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Within the Wicked Wilds/The Story So Far

This page is the campaign synopsis as told by the DMs, to read a more detailed, fun, and lengthy synopsis of the campaign, see Within the Wicked Wilds/Player Recaps

Chapter 1

Session 1a: Kickoff Megagame - A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Bog

Session Tags: Warden of the Wilds, Oblex

Characters: Tassa (First Session), Wiggler (First Session), Kamakuras (First Session), Cinder Ashtalon (First Session), Joylee (First Session)

DM: Dave (4/29/2023)

Important NPCs: Adrian Tempest, The Warden of the Wilds

XP Gained: 4300 (990 at Level 3, 861 at Level 4, 732 at Level 5)

Important Things that Happened:

  • Players left base camp and set out into a swampy region west of the base camp. No known threats were identified so it was assumed that this excursion would most likely result in an uneventful stroll through the area.
  • Adrian Tempest led the group into the swamp.
  • The travel was uneventful until they saw a large 15' tall figure standing in an open swamp area.
  • As three of the party approached to investigate, two were attacked by large green tentacle-like creatures. The whole group engaged and began fighting the "tentacles" back. A third "tentacle" appeared as one of the first two was cut away. As the second "tentacle" was cut down a massive "head" like structure appeared and engaged the party.
  • It was about this time that a cloaked figure was seen observing the party while perched on top of a toppled tree 30 feet above the swamp.
  • The figure did nothing but observe as the group fought bitterly to gain the upper hand against the creature(s).
  • When victory was had and the battle finished, the group looked over to see the figure now standing on the far shore of the swamp. The figure raised their hands and magical fire ignited, lighting a path out and away from the swamp. The figure then disappeared.
  • Three of the group followed the lights while three stayed behind to rest and recover from the fight.
  • The lights led to a small round stone cottage that looked as though it had been around for decades. It was simple, sturdy and serviceable. Light and smoke from a fire escaped from the chimney and the windows. The first group approached and knocked. They were invited in to find the individual sitting, still hooded, in front of the lit fire.
  • After pleasantries were shared the individual introduced themselves as a Warden of the Wilds. They were blessed of a nature deity that had tasked them with caring for the natural order of things in this wild place. The Warden had forsaken a life among the mortal races and embraced the task given to them by their god.
  • Soon enough the other three of the party made their way to the cottage. The Warden then informed the group that what they had encountered was an Oblex. These creatures are ooze like but have a special affinity of feeding on creatures memories and, if given enough time, can consume enough of a creatures memories to develop a sort of mimic of that creature. The Oblex the group defeated was one that the Warden had been battling for some time. The first sightings of Oblex in the Wardens space was some 20 years prior.
  • After discussion, the group took their leave of the Warden but asked how they could contact them if need be. Though the Warden did not have an answer they said they would give it some thought. Some days later, individually wrapped gifts arrived at base camp for the group the Warden met.

Session 1b: Kickoff Megagame - Ruins of Maddening Dreams

Session Tags: The Green Knight, Perseus Company, Gnolls

Characters: Lysvan (First Session), Obsidian (First Session), Amaris Luanach (First Session), Chrysaor Purosis (First Session), Deralickt Dadwarf (First Session)

DM: Keller (4/29/2023)

Important NPCs: Lucinda Grimfold, Lyowyn Mossbringer, Cookie, The Green Knight, Bulio

XP Gained: 4015 (803 at Level 4, 923 at Level 3)

Important Things that Happened:

  • The players depart with fellow Tempest Brother Expeditionary employees to visit the basecamp of another expeditionary group, Perseus Company.
  • The players soon discover a destroyed Perseus Company watchtower and deduce that the site was attack by Gnolls. They also discover a body in the tower seller full of mysterious black feathers which suddenly bursts into flames.
  • When camping for the night the players on watch encounter some strange occurrences, such as the trees around them appearing to move, and strange entities watching them from beyond the tree line.
  • The players arrive at the Perseus Basecamp to find it had been raided by Gnolls the day before. They discover that the camp was plagued with madness and find some of the bodies deceased due to strange unnatural causes.
  • The players encounter Bulio who had concealed his cart and shop, "Bulio's Bobbles and Boons," under a large tarp. In exchange for informing Bulio of the location of the Tempest Brother's basecamp, he gifts the players with some magic items before taking his leave.
  • Investigating the camp center inside a large temple, they discover survivors being held at the mercy of a band of Gnolls, all being overseen by a strange Green Knight
  • The players defeat the Gnolls while the Green Knight is able to escape. The players also come into possession of the Zephyr Blade, the strange and magical weapon of Perseus Camp's now deceased leader

Session 1c: Kickoff Megagame - Spiders and Ichor and Ruins....oh my!

