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Trina Aliosh
Player Name Margarita
Player Name The Obsidian Dragon Knight
Date of Birth 799 PR
Place of Birth Breme
Species Tiefling
Gender Female

Trina Aliosh, also known as the Obsidian Dragon Knight, is a Tiefling Warlock from Breme.

She was the inheritor of a device now known as Trina's Bomb, which was used to save Umbralhound from shadowy energies, and eventually used realm-over in The War of Dragons.


Trina was born in 799PR (she was 26 to 28 years old during the Greedy Green events) in Breme. She is about 1.70 meters tall, with a slim built. She is dressed in rich gowns; rings adorn her red fingers and horns. Her long black hair is tied in a tight ponytail. The most distinguishing part of her appearance is a diamond necklace. Trina never shies away from a drink or scaring anyone she can to death.

And a warning, if anyone tries to touch her, or restrain her or do anything to her without her explicit permission, she can and will unleash her full power on them. No one is handling her like that again.


Trina is from a large family, but she rarely talks of them. If she mentions some of them, it is her mother (after spitting on the ground) and her brother Tenor, who brings out more fond feelings in her.

Her uncle Elias brought her under his wing, only to find out he wanted to marry her off for political gain.


Close to her twenty-seventh birthday, she walked into the Sparrow and Ink Shop. She commissioned a barrier tattoo to increase her weak defenses and mark permanently significant parts of her: otherworldly hands for the first spell ever used, the tears for all those that she had shed under her mothers care who did die by her first spell and the crown of madness for the moment, which revealed to her the potential of the dark power she has in her possession.

Her favorite attack is her dark blasts, close second her witch's black lightening.


Trina tolerates being around God believers, such as her travelling companion Arlin. They feel familiar... until they start preaching about Gods and duty towards them, in which case she just gets into a fight with them.


Trina was part of the Aliosh family. Unlike the other branch of her family, her great grandparents, grandparents, and parents took pride into having found God and being devout Paladins and Clerics in service of their God.

However, she, the youngest child of four, was a disappointment. She was neither physically strong enough, nor devout enough to keep up with the tradition of serving the Gods. According to her mother, the only logical step for her was to keep praying for guidance inside a monastery until she was of age to be married to a loyal knight. After all, she could still produce the next generation of good and holy warriors. With that in mind, her parents spend a lot of money to her education. She was taught to read, do basic calculus, embroider, stitch, draw, cook and dress herself up. The skill though that she excelled into was playing the lute. Trina would often play the lute for her family and their guests. People would travel to listen to her perform. She would lie if she ever claimed to not enjoy that attention, the stranger's praise and applause was never enough to cover for the lack of her family's affection.

Trina disliked her family. Growing up she only wished to have pretty dresses and expensive jewelry and most importantly, a say in how she lived her life. Besides, who cared about what the Gods wanted? Instead of listening to the morning prayers, she would draw moustaches on the statues of the Gods, earning her a thrashing. Instead of going to her classes, she would ski on the deep snow, earning her a pinch behind her ears. Instead of hiding her father's words, she would softly daydream of a powerful Tiefling sorcerer claiming her as his child, earning her a night without dinner.

A scene from the past: Trina attracts His favor for the first time

Bremen winter mornings meant darkness, cold winds with icy fingers going through your clothes and soft snow falling from the sky. Bremen winter mornings were as cold as the winter nights, but somehow even worse. They were worse cause the hope that came with the morning sun only lasted for a few brief moments, barely coloring the sky and then it was gone.

Trina hated winter.

Despite the crackling fire, the chill was not kept entirely away from her room. Her fingers were cold that fateful morning. She was supposed to practice the lute. Practice, practice, practice. That was all she did those days. She would practice the lute and then practice singing in front of the mirror till her performance was perfect. Trina never understood why her mom was obsessed with her performing, she admittedly looked down upon actors, singers and any performers.

Perhaps that was her way of punishing Trina for being born a girl and a sickly one at that. Small of frame and small of stature, nowhere close to the rest of her holy family. She would never be good enough for any of them, despite their prayers.

The tiefling maiden set her lute down and moved to the kitchen. A pot of warm coffee would help. It always did. She only had to reach there before her Mother realized that she was gone. But she should be fine, her whole family was on their morning prayers at the moment.

The one good thing about her training daily for hours was that she skipped praying sessions. They were all so obsessed about those little details. As if excessive praying would hide who they trully were. Where they came from.

