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Into the Greedy Green/The Story So Far

Session 1a: Velathidros

Characters: Trina (Starting XP 6500), Arlin (Starting XP 6500), Varryn (Starting XP 1500), Kris (Starting XP 1500), Mallen (RIP)

DM: James

Dragons Encountered: Velathidros (Slaughtered), Sro, and Flame

XP Gained: 3350 (670 each)

Important Things that Happened: Welcome to Synàra, a central hub of regrowth in the middle of the Woldlin domain of Isonhound. Every year, the great festival of Asar Ogalas brings together the locals, and brings in the curious. With countless activities to partake in, the fun is never ending....unless, of course, you hear the siren.

When called to action, a group of five brave warriors, tasked with helping the town's own overwhelmed militia, stomped down to local Varryn's neighborhood and help rescue his own kin from being extorted and attacked by the great dragon Velathidros. It took their combined forces (and the morale boost of trusty lionkin Kris) to tear him down, but dramatically they prevailed, opening the door now to further adventures...into the Greedy Green!

Session 1b: Sro

Characters: Tordek (Starting XP 6500), Durian (Starting XP 1500), Ulka (Starting XP 1500), Spinel (Starting XP 1500), Dancer of the Boreal Valley (Starting XP 1500), Grandmush (Starting XP 1500)

DM: James

Dragons Encountered: Sro, Flame, and Velathidros

XP Gained: 2460 (410 each)

Important Things that Happened: Welcome to Synàra, a central hub of regrowth in the middle of the Woldlin domain of Isonhound. Every year, the great festival of Asar Ogalas brings together the locals, and brings in the curious. With countless activities to partake in, the fun is never ending....unless, of course, you hear the siren.

When called to action, a group of five brave warriors, tasked with helping the town's own overwhelmed militia, fled to the city's capital building to evacuate any possible civilians, they learned just how powerful the Silver Greatwyrm Sro could be. And how easy it is to get lost in the rubble, destruction, and confusion that lays in the wake of a Silver dragon who REALLY wants something. Despite the odds being stacked against them, they used their ability to be non-threatening to sneak in and rescue the mayor at the last second!

Session 1c: Flame

Characters: Alenka (Starting XP 1500), Einari (Starting XP 1500), Jeb (Starting XP 1500), Violet (Starting XP 1500), Miles (Starting XP 1500)

DM: James

Dragons Encountered: Flame, Velathidros, and Sro

XP Gained: 2890 (578 each)

Important Things that Happened: Welcome to Synàra, a central hub of regrowth in the middle of the Woldlin domain of Isonhound. Every year, the great festival of Asar Ogalas brings together the locals, and brings in the curious. With countless activities to partake in, the fun is never ending....unless, of course, you hear the siren.

Session 2: Azuspear

Characters: Trina, Arlin, Kris, Violet, Miles, Buho (Starting XP 6500), Jeb (RIP)

DM: James

Dragons Encountered: Azuspear the Blue (+ His wyrmlings), The Green Stag (Mentioned)

XP Gained: 8700 (1242 each)

Important Things that Happened: In the city of Deeplake, important scientific progress is happening at the Church of Innovation, but at this particular branch, all is not as it seems. When the scientists began to push harder on the players to kill all the blue dragons (even the babies) a series of interrogations showed that this Church was compromised by an unseen force---The Green Stag. However, besides uncovering conspiracies, the team also took the time to investigate the blue dragon's old lair, finding it inhabited by a dangerous Behir, a monster who nearly wiped the team out before they put it six-feet-under. Having now taken some Caeruleam for themselves, the group begins to look more into its uses and benefits.