Session Tags: Paul Fletcher, Lolth, Spiders

Characters: Reedy (First Session), Therrin Flare (First Session), Sabbaticle (First Session), Paris Hilton (First Session), Sir Yewvane Eedryll (First Session)

DM: Julia (4/29/2023)

Important NPCs: Paul Fletcher

XP Gained: 4250 (Lvl 3- 978, Lvl 4- 850, Lvl 5- 723)

Important Things that Happened:

  • Paul greets all the adventurers who arrived at basecamp, and acquires the team assigned to him to clear out the southern area of the wilds near camp and to explore some proposed ruins that were claimed to be there.
  • Once there, they began clearing out the rooms. The first room was fairly empty, aside from a handful of normal wolf spiders. The second room was the main chamber of the temple, with a large statue of Lolth. The statue was dusty and run down, save for her outstretched palm, which was distinctly un-dusty. Paul informs them that typically sculptures like this has a gem or tribute in her hand.
  • The hallways leading off of this room was covered in webs and a dark ichor. Magical sentinel goopey spider legs manifested from the ichor and hit the players if they ran past. After fighting through, they arrive to a small room, still with the ichor, and  a large nest. The party then fought the patriarch spider that resided there, the Haunter of the Night.
  • After disposing of the spider, the party cut open the nest to find various dead bodies of adventurers past. The party also found a large deep red gem, which Paul took back and placed in the hand of Lolth, which causes a secret door to open, revealing a steep staircase going down. When the gem is removed, the door closes. The party took the gem, and left the temple otherwise alone.

Session 1d: Kickoff Megagame - TBD

Session Tags:

Characters: 22, Commando Reconnaissance Unit Lambda, Nassir Tycho, Neru, Rina

DM: Aaron (4/29/2023)

Important NPCs:

XP Gained:

Important Things that Happened: [TBD]

Session 2: Curious Company

Session Tags: The Collector, Jack of Hearts

Characters: Black Jack (First Session), Nester Spitemore (First Session), Kompi (First Session), Dragonett (First Session), Marion Ette (First Session), Juno (First Session), Dothand Raki (First Session),

DM: Keller (5/1/2023)

Important NPCs: Cookie, Velemar Decrye, The Collector, Jack of Hearts

XP Gained: 5040 (911 at Level 3, 792 at Level 4, 673 at Level 5)

Important Things that Happened:

  • The Tempest Brother's Expeditionary Company is contacted by a powerful and mysterious aristocrat by the name of the Collector to recover a specific tome for him out in the wilds, a First Edition copy of A Cosmos Compendium: An Academic's Guide to Quelmar Starcharting. He meets with the players and provides them with a map and a key to the cavern where it is held.
  • The players depart into the jungle and continue their trek into the night, where they spot a small campfire in the distance. While some players remaining in hiding, the rest of the party meet the charismatic Jack of Hearts and his band of adventurers. Jack of Hearts' crew included the individuals going by the names of Malakar, Theta, Yellana Eedryll, Titan, Tini, and Wren, along with two of the Pentulven Brothers.
  • After the players leave, they discover that some of them were dosed with a sleeping poison and that Jack of Hearts had stolen the map and the key. Rushing to the cavern where the book is said to be, the player's find that Jack of Hearts and his team had already completed most of the dungeon themselves.
  • The party pursues the thieves to the final room where the book is held and engage them in combat, only for the tome's guardian, a massive blue Behir by the name of Grimlight, to attack. The beast entered combat by consuming one of the Penulven Brothers and casting Greater Invisibility on themselves.
  • The players came to a soft truce with Jack of Hearts and his team to defeat the Behir, and eventually came to the deal that the players could take the book as long as Jack of Hearts got to keep the treasure from the cave.
  • On their way back to camp the player's discovered that the book had strange vertigo indusing effects before handing it over to the Collector. Before he left the Collector revealed that he had also been responsible for hiring Jack of Hearts to retrive the book.

Session 3: All That Glitters...

Session Tags: Dinosaurs, Magic, Arc

Characters: Helli, Sabbatical, Marion, Hermes, Neru, p'Rahp

DM: Julia (5/10/23)

Important NPCs: Arc

XP Gained: 4,370 (lvl 3- 838, lvl 4- 728, lvl 5- 619)

Important Things that Happened:

  • Arc summoned several of the hired adventurers to discuss their current mission. They previously sent three teams of their personal research assistants also employed by the Tempest Brothers over the last few weeks. They have not returned, thus they're now sending more capable adventurers.
  • Their research showed that the base came and surrounding areas are on a prominent area of a leyline. The local wildlife and animals can be affected by it. Arc wanted to note the effects that this could have.
  • The party started exploring the jungle, looking for any sign of the teams, or anything that may be useful to Arc's research. Eventually the party splits in two, with Sabbatical, Helli, and p'Rahp started looking for bodies in the general area, while Hermes, Neru, and Marion investigated a clearing up ahead.
  • The group looking for (non) survivors found several bodies, some of which had interesting damage marks on them, such as branching fractal patterns and burn marks. they looted the bodies for money, notebooks, and took the partial plate armor off of one of them.
  • The other group entered a clearing with quartz crystalline gravel. In the middle of the clearing was a strange glowing tree, with unknown flowers and fruit. The group decided to harvest some of the flowers and fruit. Marion decided to saw off a branch of the tree, causing the glowing to pulsate.
  • The pulsing summoned an arcane dinosaur who could shoot poison quills. The other half of the party came back and decided to fight. As the fighting went on, another arcane creature appeared, this one being able to summon and call lightning. Once they killed the poison dinosaur, a flying fire engulfed one came to the fight, and started attacking both the party and the remaining lightning dinosaur.
  • Hermes decided to run back to camp. Eventually, the party fled away from the clearing, waited for the fire dinosaur to fly away, and then went back to the clearing to harvest the dinosaur parts. they took a short rest before making it back to camp.