Trina knew who they were and she hated them for denying her heritage. Cold mornings like those she could feel the cold hatred matching the weather.

The water with the coffee was boiling by now, the steam started escaping the pot. Trina allowed herself a childish moment, a child's play that cost her a beating. She raised her hands, extended her fingers and allowed herself to imagine the same thing as back then... Trina imagined that it was her fingers that shaped the steam into its chaotic patterns, it was her inner will and fire that weaved its passage through the pot.

She focused on the hot steam, not paying attention to anything else but her thoughts. Maybe what she shaped here was the result of her inner fire, finally being awoken, escaping from within her and engulfing all her world, to bring it to the ashes it deserved. Maybe, she finally could escape, she could finally travel and fullfil her dreams, and her *waving the cold deathly hands and the full sheer force of darkness itself...*

Trina took a step back. Her hands had been amongst the steam and still were icy cold, were the tips of her fingers black? No, it must have been the lightening casting shadows on them. They were their normal red color...

And yet her heart thumbed against her chest fast and hard. Her body was full of an unfamiliar energy, an agony, an intensity that came from within her but was not caused by her. There was someone else, something in this room with her... Why else did her whole body have goosebumps and chills as a breath blew on her?

She looked around but the kitchen was empty. No one was here. Silly, her, of course. Everyone else was at the Chapel and their guests would not arrive before the evening. *I cannot let my imagination run away from me, not tonight". She chastised herself. "Not tonight of all days*.

Tonight was the night that would seal her fate. Her Mother had told her so, and above all, her heart knew it. She served herself coffee. She was doomed to be a wife; a wife of a man or of a God. And tonight, she will get to know.

With a heart empty of hope, she went back to her room.

She often got into fights with her mother. She rarely was in place to win those fights. Her mother had all the power of a full fledge matriarch, the blinding conviction of a devout paladin and the wrath of a Tiefling bloodline. Her mother had enough of her daughter's attitude and took a drastic decision. When she was about to be shipped off to a monastery as her lack of obedience and devotion caused a dent to the family's image, a deity did answer Trina's prayers for power. Trina has no clue why the Great Old One got an interest in her, but she didn’t pass on the offer. After one typical long fight with her mother, she gave in and let Him guide her. The first time she used her necrotic touch on her dear mother, she knew she was not going to stay around her and her painful disciplinary methods. She would never have to perform for those people again.

At age 15, Trina hit the road to look for her distant cousins. After a year of searching, she encountered her uncle. Elias was a rich sorcerer in the service of various noble people. He was willing to help out his niece. He gave her a lot of care, clothes and jewelry, but he was unwilling to introduce her to the rest of the family or more importantly, his craft. Another year passed till Trina figured out that Elias wanted to marry her off in order to gain a political alliance. Fed up with being seen as a breeding mare, she run away.

Enter: The Wizard

Now, she was hell bend to prove to all of them that she could be the master of her own fate and do as she pleased. While staying with Elias, Trina had figured out that a few generations back, a member of her family had created a strong artifact, destroyed by her great grand parents when they decided to be holy warriors. Trina started traveling the world in hopes of finding the means of creating an even more powerful artifact. Surprisingly, it was in her hometown where she met a young wizard. The wizard was visiting Breme in hopes of encountering rare magical components. After a few drinks and a few intimidating stares, he said that he could help her in her quest to create what she had in her mind. however, he needed her to collect various magical extracts from powerful creatures...

Trina was in search of the the artifacts for two years. Luckily for her, dragons are back!

Trina into the Greedy Green

It was two years before she heard of the dragons, though. She was traveling with Arlin, the Firbolg cleric. The two of them met a few months ago during one of her few visits to her home. Trina's mother had died and even though she still hated that woman, there a small part of her that needed to go home and mourn a lost childhood. During her way South, she found herself in a quest for saving Atnas, alongside a few other travelers. A few brushes with Krampus, a weird snowman and a very malicious child led to her gaining a very expensive diamond necklace and a traveling companion.

From zero to a million dragon encounters, no moderation at all.

Important prophecies, who cares? Better ship the priests together.

Trina firmly believes that we should ban festivals, aka the Seglock disaster saga.

Trina did not choose the escort's life; the escort's life chose her.

Trina cannot find what she is looking for, but instead she finds other things.

Trina is going to start a petition to ban festivals aka all hell broke loose. AGAIN.

Yeeting into the shadows; a saga of chaotic actions

Of dragons, bombs and time travel: how to cut off shadow supply to towie.

