Hollow. Later he was called upon to help the company navigate The Plane of Ice.

Widgit Wizzlepop[edit | edit source]

Widgit Wizzlepop is a gnomish inventor who designed suits that could withstand the dangers and great temperatures of the Scar of Amusa who has been working with the Tempest brothers Expeditionary Company.

Professor Madeline Cinder[edit | edit source]

Professor Madeline Cinder is an academic hailing from Xender City. She was first contacted by the company when the Tempest Brothers requested she study their piece of The Aestorian Codex. Professor Cinder continues to help the company in their search for the other three pieces.

Derwin[edit | edit source]

Derwin is a shut in artificer who pioneered the creation of Harvest Reapers, large scarecrow-like constructs. He has a close relationship with the Markster farmers.

Elowen Thistledown[edit | edit source]

Elowen Thistledown is a high researcher who has partnered with the company to investigate the mysterious Well of Souls.

Neutral NPCs[edit | edit source]

The Collector[edit | edit source]

The Collector is a strange aristocrat stationed in Galik who wears a fine grey suit and a large owl mask. He is a collector of strange wares and is partial to items of magical or cursed origin.

Alkiir Scalesborn[edit | edit source]

Alkir is a white dragonborn demon hunter and warlock of The Ten Hells. They have come into contact with the Tempest Brothers Expeditionary Company multiple times in their efforts to slay demons.

Gumptor Fynn[edit | edit source]

Gumptor Flyyn is a half-orc ranger who helps the company navigate the eastern wilds.

Chief Pyrrhin[edit | edit source]

Chief Pyrrhin is the kobold leader the the airship village, a village of kobolds inhabiting a crashed airship.

Major Antagonists[edit | edit source]

The Sepexilium[edit | edit source]

More commonly known as just "The Seven," the Sepexilium are a cabal of mysterious entities inhabiting he wilds of Amusa able to wield near godlike power. They have operated in the background of major events within the wilds and have even reached out to mark those who travel to close to the edges of magic and madness.

Prince Ulftiir, the Rimelord[edit | edit source]

Prince Ulftiir is the Frost Giant ruler of the The Frostfell Empire. He is the half-giant, half-dragon son of the Ancient White Dragon Ysildra, the Mother in Ivory. He seeks to regain The Ring of Winter's Wrath and freeze the realm. After acquiring the ring, his attempt to stop a portal from opening above Amusa was stopped by the Tempest Brother's Expeditionary Company who stole back the ring and slew the giant prince.

"The Mindflayer"[edit | edit source]

A strange and mysterious being who experiments deep in the wilds. A strange dimensionally locked box was recovered from one of their labs. Its true plans remain unknown.

Kalzivach[edit | edit source]

Kalzivach is a Pit Fiend and servant of the Archdevil Mammon. Utilizing divine artifacts they have found a way to circumvent The Pact Primeval and operate without limits in Amusa.

Minor Antagonists[edit | edit source]

Ysildra the Mother In Ivory[edit | edit source]

Ysildra was an Ancient White Dragon who had been trapped in The Plane of Ice during The Holy War. She would later make an alliance with The Frostfell Empire and have a son, Prince Ulftiir. When the Frostfell Empire attempted to freeze the realm using The Ring of Winter's Wrath, she was slain by a party of Tempest Brothers' expeditionaries.

Galidant, Exarch of Kavanmort[edit | edit source]

Galidant is a loyal servant of the Twin Dragon Kavanmort. After being freed by company members he has been working to regain power in Amusa. Part of this is infecting dinosaurs with his vampiric bite and sending them to attack towns and travelers.

Jack of Hearts[edit | edit source]

Jack of Hearts is a charismatic, mysterious, and debonaire adventurer out in the wilds of Amusa. He and those he travels with have clashed with members of the Tempest Brother's Expeditionary Company on occasion. After being revealed to actually be the noblewoman Jaqueline Hearthorne, she helped to stop her evil brother Alistair Hearthorne. She then formally disposed of her name and accepted the name Jack of Hearts. She would later travel to Eastern Amusa and become a Troverth Revolutionary.

Wren[edit | edit source]

Wren is a mysterious worm-based druid who serves The Lord of the Beneath. She was a former ally of both Jack of Hearts and the fey dragon Faerenia.

Lieutenant Azha[edit | edit source]

Lieutenant Azha is an infernal Fire Giant and is a Servant of the archdevil Mammon. She was sent to the material plane to stop the advance of The Frostfell Empire in Amusa. They are the right hand of the Pit Fiend Kalzivach.

Dorian Shroud[edit | edit source]

Dorian Shroud is a ghost and gentleman thief reanimated with infernal magic. In return for their unlife they have been tasked with recovering all the pieces of The Aestorian Codex

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