Session 3: Sro II

Characters: Durian, Ulka, Spinel, Dancer of the Boreal Valley, Aman, Einari, Stan (Starting XP 1500)

DM: James

Dragons Encountered: The Great Sro, Belle (technically a human but polymorphed into dragon)

XP Gained: 6950 (992 each)

Important Things that Happened: Rising high in the Isonhound mountains, Sro keeps his own precious lair...of MAYORS. Sneaking up to Sro's home, the group of heroes rush into danger, alerting Sro's own ward along the way. Though tensions were high among the team, with Dragon Lovers vying for the praise and attention of the Great Sro, while the Dragon Slayers looked for any opportunity to slice him down. By Sro's own admission, perhaps the world IS ready to fight dragons again, and for passing his curated test (and lesson) of strength, the team took home Mayor Ludvater to his poor heartbroken wife.

Session 4: Prelnirith

Characters: Varryn, Tordek, Einari, Harold (Starting XP 6500), Mallen (Starting XP 1500), Junky (Starting XP 1500)

DM: James

Dragons Encountered: Prelnirith the Topaz Dragon

XP Gained: 3435 (573 each)

Important Things that Happened: A hoard is raided! Escorting the greedy Topaz dragon to his lair on the coast, the team fought alongside the dragon to tear up some goblins who had raided its lair in its absence, and when the dragon wasn't looking...took a little bit for themselves! However, when Mallen is caught raided a shelf, the once allied dragon turned on the group, quickly beginning the retreat! High tensions, epic stakes, and one magic arrow of blinding later...we were all alive, on the SS No Sink, and on our way out, with well over 500 GP worth of gems and artifacts successfully stolen.

Session 5: Bleucorundum

Characters: Trina, Arlin, Durian, Grandmush, Violet, Amber (Starting XP 1500), Zevendell (Starting XP 1500)

DM: James

Dragons Encountered: Bleucorundum the Sapphire Dragon, and an unknown gemstone dragon egg. The Green Stag (Mentioned)

XP Gained: 4150 (593 each)

Important Things that Happened: A child?! With an Egg!? You betcha. It wasn't Pelota, it wasn't Toblerone, it was TARIAN! After interviewing all 6 suspects, the heroic teams known as "The Awesome Tieflings", "The Dragon Mushers", and "Hot Blood" combined all the clues they had individually gathered in order to crack the case. Unfortunately for them, the Awesome Tieflings also happened to let Tarian's wiles and charms convince them to let him out of his house. So now instead of tracking him down at home, the team braved the wilds, tracking the child through the woods until they came very close to the lair of the great Sapphire guardian. Fighting one of the dragon's thralls, a PHASE GELATINOUS CUBE, everyone barely survived, and decided in the end, that the egg belonged with the dragon, and Tarian was doing the right thing after all.

Session 6: Kobold Dragonshields

Characters: Ulka, Spinel. Dancer of the Boreal Valley, Stan, Junky, Mallen, Ferris (Starting XP 1500)

DM: James

Dragons Encountered: About 15 Kobold Dragonshields. You heard me, some Kobolds are Dragons. Also the body of an unknown red dragon, and the sabotaged egg of said dragon. The Green Stag (Mentioned)

XP Gained: 2850 (407 each)

Important Things that Happened:

  • Delving deep into the vault of King Glub, a group of heroes fought off a powerful set of Kobolds that were enhanced with draconic power.
  • It turns out "King Glub" or whoever he was, has been dead, and the Kobolds were defending its egg, still nestled under the boney corpse of its mother.
  • HOWEVER, the egg itself had already been compromised, having been destroyed by a creature calling himself "The Green Stag"

Session 7: Harkial

Characters: Einari, Indy (Starting XP 1500), Cyan (Starting XP 1500), Ophelia (Starting XP 1500), Joshua (Starting XP 1500), Tokax (Starting XP 1500)

DM: James

Dragons Encountered: Harkial the Red

XP Gained: 14,850 (2475 each)

