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Within the Wicked Wilds/Player Recaps/TLDR

Revision as of 15:16, 23 July 2023 by Psuvillager (talk | contribs) (Updated "Unrecorded Sessions", removed reference to "beyond the Scar" in "2: Curious Company")

Wicked Wilds: Tiny Little Digest of Recaps

(Sources: SWAAR, The Story So Far, Player Recaps)


  • 1a Spiders: Cleared temple ruins and found a secret door and key (south)
  • 1b Bog: Explored swamp, met the Warden (swamp location?)
  • 1c Thinwhistle: Met the kobolds of Thinwhistle; Hunk joined TBEC (southwest)
  • 1d Dreams: Learned the Green Knight and gnolls killed the Perseus Company; Bulio joined TBEC (camp location?)
  • 2 Curious: Explored a temple; Acquired a book for the Collector; met Jack of Hearts & co. (east, near the Scar)
  • 3 Glitters: Investigated deaths of missing research team on a ley line; harvested magical flora (northwest)
  • 4 River: De-polluted a water source; harvested hell-influenced mushrooms; Ratchet perished (upstream location?)
  • 5 Pickins: Hired a new airship crew, but did not hire Caligas (Galik)
  • 6 Penguin: Rescued Pennysworth, contracted Sight Rot, nearly encountered Mother (east)
  • 7 Winds: Made friends with the druids of Thistlebrook (northeast)
  • 8 Garden: Acquired Eyebright from swamps; talked to Mother, and Tassa volunteered to join her (swamp, east near the Scar)
  • 9 Oblex: Interrupted Jubilex's conduit for amassing oozes (northwest)
  • 10 Bird: Explored a temple; encountered Galidant and the Green Knight (north by skiff)
  • 11 Underdark: Revisited the Lolth temple to kill aberrations; spoke amicably with drow; Dochas perished (south)
  • QCon Trials: One party helped the other across time; encountered the Timeless and the Nameless (Thistlebrook, northeast)
  • 12 Bell: Explored Mt. Alkinimic; encountered Lorrie Haslo, "The Fleshcrafter", the Collector, and the Philosopher's Stone (mountain location?)
  • 13 Nature: Revisited Thistlebrook; protected the forest from a blight-spreading monster (northeast & northwest)
  • 14 Rails: Battled Jack of Hearts and his party (southwest)
  • 15 Hire: Met with Lily; revisited Thinwhistle and rescued kobolds; encountered Tassa (southwest)
  • 16 Smoke: Disabled a massive gnoll forge facility; encountered Ripjaw and Scournia (west)
  • 17 Fossils: Revisited Thinwhistle; slew the Draculadon and its kobold spawn; Nester perished (southwest)
  • 19 Road: Encountered Lorrie Haslo, Ripjaw, the Music Man, and the Collector; fought gnoll war machines; Lowkey perished (east)


1a: Spiders and Ichor and Ruins....oh my! (Julia, 4/29/23)

Highlights: Cleared a (ancient?) temple ruins, and found a secret door and key

  • Sabbatical, Reedy, Paris, Yewvane, and Therrin (and Paul) secured a ruined temple of Lolth several hours south
  • Killed spider creatures, and got the (large, red gem) key to a secret passage

1b: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Bog (Dave, 4/29/23)

Highlights: Met the Warden

  • Wiggler, Tassa, Kamakuras, Cinder, and Joylee scouted a swamp and fought off an oblex
  • Met "the Warden" (who claims guardianship over the entire wilds of Amusa), saw their home, and received a brooch to contact them via animal messenger
  • Learned about creatures living nearby: lizardfolk, yuan-ti, kobolds, and grung

1c: Thinwhistle (Aaron, 4/29/23)

Highlights: Met the kobolds of Thinwhistle; Hunk joined TBEC

  • Lambda, Rina, Nassir, Neru, and 22 made nice with the kobold village of Thinwhistle, one half day west
  • Killed large, bipedal, fire-breathing lizard, and fled a similar lightning-breather
  • Heard from Chief Snatu about an ancient, powerful kobold city
  • Returned with Hunk as envoy between Thinwhistle & TBEC

1d: Ruins of Maddening Dreams (Keller?, 4/29/23)