Session 4: River Me Timbers

Session Tags: River, Crocodiles

Characters: Dickweedus, Lysvan, Finny, Yewvane, Twilsby, Millar

DM: Julia (5/20/23)

Important NPCs: Billiam

XP Gained: 4700 ( lvl 3 -976 lvl 4 -848 lvl 5 -721 )

Important Things that Happened:

- Players were enlisted in the camp by Lyowyn's assistant, Billiam. He informs the players that much of the leadership was busy with thier own tasks and he was tasked with investigating this problem.

-One of the main rivers that provided fresh water to camp was highly polluted with half eaten fish, chum, and bones. The party was assigned with going up river and finding the cause, and solving it.

-Along the bank of the river, some of the players observe orangey-red glowing mushrooms along the bank. Finny flies off and gathers some in his pack. The mushrooms are extremely warm to touch. Lysvan used their innate knowledge of the wilds to note that they may be connected with Hellfire in some way.

-The players eventually row up to a large, wide, still water area. They pull the boat ashore, and notice some creatures in the water. They throw pebbles and two mutant sea snakes with humanoid faces pop up and attack them. Two normal crocodiles come soon after, attracted by the noise and commotion.

-After contending with both the snakes and the crocodiles, the patriarch of the clan, a large crocodile with humanoid arms. It attempts to grapple several members of the party, before getting a steady hold on Ratchet and tries to drag him into the water. Lysvan uses their fire spirit to teleport Rachet out of the gators mouth and onto the boat, where Millar was waiting. The Gator makes a lunge at Millar, while its tail smacks Ratchet, ultimately killing him.

-They players do remain triumphant, killing all the creatures and resetting the river back to its natural state.

Session 5: Slim Pickins'

Session Tags: Adeline Hatchic, The Red Macaw

Characters: Chrysaor, Nassir Tycho, Obsidian, Felix Francis Fitzgerald (First Sesssion), Amaris Luanach, Lowkey (First Session)

DM: Keller (5/21/23)

Important NPCs: Adeline Hatchic

XP Gained: 4,000 (lvl 3- 767, lvl 4- 667, lvl 5- 567)

Important Things that Happened:

  • The players are called together by the Head of Mechanics at the Tempest Brothers Expeditionary Company, Adeline Hatchic, to interview potential applicants to serve as the crew of The Red Macaw, one of the company's two main airships. In return for vouchers at Nettle's Soup Stand, the players would have to interview all potential applicants for each position, and decide on a Captain, First Mate, Engineer, navigator, and a Cook for the ship.
  • As the player's met with the applicants at a location outside the basecamp, they were met with an array of colorful, quirky, and strange individuals all interested in working for the company. This included such strange individuals as a blind ship captain with two eyepatches, two hook hands, and two peg legs, a Nothic who carried with them a bag of magical trinkets, a snooty and angry world class chef, and a blue octopus king who had a immense hatred of any creatures wearing pants...
  • After long interviews and much deliberation, the players decided on a crew.
    • For the cook they hired Bob, a large and clumsy Ogre chef with a heart of gold.
    • For the navigator they hired Bink, a curious and bright Kenku whose only limitation was the fact that she could only speak by mimicking words and voices she had recently heard.
    • For the engineer they hired David who was a down on his luck depressed and divorced dad who had lost his job in Galik and had his home repossessed.
    • For the First mate they hired Tiki-Ti, a strange telepathic Thri-Kreen who was was kind and understanding, with both great experience as a leader and warrior.
    • For the captain, they hired none other then Hawthorne Voss, famed high seas captain and experienced airship piolet with a charismatic demeanor and a face that made even married women swoon. Hawthorne was then murdered by his former first mate who had also applied to be captain, and who was also promptly murdered. The players promoted Tiki-Ti to ship captain and hired Polly the Seagull Aarakocra with an unnatural obsession with food to first mate.
    • In general hires they also hired Klerica, a young an naïve recent college graduate dragonborn, Rome Holiday, the heir to a large tavern empire, and Snoot, a Kobold with a gun.

Session 6: A Penguins Problem

Session Tags: Pennysworth, Demons

Characters: Kompi, Hunk, Lambda, Therrin, Nester, Paris Hilton, Sabbatical

DM: Aaron (5/24/2023)

Important NPCs: Pennysworth, Bjorn Shattershield, Jim Stacy?!

EXP: 11,625 (lvl 3 1671, lvl4 1453, lvl 5 1235)

Important things that happened:

  • The players were tasked by Bjorn with finding Cpt Pennyworth's downed air ship to the east and help him and his crew get to base camp. After a searching they found the ship billowing smoke and the crew attempting to fix it.
  • Pennysworth fired a warning shot at the players as they arrived and explained the area was dangerous and they were already attacked and suffered a casualty. As the players got close to the airship they realized the ground seemed to be covered in a thick spongey layer of moss and all the trees were covered in strange fungal growths. Pennyworth asked for their help in repairing the ships engine and mast so that they could leave. The ship got damaged when several of the crew began to fight one another in an attempt to kill the other as they flew over the scar of Amusa.
  • Not long after the conversation began humanoid monsters began to appear from the ground as well as the trees. These monsters were covered in fungal growths as well as pustules and sores. These monsters also were speaking a guttural language and chanting different things. Sabbatical was able to recognize the language as Abyssal. The chants were of some menacing Mothers love and of her embrace.
  • During the combat Sabbatical was able to hear what seemed like Jim Stacy's voice amongst the throng of enemies. This voice voice seemed to state that it would be back for revenge. After this comment was made a giant four armed monster appeared from the ground as well. This beast almost ripped Kompi to pieces. eventually the players were able to kill off the monsters and repair the ship. As the remaining monsters were wiped out a shrill voice was heard screaming in Abyssal "MY CHILDREN!" The players immediately left the area