Important Things that Happened

  • Draconian armies sometimes escape into the world and cause terror in the name of the dragons as part of the big ongoing war against the realm.
  • The coastal towns of Fasiltum and Jakalla were attacked in this latest wave, Jakalla was a total loss, despite the best efforts of those present.
  • This particular army of Draconians appeared to be led by Harkial, a destructive young red dragon.
  • Legends of "Pinky the Dragon Slayer" are going around now, about a single soldier who slayed a dragon (in truth, he was just the one manning a cannon that happened to land a death blow)

Session 8: Hydrinth

Characters: Búho, Kris, Tordek, Durian, Violet, Boros (Starting XP 2700) Dad-Bot (Starting XP 1500)

DM: James

Dragons Encountered: Hydrinth the Bronze

XP Gained: 5940 (848 each)

Important Things that Happened:

  • The team sailed the Titicaca River
  • Some of the players learned about Wovenstone and Caeruleum.
  • Kris is retired to side research on the power sources mentioned above.
  • The team did encounter Hydrinth the Bronze Dragon, who was on a mission to destroy the slave-labor mines that were hiding out near Nightfall station. When Tordek discovers that the mines collapsed and people may be inside, the group melded underground to find and save the last survivors, including a very special Shifter.

Session 9: Lindwurms

Characters: Tordek, Dancer of the Boreal Valley, Boros, Dur’kalak, (Starting XP 1500), Va’Dath (Starting XP 1500)

DM: Kyle

Dragons Encountered: Lindwurm’s x2

XP Gained: 4180 (836 each)

Important Things that Happened:

  • Party caught word of a tavern owner in Seglock that was looking for a group to venture north for an escort mission.
  • The tavern owner, a satyr named Rory, asked the party to travel North to Chillcrest Forest and bring his daughter home. Rory’s daughter is a New Dryad named Wisty. She was part of a relief effort in Northern Sylvanry; in an area with a series of recent attacks by unknown creatures.
  • The party traveled North to Chillcrest Forest, just as Wisty’s camp was under attack by Lindwurms. The party engaged the Lindwurms on an icy pond just outside the camp. The battle was hard fought and unfortunately Wisty was slain by a Lindwurm just as Va’dath(?) was lunging to protect her.
  • The party vanquished the lindwurms and Tordek attempted to revive Wisty but it was too late. It’s possible that something in the Lindwurm’s vile saliva prevented such healing.
  • After the dryad perished, a purple sapling began to grow from the corpse. Dancer cut the sapling from Wisty’s body and placed it in a container. With Va’Dath(?) carrying the corpse itself, the party returned to Rory and gave the satyr his daughter’s corpse. He didn’t seem too distraught; claiming that he can have her brought back because “i knows a guy”. The Wisty Sapling…. Well…. It’s in good paws.

Session 10: Longfang

Characters: Einari, Violet, Grandmush, Arlin, Trina, Búho, Dad-Bot

DM: Dave

Dragons Encountered: Longfang (Mentioned)

XP Gained: 3661 (523 each)

Important Things that Happened:

  • The party members heeded the request of the Order of the Watchful Eye and reported to the barracks outside their cloister in the town of Gammelgard.
  • They met a dwarven alchemist by the name of Falgrim Norest. He is an alchemist in service to the Order and would act as their contact for the mission. He told them the background of why they were requested, what their objectives were and what they might encounter.
  • The first thing they encountered was a group of three emaciated orcs. emaciated, under dressed and under armed. They were completely submissive and answered all their questions without resistance. The orcs told them they were run off their land farther up in the mountains. A green dragon called Longfang ran them off with a hoard of nasty odd looking goblins. The group ultimately let them go.
  • Following the road, they came into a large clearing about the size of a small village with rough mountain walls rising up all around it. In this clearing they encountered a large group of goblins similar in look to what the orcs had described. And eventually came to a 25 foot statue of a Dwarf outside a massive sealed off stone archway.