The Plan:

  • create a super powerful bomb,
  • get back in time 1000 years when the lost Citadel was not lost and the rift was not open
  • come back into the present, being in the right place
  • Bomb the portal to oblivion.

All in all, easy, what could go wrong?

The first step was to collect more dragon essences, was for them to talk more dragons into giving her some scales, spit, nails. Anything really… All the gem dragons that they had access to willingly and without hesitation gave her what she asked for. There was a missing one though; the obsidian gem dragon. Durian did not fail them; his knowledge of dragons unparalleled. He had encountered vague recollections of an ancient obsidian dragon named Kristang, but no one knows where he is. Trina and the others, eager to get the bomb as powerful as possibly, ask a dwarven God for help. He said he could take us to him, but they decided against it. It was too risky… and Trina could not stop herself from feeling disappointed. She had a strong urge to go and find Kristang. Next, Farlgrim makes a bomb for them and the Curator takes them to visit the progenitor purple time dragon. In exchange for stories of their adventures and entertainment, he granted them the boon of time travel. They could only travel through time, not space, so they had to be at the right spot. They had exactly one trip to the past and one trip to the present, so they had to be extremely careful when and where they activated it.

With the bomb and the boon, they were set to go.

The night before going back in time, Trina’s patron, the great old one, talked to her in her sleep… he called to her, come to me, I shall lead you. We have met before, we will again. Trina woke up confused, scared and excited. It was her patron, she had heard that tingling and voice in the past... She shared the dream with her friends, which led her to confessing an act that she had never talked of before. When Trina was young, she always seeking for a patron as a warlock/sorcerer instead of a cleric sponsor God. A mysterious entity courted her, but she willingly embraced the offered power when she had enough with her abusive mother and killed her.

The trip back in time was smooth. She had been close to the Citadel before; once again when Buho was still around. They went back in time and managed to mingle with the 1000 year old dwarves. Well, they were not 1000 years old, they just lived 1000 years ago. Usually, Trina would have this distinction clear in her mind, but she was so distracted. There were a million thoughts and sensations overwhelming her and yet, somehow, she was the one leading her group the correct way via the mountains, all the way deep into the underdark.

The rift was there… and also Feredemius having just chained an obsidian gem dragon above the rift opening. The black scales of the dragon led them to believe that it was no other than Kristang. He was being used to start steadily channeling shadows from the other realm into their own. Scared of the sighting, they did not linger. As soon as they saw that, they used their boon to come back to present time. A thousand years into the present, they saw that Kristang was still there. Chained, weak, harnessing the shadows. A horrifying sight. All of them tried to break the chains, to release him from his torture. It did not have to be eternal. It was at that moment that Trina heard the familiar voice in her head again: come to me and the dragon was looking right through her.

A moment of realization; the obsidian dragon was her patron! She grabbed the chains, which caused a lot of energy to go through her, transforming her in ways she did not realize. She only wanted to go to him, to free him as he had once freed her from her own chains. But it also disrupted the enchantment that held Kristang in place and the rest hugged Trina to help increase the power drainage. That did it, they broke him free! They grabbed the weak dragon and booked it out of there, with only Arlin staying behind. When they were far out enough, Alrin, the total badass that he was, dropped the bomb in the cavern with the rift, jumped into the shadowfell through the rift and then banished himself back to their realm.

All of them felt the vibrations that shook the very foundations of the snowy mountains. All of them felt the combined power of dragons shattering the cavern and disrupting the rift for ever… The bomb closed it and now there were no more shadow reinforcements for Feredemius to draw power upon. It was by the gates of the Citadel that they felt the success of their plan. For the first time, Kristang addressed all her friends. Time for you to go back. He transferred Violet, Grandmush, Durian and Harold out and away in momentary safety.

But Trina did not go with them.

Trina and her patron; aka she gets a cool new title.

Trina was still with her patron. Kristang turned around to watch her, his presence like a warm embrace. Can you feel my power through you? He asked her. Can you feel my favor transforming you to what you were meant to always be?

Trina felt stronger, she felt faster, wiser, more charismatic than ever. The shadows of death responded to her ever more willingly and black light orbs came to her fingers willingly. With a crown of the light orbs she smiled. For the first time in my life, I can see my path clearly. I can see that I have a destiny.

Kristang smiled at her. Come, join me, my dear Obsidian Dragon Knight. We have a lot that we must do.

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