Session 7: Winds of Change

Session Tags:


DM: Julia (5/26/2023)

Important NPCs: Thistlebrook Conclave, Billiam

XP Gained: 4100

Important Things that Happened: [TBD]

Session 8: The Loss of Tassa

Session Tags: Bad icky things and a blood red swamp

Characters: Millar, p'Rahp, Tassa Brightfox, Lowkey, Neru, Dragonett, Deralickt Dadwarf

DM: Aaron (5/30/2023)

Important NPCs: Matilda Shattershield, Mother of Mushrooms

XP Gained:

Important Things that Happened:

  • The group was asked by Matilda, the camp's lead cleric, to go and find the eyebright plant. This was needed to fix the issue several members of the camp were having from an effect of a monster. To do this they had to enter the swamp that surrounds the Scar.
  • As the party enters the swamp they had a brief conversation with the being known as "Mother". She wanted to know why they were disturbing her children. The group waded through the blood-red swamp and found a tree that looked like it had a face on it, and in this face were large shaped fruits. Once they got close they got ambushed by several monsters which the group manages to defeat.
  • After the battle was over, Mother spoke to them again and made them an offer. Tassa conversed with her when she heard she could get some gifts. Mother promised she could give her the things she wanted and Tassa accepted willingly and was sucked down into the muck and mire of the swamp. The rest returned with the trees eyes and the issue of going blind from the spores was fixed.

Session 9: Oblex Infestation Investigation

Session Tags: Oblex, Juiblex

Characters: Sir Yewvane Eedryll, Rina, Millar, Dochas, Dickweedus, Finnegan (Finny) Warbler, Balmer the Boulder

DM: Dave (5/31/2023)

Important NPCs: Adrian Tempest

XP Gained: Level 3: 1120, Level 4: 975, Level 5: 828

Important Things that Happened:

  • Adrian Tempest recruited members of the expedition to follow up on investigating the area around the Oblex. A team of scouts located a cluster of ooze in the near vicinity of the swamp where the Oblex were first encountered. He requested that the group follow up on where the grouping was located and determine if they are Oblex. If possible, eliminate them.
  • After a slow travel with some distractions, they arrived at the area they were told about. The group found themselves outside the hollow base of a huge tree, opening into the interior of the base. Giant roots spread out from the base and stretched in varying directions.
  • The group worked quickly and efficiently to eliminate the oozes. The group determined that the oozes were living in a sort of community with the more mature ones protecting the hatchlings and the Ooze Hatcher.
  • With further inspection, the group found that there was a malevolent magic about the area, finding that the entire tree stump had been enchanted with Conjuration Magic to act as a sort of homing beacon. The magic invoked the Demon Juiblex Demon of Lord of Slimes and Oozes.
  • As the group was investigating the finer points of this magic, Yewvane cast his paladin blessing into the homing beacon. The area reacted violently to the action and armored ooze/slime creatures erupted from the ground in the middle of the tree stump ready to attack the PCs. Sludges also erupted from the area and began indiscriminately fire bombing the entire area.
  • The group made the excellent decision to vacate the area quickly.

Session 10: Heart of Stone

Session Tags: The Green Knight, Kavanmort, Galidant

Characters: Sabbatical, Wiggler, Frankie, Dragonett, Amaris Luanach, "Jo" Joylee Seraphim-Belphegor

DM: Keller (6/03/2023)

Important NPCs: Lucinda Grimfold, Galidant, the Exaltant of Kavanmort, The Green Knight

XP Gained: 9462 (lvl 4 1813, lvl 5 1577, lvl 6 1340)

Important Things that Happened:

  • The players are called together by Lucinda Grimfold to investigate the appearances of a number of dinosaur carcasses north of the camp and to discover what may be the cause behind these strange killings. The players board a skiff with a young halfing Skiff Strider named Skippy and depart over the jungle.
  • After a few hours of flying the skiff is beset by the creature behind the dinosaur killings, a massive and terrifying Roc. The players engage the Roc in combat but crash to the jungle floor after it damages the skiff’s arcane core.
  • When the skiff crashes it falls through the floor of the jungle and into a large open ruin filled with mysterious draconic imagery. After some investigating, including the solving of a statue puzzle and the disarming of a makeshift trap to retrieve a magical dagger, the party advances deeper into the ruin.
  • Venturing on, the players enter a room full of strange lifeline statues with a magnificent golden sarcophagus in the back. The players move forward with caution as now and again, it seems that the statues may not be as still as they seem. The players discover that this was formerly a temple dedicated to the great dragon Kavanmort, the Twin Doom, and that years ago some unknown tragedy sunk the temple into the earth.
  • Soon after making these discoveries though, the players are ambushed by the temple’s current resident, a monstrous and mutated Medusa who is able to animate nearby statues to fight on her behalf After a long and drawn out battle the players are successfully able to slay the creature, almost themselves getting turned to stone in the process.
  • The players open the sarcophagus to discover a strange humanoid creature, a dragonborn with bleach white scales, dark robes, red eyes, and sharp fangs who lunges at the players, only to be blocked by a temporary magical barrier. The being reveals themselves to be Galidant, the Exaltant of Kavanmort, and thanks the players for freeing him.
  • The players escape the ruin through a secret tunnel only to be surprised again. Crashing from the sky onto the earth is the Roc, bloody and defeated, and standing atop them is The Green Knight. The Green Knight places a collar around the Roc's neck teleporting the beast to a place unknown before engaging the players in combat, claiming that now having spoken to Galidant, they know so much and must be destroyed. The players barely managed to escape back to the camp on a rescue skiff along with Skippy the Skiff Strider, returning home with more questions than answers.