Session 11: Tragdor

Characters: Einari, Dur'kalak, Durain, Indy, Tokax, Delphi (Starting XP 2700)

DM: Kyle

Dragons Encountered:

XP Gained: 3798 (633 each)


Session 12: The Green Stag Pt. I

Characters: Harold, Cyan, Ensign (Starting XP 2700), Reylendor (Starting XP 2700), Kihlek (Starting XP 2700), Herneldo (Starting XP 2700)

DM: James

Dragons Encountered: Unnamed White Dragon Wyrmling Orphans, and ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇

XP Gained: 3696 (616 each)

Synopsis: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇




Session 13:

Characters: Tordek, Dancer, Vadath, Boros, Kellen, Akagane, Khan

DM: Dave

Dragons Encountered: Longfang (Mentioned, possibly it’s presence was sensed by party member)

XP Gained: 4200 (600 each)


  • The group was briefed by the dwarven alchemist Falgrim Norest in Gammelgard and informed that the first group that ventured forth into the foothills of the Northern Snowy Mountains were successful in finding both the entrance to the lost dwarven citadel and the odd, mutated goblins. The task of this group would be similar but in a different area of the foothills.
  • The group had an uneventful travel during the two days into the mountains. The night before they reached the suspected entrance, a heavy fog fell over the encampment and surrounding area. Dancer of the Boreal Valley cast Primal Awareness and detected a dragon in their wide vicinity. Even so, no attack came to them.
  • The next day the group traveled on further and came to the remnants of a road that snaked up into the mountains in the direction they were going. Following the road they came to a clearing where they found a hoard of goblins fighting a group of orcs. Sneaking into the area, the group attempted to covertly harass the two groups into fighting each other. This had partial success.
  • Ultimately, the group was successful in defeating both of the groups which did take to fighting each other.
  • Upon traveling farther along, they came to a 25ft statue of a dwarf and sealed stone archway similar to the one the first group found.
  • Tordek cast Meld with Stone and merged with the wall. He came out a few moments later claiming that the wall was actually an earth elemental that was tasked with blocking the passage way.

Session 14: The Green Stag Pt. II


DM: James

Dragons Encountered:

XP Gained:


Session 15: Vezoth the White


DM: James

Dragons Encountered:

XP Gained:


Session 16: Drakkoths

So on may 10th a group of us went to Seglock.

We were told some drakoth had destroyed a village not to far from Seglock by some survivors holed up in Seglocks library. An elderly woman spoke to us and warned us of the danger. A priest by the name of Echamus traveled with us from the library to the village. While fighting the Drakoths the priest joined the fight and turned into a "whitish dragon" and grabbed one of the Drakoth and flew up. Arguing could be heard in draconian from the two but couldn't be understood. Eventually the dragon dropped the drakoth and flew away. Another Drakoth mentioned that "The one that waits will see you soon. After killing the remaining Drakoth and returning to Seglock we conversed with the elderly woman yet again and asked her some questions. Her name is Madame Webe ,a lunalwn priest, and told us the Echamus was a name of legends. He is supposedly "the moon child" or also known as The son of the moon dragon Eros. We also question about "The one who waits" she told us that he is thier peoples boogeyman and nothing more than a creature of darkness ment to scare little kids. When asked where this creature dwells we were told.The tales claim that it lurks in the dark places, preying on those that stray from the blessed light of the moon. But one day it will no longer be satisfied with just that, and will come into the light, setting in motion a series of events that aren't good.

Session 17: Dragon Echoes

Delphi made a deal and freed Tasha’s pet god of death. After successfully killing Tasha’s 40 babies 2 out of the 3 nights. Ensign got half of a scrying orb to help fix his. And Durian learned about his egg. Oh and Cynthia now has a beetle mount.

Ensign's log, stardate 5.13.22, for Captain Saldani, should it be recovered:

I was requested to assist Delphi, a friend who I had established communications with earlier, in a mission to return a trophy from a large green dragon to a female mage known as Ygilwiv. Delphi hoped to receive a promised reward, 3 wishes , for killing the dragon, but this required staying with the elder mage 3 consecutive nights. Hoping to recover the wishes for Delphi and her compatriots who eliminated the dragon, she, myself and Durian (another contact) enter the woods to find the mage's location.