Highlights: Learned that the Green Knight and gnolls had killed the Perseus Company; Bulio joined TBEC

  • Amaris, Obsidian, Lysvan, Chrysaor, and Deralickt tried to make contact with the Perseus expedition, but found their people massacred
  • At their basecamp, fought gnolls, hyenas, a 'deathpledge' and The Green Knight, who escaped
  • Contracted some kind of madness and/or sleepy sickness and fled hundreds of approaching gnolls
  • Found some documents and rescued Bulio

2: The Collector / Curious Company (Keller, 5/1/23)

Highlights: Acquired a book for the Collector; met a mysterious adventuring party led by Jack of Hearts

  • Sabbatical, Marion, P'Rahp, Neru, Hermes, and [Helli]] ventured east to a temple near the Scar to recover an astronomy book for the Collector
  • Teamed up with an initially-antagonistic adventuring group to kill a behir (Jack of Hearts, Malakar, Theta, Yellana, Titan, Tini, and Wren, and two Pentulven brothers)
  • Acquired the book, which caused maddening visions

3: All that Glitters (Julia, 5/10/23)

Highlights: Investigated deaths on a ley line; harvested magical flora

  • Sabbatical, Marion, P'Rahp, Neru, Hermes, and Helli investigated Arc's missing research teams (at a camp on a ley line, a few hours west-by-northwest)
  • Found dead researchers as well as a magical (glowing) tree with a connection to nearby fauna
  • Fought large, magically enhanced dinosaurs

4: River me Timbers (Julia, 5/20/23)

Highlights: De-polluted a water source; harvested hell-influenced mushrooms; Ratchet perished

  • Ratchet, Millar, Finny, Yewvane, Lysvan, and Twilsby rowed upstream to investigate a polluted river
  • Collected warm, glowing mushrooms (indicating that the area has infernal connections)
  • Fought two humanoid-faced snakes, two crocodiles, and then the clan patriarch, a large crocodile with humanoid arms, which killed Ratchet
  • Restored the river to its natural state

5: Amusa's Got Talent/Slim Pickins (Keller, 5/21/23)

Highlights: Hired a new airship crew, but did not hire Caligas

  • Nassir, Felix, Lowkey, Cinder, Chrysaor, and Obsidian went to Galik and hired the following airship crew
  • Two applicants died during interviews
  • Caligas—Amusa's one and only pantsing octopus—applied as captain but was not offered any position
  • Hired:
    • Captain: Tiki-Ti (Thri-kreen)
    • First mate: Polly (aarakocra)
    • Engineer: David (human), and intern Klerica (dragonborn)
    • Cook: Bob (ogre)
    • Navigator: Bink (kenku)
    • Others: Rome Holiday (human), Snoot (kobold)

6: A Penguin's Problem (Aaron, 5/24/23)

Highlights: Rescued Pennysworth, contracted Sight Rot, nearly encountered Mother

  • Sabbatical, Lambda, Kompi, Therrin, Paris, Nestor, and Hunk found Pennysworth's airship where it had crashed east of basecamp
  • Fought off demons while repairing it, including one with the voice of Jim Stacy
  • Some contracted sight rot from the spores of a dying foe (causing blurry vision and nightmares)
  • Fled before the demons' "Mother" appeared

7: Winds of Change (Julia, 5/26/23)

Highlights: Made friends with the druids of Thistlebrook

  • Reedy, Helli, Marion, Nix, Jo, and 22 Tracked down stolen livestock a short distance northeast
  • Found the thief to be from the nearby druid conclave of Thistlebrook, which did not sanction has actions
  • Engaged in conversation and friendly competition with the group (not at a festival)
  • Made an agreement to give minor mutual assistance, and learned of a way to combat Sight Rot

8: Weeding the Garden/The Loss of Tassa (Aaron, 5/30/23)

Highlights: Acquired eyebright; Tassa volunteered to join Mother

  • Millar, Tassa, Deralickt, Dragonett, Neru, p'Rahp, and Lowkey went to the Swamps to acquire eyebright plants to combat Sight Rot (and succeeded)
  • Fought some children of the demonic Mother
  • Acquired eyebright
  • Talked to Mother, which led to Tassa voluntarily joining her