Session 11: TBD

Session Tags:


DM: Julia (6/4/2023)

Important NPCs: Thordon Akieye, Therrin Flare, Nix, Lysvan, Paris Hilton, Redemption Core, Dochas (Deceased)

XP Gained:

Important Things that Happened: [TBD]

Quelmar Con Game: TBD

Session Tags:

Characters: Twilsby Pendergras, Neru, p'Rahp, Balder the Bald Boulder, Dothand Raki, Zimper, Helli Aliosh, Wiggler, Commando Reconnaissance Unit Lambda, 22, Redemption Core

DM: Julia and Aaron (6/10/2023)

Important NPCs:

XP Gained: 2000 XP each

Important Things that Happened: [TBD]

Session 12: The Shifting Scales of Mount Alkinimic

Session Tags: Old Alkinimic, the Collector, The Philosopher's Stone

Characters: Radion The Forged, Finnegan (Finny) Warbler, Dickweedus, Lowkey, Sir Yewvane Eedryll, Sabbatical

DM: Keller (6/11/2023)

Important NPCs: Velemar Decrye, Lorrie Haslo, The Collector

XP Gained: 8952 (Level 3: 1939, Level 4: 1715, Level 5: 1492, Level 6: 1268)

Important Things that Happened:

  • The rumor was that the Red Dragon Old Alkinimic was dead, passed of old age. Velemar Decrye sent the party out to the dragon's mountain lair to investigate and to see if they can claim any amount of his legendary hoard.
  • Upon reaching the mountain on a skiff with Skiff Strider Skippy, the party discovers a small camp owned by Lorrie Haslo of Haslo's Historical Expedition Company. She reveals she was hired by the Collector to retrieve a magical statue inside the mountain. The Collector offers the party to join them, but the party declines.
  • The Party splits with one approaching the mountain sensing a strange magical disturbance while the other half remains at the camp. The party approaching the mountain are beset by strange illusions before being attack by strange mutated Gnolls and a pack of mutated Kobolds.
  • The party fends off the creatures before regrouping and entering the mountain where they again encounter Lorrie and the Collector. The party comes across an abandoned Kobold Warren and a small kobold named Yosh. Yosh tells the party that a strange figure "made of great flesh" came to the mountain and transformed all his friends.
  • The party leave Yosh behind and discover a vault room full of treasure along with the statue. The vault is a trap and what was once gold and treasure reveals itself to be a powerful mimic which attacks the party with other mutated Kobolds. The party defeat the mimic monsters and claim the statue, refusing to give it to the Collector.
  • The party choose to continue to descend rather then leave and discover a strange lair and the corpses of Old Alkinimic. The corpse then reveals itself to be a mimic monster and the party barely escapes with their lives, returning to the camp with the statue.

Session 13: TBD

Session Tags:


DM: Julia (6/16/2023)

Important NPCs:

XP Gained:

Important Things that Happened: [TBD]

Session 14: Off the Rails

Session Tags: Jack of Hearts, The Red Macaw

Characters: Sabbatical, Redemption Core, Wiggler, Frankie, Chrysaor Purosis, Radion The Forged, Cealion (First Session)

DM: Keller (6/25/2023)

Important NPCs: Cookie, Jack of Hearts

XP Gained: Level 3: 1319, Level 4: 1166, Level 5: 1014, Level 6: 862

Important Things that Happened:

  • The party is sent by Cookie to help transport ancient tablets to the edge of the Galik domain on the Bronze Hawk Railway.
  • The party arrives to the station on the Red Macaw and prepares for the long journey, posting up in different train cars.
  • The party is suddenly attacked by Jack of Hearts and his crew who furiously battles the party with the help of a charmed Wyvern in order to steal the tablets.
  • In a last ditch effort to distract the party and to steal the tablets Jack of Hearts sets off a bomb on an upcoming bridge.
  • The party defends the tablets while Jack of Hearts and his crew abandon the soon to crash train. With some quick thinking though the party manages to stop the train before it goes over the broken bridge.

