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The Quelmar Wiki
Revision as of 19:12, 19 September 2022 by Spiderjjr45 (talk | contribs)

If you are looking for games in the one-off anthology series, see Tales of Quelmar.

A Campaign is a series of gaming sessions linked to each other through the same characters, locations, themes, or otherwise. It can be seen as the equivalent to a television series. Some may follow the same characters every episode (session) but others may rotate between a larger cast, and follow many different branching storylines. Depending on the campaign, different rule-sets may be in play, allowing for increased or decreased emphasis on gaming, storytelling, role-playing, or improvisation.

Current Campaigns:

Campaign Name RPG Status Gamemaster Type Location
The Rocklin Clinic Job Cyberpunk RED Starting Soon DM John Serial Twitch
Queljammer 5e In Progress DM Craig Serial Discord
System Agnostic Dungeon World/Cthulhu/5e In Progress DM Steven Anthology Twitch
Once Upon a Town Swords of the Serpentine In Progress DM Lich Serial Twitch
Alien Colonial Marines Alien RPG In Progress DM Jon Serial PA
First Class 5e In Progress GM Kyle Serial Twitch
Icewind Dale 5e In Progress GM Kelsey Serial Discord
The Iron Sea 5e In Progress GM Patrick Community PA
The Brightwater Campaign Deadlands In Progress GM Kevin Serial PA
Into the Greedy Green 5e In Progress DMs James, Dave, Kyle, John Community PA
Pirates of Quelmar 5e In Progress GM Kelly Serial MD
Playtest Tuesday Various In Progress Various Anthology Twitch
The Backhalls 5e Ending Soon GM James Serial PA
Another One Bites the Dice 5e Ending Soon GM Tyler Serial Twitch
Sparrow's Point Various Horror Systems In Progress GM Nell Anthology Zoom

Upcoming Campaigns:

Campaign Name RPG Status Gamemaster Type Location
Quelmar Goes to Space Magitech Space Western Season 2 Starting Soon GMs Rose, Alyssa, Miguel Multishot/Serial Discord
Quelmar After Midnight 5e Starting Soon GM Dawson Community Discord

Finished Campaigns:

Campaign Name RPG Status Gamemaster Type Location
Not Strahd TROIKA! On Hiatus GM Craig Serial Twitch
Yazeba's Bed and Breakfast Yazeba's Bed and Breakfast On Hiatus GM Rachael Anthology PA
Rule Benders Avatar Legends Complete GM Connor Serial Twitch
SUPERZ Masks: A New Generation Complete GM Rose Serial Discord
Metagame Dungeon World Complete GM Nell Serial Twitch
Quelmar Goes to Space Magitech Space Western Complete GM Rose Multishot/Serial Online
The Beggar's Bodega Swords of the Serpetine On Hiatus GM James Serial PA/Online
King for a Day Dungeon World Cancelled GM John Serial Twitch
Operation Verdant Pyramid Delta Green Complete GM John Serial Twitch
Secondary Characters Monsterhearts Complete GM Nell Serial Discord
⮞Get Submodule Paranoia Complete GM James Serial Twitch
Tails of Quelmar Various Complete GM Rose Anthology Twitch
The Realmtrotter's Guide to Zobeck 5e Complete GM Kevin Anthology PA/Online
It Came From Kiston 5e Complete GM James Serial Twitch
Uncharted 5e Cancelled GM Rose Serial MD
The Neighbours Blades Complete GM James Serial Discord
For the Love of Gold 5e Cancelled GM Will Serial Discord
ToQ: Ancients Alive 5e Complete GM James Community PA
OathWielders 5e Complete GM James Serial MD
Chronepsis Campaign 5e Cancelled GM Rachael Serial MD
The Atla Campaign 5e Complete GM T Serial MD
Unititled Podcast Campaign 5e Cancelled GM T Serial MD
SotS Inc 5e Complete GM James Serial MD
The Underdungeon 5e Complete GM James Serial MD
Towson Tabletop 5e Complete GM James Community MD
Sick of this Shit 3.5e Complete GM James Serial MD
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  • Psuvillager • Yesterday at 16:57
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  • Spiderjjr45 • Friday at 22:46
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