9: Oblex Infestation Investigation (Dave, 5/31/23)

Highlights: Interrupted Jubilex's conduit for amassing oozes

  • Millar, Rina, Dochás, Dickweedus, Finny, and Yewvane traveled a few hours west to investigate an ooze infestation
  • Found a colossal tree stump full of baby oozes; the demon lord Jubilex was using it as a conduit to gather oozes
  • Disrupted the conduit, triggering defenses including fire-hurling slimes, and fled as the area burned

10: Bird Up!/Heart of Stone (Keller, 6/3/23)

Highlights: Found a temple; encountered Galidant and the Green Knight

  • Sabbatical, Frankie, Wiggler, Amaris, Jo, and Dragonett (and Skippy) traveled several hours north by skiff (several days' walk) to investigate dinosaurs being killed
  • A roc damaged the skiff, which crashed through the jungle floor into a ruined temple of Kavanmort and others
    • Tiamat, the Dragon Queen
    • Kavanmort, the Twin Doom - two-headed, blue and black dragon
    • Xevriss, the Devourer of Gourds
    • Alkinimic, the Ancient
    • The One Taken by the Underground - a mysterious draconic force
  • Slew a mutated Medusa, and freed the undead dragonborn Galidant (the Exaltant of Kavanmort), who was initially hostile, then grateful
  • Were attacked by the Green Knight (who dramatically captured the roc and said the party knew too much after speaking to Galidant); barely escaped

11: Underdark Strikes Back (Julia, 6/4/23)

Highlights: Revisited the Lolth temple to kill aberrations; spoke amicably with drow; Dochas perished

  • Reedy, Paris, Lysvan, Nix, Thordon, and Dochas (and Paul) visited the temple of Lolth several hours south to handle aberrations that are attacking drow
  • Fought ropers, mushrooms, cloakers, and a mindflayer beneath the temple

QuelmarCon 2023: Trials of the Gods (Julia & Aaron, 6/10/23)

Highlights: One party affected the other across time; encountered the Timeless and the Nameless

  • The PCs touched sphynx statues representing two Gods, the Timeless and the Nameless, as part of a celebration at the Thistlebrook Conclave
  • Lambda, NickRivers, Neru, Reedy, p'Rahp, and 22 were sent forward in time to fight an eyedrake and a hydra
  • Wiggler, Twilsby, Dothand, Zimper, Helli, and Patrick's PC were sent backward in time to engage in puzzle-solving that affected the future fights. (NickRivers and Helli switched places between fights.)
  • The gods made magic items available as rewards for succeeding in their trials

12: The Bell Tolls (Keller, 6/11/23)

Highlights: Encountered Lorrie Haslo, "The Fleshcrafter", the Collector, and the Philosopher's Stone

  • Sabbatical, Yewvane, Dickweedus, Finny, Lowkey (Girl/Guy), and Radion (with Velemar and Skippy) traveled by airship to Mount Alkinimic, named for the eponymous ancient dragon, to confirm his death and secure his horde
  • Discovered an encampment of Haslo Historical Expedition (hired by the Collector to find an artifact from the horde)
  • Fought mimics and recovered the Philosophers stone (studied at camp, then sold to The Collector) and other items

13: Nature, uh, Finds a Way (Julia, 6/16/23)

Highlights: Revisited Thistlebrook; protected the forest from a blight-spreading monster

  • Sabbatical, Marion, Nassir, Hermes, Juno, and Thordon (after speaking to Billiam, Galaros, and Curian of Thistlebrook) traveled a few hours northwest of camp (near the site of the prior oblex infestation) to investigate withering of flora and fauna.
  • Fought a giant creature of ash, wood, and fire; prevented further spread of its withering energy
  • Heard the creature imply in primordial that it used to be a protector but became a destroyer when it got burnt
  • Nassir got a cool stone axe (related to the creature) that wraps itself around his arm

14: Off the Rails (Keller, 6/25/23)

Highlights: Battled Jack of Hearts and his party

  • Sabbatical, Reedy, Wiggler, Radion, Chrysaor, Cealion, and Frankie tried to transport some mysterious tablets by train, near the border of Galik and western Cauldomo, to a researcher called Makamane
  • Jack of Heart's party tried to rob the train to get the tablets -- plus he has info about people in camp, so he likely has a mole. He blew up a bridge and killed some civilians
  • Jack's party comprised himself and: Theta (warforged), Titan (dragonborn), Yellena (Eladrin), Malakar (undead), Tini (Kobold), six Pentulvan brothers (human)