Session 15: A New Hire

Session Tags: More bad icky, Tassa with Topi, and mind-controlling spiders

Characters: Thordon Akieye, Therrin Flare, Nix, Twilsby Pendergras, Bellix, Deralickt, Nester, Aine

DM: Aaron (6/27/2023)

Important NPCs: Lily the Researcher from the College in Galik, Thrax Chief of Thinwhistle, Hunk the Swolbod (Kobold)

XP Gained:

Important Things that Happened:

  • Hunk leads the group to Thinwistle where the gang meets up with Lily, a violet tiefling woman. She is a researcher from Galik looking for info on Thelrya and believes the Kobolds of Thinwhistle might have some clues. She tells the party of a cave she found not long ago, and Thrax tells them he sent some riders out to investigate and they have not come back in over a week. Hunk leads the group to the area and the group is met by a very large T-rex like monster. This hulking beast chases them into a cave and unleashes a devasting breath attack on them that they barely escape. The group goes further into the cave and they hear the voice of Tassa "You're early its not time for the party yet."
  • The group explores the cave with caution, but they are taken by surprise by several spider-like creatures, 3 kobolds, and 3 very large lizards. Combat breaks out and they find out these spiders can control the minds of their enemies. Eventually the party overcomes this, and they save 2 of the 3 kobolds that turn out to be some of the riders Thrax sent out. Tassa, Topi and a demon covered in lesions and poxes appear on the other side of the ravine. Tassa tells them they are way too early, and the demon tells them they must leave. Topi smashes the rock bridge that crosses the cavern, and they head deeper into the cave. The group sends a familiar after them and as it heads deeper into the cave it is swallowed up by different fungi and the cave is sealed off.

Session 16: Smoke Signals

Session Tags: Gnolls, Demons

Characters: Redemption Core, Finnegan (Finny) Warbler, Dickweedus, Wiggler, Amaris Luanach, Radion The Forged

DM: Keller (7/1/2023)

Important NPCs: Lucinda Grimfold, Lyowyn Mossbringer, Ripjaw, Skippy, Scournia

XP Gained: 1208 XP for level 4, 1050 XP for level 5, 893 XP for level 6

Important Things that Happened:

  • The party is sent by Lucinda Grimfold and Lyowyn Mossbringer to investigate strange Gnoll activity to the west of camp.
  • The party rides out over the jungle with Skippy the Skiff Strider and arrive at a desolate stretch of jungle where massive plumes of smoke rise from holes in the earth. Here the party kills a Gnoll patrol and discovers a Gnoll with a strange Infernal bullet in it's head.
  • The party descends past the smoke into one of the holes and discovers a massive underground Gnoll Warcamp.
  • The party sneaks inside and finds a group of prisonors and a workshop where Warforged were being scraped and used to make stronger Gnoll warriors. Here they find records of Gnoll tribes working together, including a pack known as the Gearheads, led by a Gnoll named Ripjaw who is famous for attacking settlements near Galik.
  • The party continues on and finds a large workyard where the Gnolls are constructing massive war machines.
  • Deeper into the camp the party finds a massive forge where the Gnolls are forging weapons and engine cores infused with Abyssal energies, all powered by a captured Efreeti. The party creates a diversion and frees the elemental who reveals themselves as Scournia.
  • The party escapes with the prisoners, but not before spotting Ripjaw who had modified himself with Warforged parts along with a strange Myconid creature.
  • The party flees the underground camp and return to airskiff.

Session 17: Fossils and Fools

Session Tags: Thinwhistle, Vampire

Characters: Nester Spitemore (Deceased), Dragonett, Cealion, Thordon Akieye, Amaris Luanach, Dickweedus

DM: Keller (7/7/2023)

Important NPCs: Lyowyn Mossbringer, Chief Thrax, Skippy

XP Gained: Level 3 1473, Level 4 1303, Level 5 1134

Important Things that Happened:

  • The players are brought together by Lyowyn Mossbringer who brings the troubling news that Kobolds are disappearing at the small village of Thinwhistle.
  • The players travel to the village and meet with the chief who worries that whatever is taking his people in the night was drawn in due to recent adventurer activity. The players interview the only known survivor, a Kobold named Hangoon, and set up an ambush.
  • The players find strange Kobolds sneaking into camp and discover they are in fact the missing kobolds, transformed into Vampire Spawn. After killing a few of the spawn, their master arrives, a large monstrous vampiric dinosaur, the Draculadon.
  • The players fight hard and manage to slay the beast, in the process though learning that the original vampire that created the Draculadon is still somewhere out in the wilds.

Session 18: TBD

Session Tags:


DM: Julia (7/9/2023)

Important NPCs:

XP Gained:

Important Things that Happened: [TBD]

Session 19: Road Rage

Session Tags: Gnolls, The Collector

Characters: Lowkey (Deceased), Dragonett, Thordon Akieye, Radion The Forged, 22

DM: Keller (7/14/2023)

Important NPCs: Lorrie Haslo, The Collector, Ripjaw, Lucinda Grimfold

XP Gained: Level 4 1663, Level 5 1446, Level 6 1229

Important Things that Happened:

  • The players are called together suddenly by Lucinda Grimfold and Lorrie Haslo of Haslo's Historical Expdedition Company. Lorrie's transport to Galik was attacked by Gnolls made desperate by the destruction of their forge, stealing some "precocious cargo" in the process. Lucinda warns the party that this cargo must be recovered quickly as the Galik military has caught wind of these raiders and plans to blow up the patrol with the cargo.
  • Riding on an airskiff the players discover the roving patrol, riding massive metal Gnoll war machines. The players engage the Gnolls in combat on the back of these machines and begin to fight the leader of the Gnoll Gearhead Tribe, Ripjaw, who modified his own body with vehicle and Warforged parts.
  • The players rescue the cargo which is in fact the Collector, Lorrie's mysterious benefactor.
  • The patrol is then fired upon by Galik Beetlers, massive beetle like artillery, and Ripjaw escapes with two associates. A Myconid referred to as the Colonel, and a strange Galik noble bard referred to as the Music Man. Before the final war machine is destroyed the players board the air skiff and escape.