After searching for some time, we came across a strange wooden shack suspended in the air on avian legs. Upon finding a way on to the porch, we were able to enter the doorway, which acted like a portal to an inner dimension. Upon entering, we discover two other acquaintances, Herneldo and Cynthia, who agree to assist us in whatever duties we need to perform over the next 3 nights.

We are introduced to the two occupants of the hut. Ygilwiv (who we learn later is also known as Tasha, The Witch Queen, etc.) is a dimensional traveler and powerful user of local arcane magics. We also meet a being known as "Silence", who we learn later is a spiritual entity associated with death, who had been bound to the hut by Ygilwiv. Ygilwiv needed us to feed a collection of 40 entities which had the body of large insectoid larva with the heads of humanoid infants. The infantile larva needed (by Ygilwiv's report) to feed on energy in a location known as Hades, then (due to their demonic origins and being bound to the hut) needed to be killed to return them to their enclosure. Each night we were able to successfully recover all the infants, we would be granted a wish.

While we accomplished this, the non-corporeal entity known as "Silence" requested the aid of the away team. They needed us to invoke their name in order to recover strength, and in return they would assist us in the evening infant round-up. The team agreed, which seemed to bolster the entity's power.

I will review the results of the tests and the wishes at the conclusion of this log, but I wanted to make note of other interesting facts gathered from the knowledgable mage Tasha. Tasha recounted about how many of the dimensions she had traveled to had beings of similar natures. Dragons, she used as an example, could be found in many types across the multi-verse and beyond. On a tapestry she referenced during this story, there were examples of many types of dragons (I should note, Captain, that there was an image which was obviously a Relic Dragon. This was the first time I had met someone who identified anything from our part of space).

I informed Tasha the details of Relic dragons, and she became fascinated, having never seen a Relith before. She recounted having come across a tower known as the "Relith Tower", but had not been there in millennia (I began at this point to theorize that this entity was more ancient and powerful than they appeared). I agreed to a cloning procedure so that Tasha could expand their scientific knowledge of Relith species, and in exchange was given compensation to the amount that I had surmised would be needed to repair the damaged artifact recovered from our last adventure.

After 3 nights, we were able to complete Tasha's task twice, and rewarded with 2 wishes. the first was used on behalf of one of Delphi's companions who was not there to gain their reward. It was wished that they would become very strong and smart (as well as other physical traits). The second wish was used to free the bound entity previously mentioned (Silence), who I cannot forsee ever becoming a problem in the future.

PROGRAM, End log.

Session 18:

On the events of 5/17/22, as recorded by Cecil T Puddingtonsworthshire XIX, Esq.

Upon hearing of the dastardly deeds of a nearby Goblin Horde that was terrorizing the local countryside, the illustrious Cecil T Puddingtonsworthshire (of House Puddingtonsworthshire) recruited a band of misfits and n’er-do-wells to confront the menace under his command. Under Cecil’s brave and inspiring leadership, a two pronged assault was launched against the cowardly and slow-witted goblins, who were easily outmatched by the stunning display of leadership and marksmanship of everyone’s favorite Gnome. Under his auspicious guidance, none of the rank and file of Cecil’s platoon suffered any serious injuries, except when they failed to heed the orders of their munificent leader. This battle action, which will be studied by Gnomish scholars for generations, resulted in the eradication of approximately 50 goblins, with their leader captured and delivered back to headquarters for interrogation.

After the battle, a scouting party, bravely led by the venerable Cecil himself, located the base of operations of these goblins and their orcish compatriots. However, cowardice of the band of misfits prevented a full scale assault, of which the Gnomish leader would most certainly have been successful.

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