15: A New Hire (Aaron, 6/27/2023)

Highlights: Met with Lily; revisited Thinwhistle and rescued kobolds; encountered Tassa

  • Thordon Akieye, Therrin Flare, Nix, Twilsby Pendergras, Bellix, Deralickt, Nestor, Aine, and Hunk met Lily and Thrax in Thinwhistle (to the west) to pursue Lily's research regarding Theylra
  • Followed Hunk to a cave from where a kobold team has not returned, encountered a dinosaur with a breath weapon, and fled into the cave, where Tassa's voice said they were "early...for the party".
  • Fought mind-controlling spiders and saved two of three of the missing kobold team
  • Tassa, Topi, and a diseased-looking demon disappeared deep into the cave

16: Smoke Signals (Keller, 7/1/2023)

Highlights: Disabled a massive gnoll forge facility; encountered Ripjaw and Scournia

  • Reedy, Finny, Dickweedus, Wiggler, Amaris, and Radion (with Skippy) traveled west and found great plumes of smoke rising from holes in the earth that led to a huge underground forge facility
  • Learned that the Gearhead gnoll pack (led by a gnoll cyborg called Ripjaw, and working with other tribes) was gutting warforged individuals for parts and forging weapons and massive war machines, powered by a captured Efreeti called Scournia
  • Disabled the forge, freed the prisoners, encountered Ripjaw and a strange fungus creature, and fled

17: Fossils and Fools (Keller, 7/7/2023)

Highlights: Revisited Thinwhistle; slew the Draculadon and its kobold spawn; Nester perished

  • Nester, Dragonett, Cealion, Thordon, Amaris, and Dickweedus traveled southwest to the kobold village of Thinwhistle, where something had been taking people by night (with the kobold Hangoon being the only known survivor).
  • Discovered that a large monstrous vampiric dinosaur, the Draculadon, had been turning kobolds into its spawn
  • Slew several spawn and the Draculadon itself, but lost Nester and learned that its creator was still at large in the wilds.

19: Road Rage (Keller, 7/14/2023)

Highlights: Encountered Lorrie Haslo, Ripjaw, the Music Man, and the Collector; fought gnoll war machines; Lowkey perished

  • Radion The Forged, Thordon Akieye, 22, Dragonett, Lowkey, and Lorrie Haslo (with Skippy) flew east in in pursuit of a convoy of gnolls, who had just attacked Lorrie's company, to retrieve stolen cargo and preclude its being destroyed by the Galik military
  • Fought their way forward across four fast-moving Gearhead gnoll war machines
  • Encountered Ripjaw and The Music Man, and rescued The Collector
  • Lowkey was killed by wild magic while sparing 22 from a devastating attack by a gnoll siege weapon

Unrecorded Sessions

...Mysterious Henge... (Julia, 7/9/2023)

"There are stories of strange monuments in the forest. Constructs that possess some unknown power. The Company‘s various scouting teams have discovered what may be one such artifact, a unique Henge hidden away. Are they just stories, or like most legends, is there truth to the tales…?"

...Cabin in the Woods... (Julia, 7/15/2023)

"A lone cabin found in the woods, Seemingly abandoned, but with a strange air to it. The Company is sending a team to either discover as to whoever is the rightful owner, or glean whatever supplies could be salvaged from it. But be careful trespassing, as you never know what might still be lingering…"

Church Attendance (Aaron 7/28/23)

"There are some powerful and ancient forces at play in the wilds. A few months back a religious building of sorts was found to the north of camp. This building mentioned some beings known as The Mistress, The Unformed King and Malice. Its time to go back and properly investigate it. Bjorn is requesting some volunteers to go and see what can be learned."

Shell Shy (Keller, 7/29/23)

"Recent expeditions have discovered evidence of another exposed leyline in the region. The company has organized an expedition to investigate this leyline and to research what potential benefits it could bring to the company. But watch out, as you may not be the only ones interested in such a resource..."

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