Session 20: TBD

Session Tags:


DM: Julia (7/15/2023)

Important NPCs:

XP Gained:

Important Things that Happened: [TBD]

Session 21: Church Attendance

Session Tags: Gnolls, Demons, Jim Stacy

Characters: Radion The Forged, Sallen "Hummer" Mason, Kompi, Cealion, Weedus, Finnegan (Finny) Warbler, Nassir Tycho

DM: Aaron (7/28/2023)

Important NPCs: Lily the Researcher, Jim Stacy

XP Gained: Lvl 5: 800, lvl: 920, and lvl 3: 1040

Important Things that Happened:

  • The players are tasked with investigating the ruins of a temple to North of camp that Hermes found a little while back during their downtime.
  • Upon arrival there is an electricity in the air. The players can feel the power surging in the area as pulse of energy is released and a set of stairs is revealed. The players also see the statues of The Mistress, The Unformed King, and Malice. The second statue is now ceremoniously desecrated and covered in fungus and molds.
  • The players descend the stairs and enter the basement. Weedus goes to open the door that is covered in fungus and spores. Weedus becomes infected by the spores and 'enslaved,' told to go all out and attack Nassir. The party fight him off and knock him out of it. They eventually enter the door and encounter some Gnolls and a fungus spider. Once combat is over the group investigates the room. A few more pulses of energy erupt as this transpires.
  • The groups finds the secret chamber with the mages notes and books on summoning demons. This room also has a small summoning circle where lesser demons were summoned.
  • The group wanders down some hallways with traps and enters yet another room with more Gnolls and multiple demons.
  • During the fight another pulse goes off and Jim Stacy's voice is heard through the door "Do not let them into the summoning chamber". Combat finishes and Kompi sneaks a peak into the summoning chamber and sees everything inside. Kompi warns the group they need to leave and that they are in major trouble. In the chamber is more demons, Gnolls, Jim Stacy, and a greater demon being summoned. Jimmy is successful if summoning the greater demon and the parry escapes.
  • The recovered details how leylines are powerful and intersecting leylines are massive fonts of power. These sources of power if tapped into the wielder can do massive feats of power. The boom also had a rough design of the summoning circle used. The took the book back to Lily and she noticed a water mark of a family crest of sorts that she believes is from a Galik.

Session 22: Slow and Steady

Session Tags:Leylines, Xevriss, Old Alkinimic

Characters: 22, Wiggler, Timothar Marek, Sir Yewvane Eedryll, Heli Moltenshield, Thordon Akieye

DM: Keller (7/29/2023)

Important NPCs: Cookie, Skippy, Talyth, Dynia

XP Gained: Level 3: 1269, Level 4: 1122, Level 5: 976, Level 6: 829

Important Things that Happened:

  • The players are called together by Cookie the Otter. Using research gathered from the discovery of the previously discovered leyline, Cookie believed they had pinpointed another location where another exposed leyline could be located. The players along with Skippy the Skiff Strider journey out into the wild.
  • The players arrive at their location and discover a strange species of snail-folk known as Gastrosapiens. A Gastrosapien farmer named Moob leads the party to their cave city of Escargotia, centered around an leyline. The leyline itself is fed on by the creator of the Gatrosapiens, a massive multi-headed snail known as the Hydrail.
  • The players meet the advisor to the Hydrail, a fey Kenku Druid known as Talyth, the same druid who awakened Wiggler. Talyth informs the party that many others are also interested in gaining access to the leyline, which includes Dynia, a pumpkin headed member of the Gourdheart Disciples, a cult that worships the long passed Xevriss and food, along with Oobu, a strange mimic-like Kobold who serves the dragon Old Alkinimic.
  • Talyth challenges all interested parties to a race and the players are off, traveling through the jungle, completing multiple trials of strength, will, and character. Eventually they make it to the end and win the race, narrowly beating Dynia.
  • Oobu forsakes the rules of the race and like a parasite possesses the Hydrail and attacks the party with many of his Kobold allies. The party frees the Hydrail from Oobu's control, but not before Oobu declares that Old Alkinimic will rise and move on Galik.

Session 23: Alkinimic's End

Session Tags: Old Alkinimic, The Philosopher's Stone, Allard's Revenge

Characters: Sir Yewvane Eedryll, Heli Moltenshield, Radion The Forged, Nix, Rina, Redemption Core, Dragonett

DM: Keller (8/5/2023)

Important NPCs: Lucinda Grimfold

XP Gained: Level 4 2136, Level 5 1857, Level 6 1579

Important Things that Happened:

  • Aboard the Allard's Revenge Airship, the players approach the living Mount Alkinimic alongside Lucinda Grimfold. Armed with Rings of Feather Falling the players jump off the airship while the ship's cannons bombard the mountains.
  • After avoiding attacks of tendrils, teeth, and acidic gas, the players enter the mountain and approach the aberrant dragons lair.
  • Surprised from behind the players fight the ferocious dragon and all nearly lose their lives in the process.
  • With a final blow Radion finally puts the dragon to rest, but not before the dragon warns them that even greater evils hide in the wilds and the players catch a vision of a strange figure in possession of an artifact known as the Philosopher's Stone.

Session 24: TBD

Session Tags:


DM: Julia (8/8/2023)

Important NPCs:

XP Gained:

Important Things that Happened: TBD

Session 25: TBD

Session Tags:


DM: Aaron (8/17/2023)

Important NPCs:

XP Gained:

Important Things that Happened: TBD

Session 26: TBD

Session Tags:


DM: Aaron (8/26/2023)

Important NPCs:

XP Gained:

Important Things that Happened: TBD

Session 27: Doing Hard Time in Thinwhistle

Session Tags: Gnolls, Thinwhistle, The Green Knight, Dinosaurs, Jack of Hearts

Characters: Amaris Luanach, Thordon Akieye, [Heli Moltenshield]], Marion Ette, Black Jack

DM: Keller (9/2/2023)

Important NPCs: Hunk, Chief Thrax, Jack of Hearts, Ripjaw, The Green Knight

XP Gained: Level 4: 1214, Level 5: 1056

Important Things that Happened:

  • The party all wake up in a barren prison cell with no memories of how they got there, with low health and resources, and missing all of their equipment. They also find they are wearing strange arcane collars around their necks.
  • The party discover they are in an underground prison run by Gnolls along with many other prisoners. They get into a short scuffle with other prisoners who are revealed to be Jack of Hearts and his fellow party members Titan and Theta who were also captured by Gnolls. The party also discovers the purpose to the collars as the Gnoll prison guards can activate them to electrocute prisoners.
  • Also held in the prison are many dinosaurs along with other wild beasts that were captured, including the infamous Deviljho, the World Eater.
  • Jack of Hearts reveals all he knows about the prison and with his help the party forms a plan to escape. The party splits up, some creating a diversion, some sneaking off to where the equipment is stored, and some going to the warden's office where the key to their collars are. After making a suitable distraction one player got dragged to the interrogation room where they mind was scanned by a mushroom creature.
  • As the players were executing their plan, new arrivals came to the prison including The Green Knight, Colonel Cordyceps, and the previously identified "Music Man" revealed to be Ferdinand Core who arrived to speak with the warden, Ripjaw. The Green Knight ordered the closing of the prison and the transferring of all of the beasts to his personal domain, along with the executions of all of the prisoners. Watching the conversation was a strange figure in a red cloak with a ram skull for a head.
  • The players managed to retrieve their equipment, get the key to their collars, and send out a distress beacon to nearby skiffs as they made their escape as all hell broke loose as dinosaurs were released to slaughter the prisoners. The players also managed to rescue the Kobold warrior Hunk and the Kobold Chieftain Thrax who were also in the prison.
  • The players managed to escape, only to realize the horrifying truth that the prison was in Thinwhistle, which was devasted by Ripjaw using controlled dinosaurs after the Tempest Brother's Expeditionary Company failed to intervene. The Ram-skull figure appeared to the party again and told them that this was all their fault and that mortals were a mistake.
  • The party narrowly escapes the Green Knight's mount, a giant Roc, and escape on a skiff piloted by allies of Jack of Hearts. Believing that Chief Thrax was corrupted by the fungus, the party burns him to a crips and throws him off the skiff.

Session 27: TBD

Session Tags:


DM: Julia (9/3/2023)

Important NPCs:

XP Gained:

Important Things that Happened: TBD

Session 28: Work for the Warden

Session Tags: The Warden, Gnolls, Oozes

Characters: Sallen "Hummer" Mason, Neru, Finnegan (Finny) Warbler, Danke Schön, p'Rahp, Therrin Flare

DM: Dave (9/14/2023)

Important NPCs: Adrian Tempest, The Warden of the Wilds

XP Gained: Level 3: 1533, Level 4: 1333, Level 5: 1133

Important Things that Happened:

  • Adrian Tempest brought the group together and thanked them for undertaking the request of the Warden. They were directed to head in the direction of the swamp where the Warden was first encountered. They headed out and met the Warden as they come to the far side of the swamp. The Warden thanked them for their help and directed them to areas on the edge of their domain where they suspect the gnoll activity. The Warden does not have specifics but they know the gnolls are riling up the oozes and slimes that live out in those areas. The Warden leaves it up to the group to determine the best way to search them out.
  • The group traveled west and their searches end up finding the ruins of a walled keep on the top of a plateau with a huge hoard of gnolls assaulting the keep, all being resisted by a wide assortment of slimes and oozes. The largest of which is apparently a dragon. They telepathically reached out to the dragon and asked if the group could help fight the gnolls. The question was met with a cacophony of voices at first but one quickly pushed the rest aside and responds politely that they did not need help and the group would be best to stay out of the situation.
  • The group ignored the dragons answer and jumped into the fray. After some combat a green slime appeared took on the detailed appearance of a male and with a touch of jest, thanked them for their help, but he informed them that their help was not needed. The slime then asked how much it would cost to get the party to leave and the party retreated, but not before being given a small pouch.
  • The party decided to sneak around the far side of the plateau and looked for a way into what may be lower levels. They found what was probably an old drain pipe. They cleared out the rubble and found a green slime waiting for them. It rose up in to the same defined male visage that addressed them earlier. It told them they were not welcome, thanked them for their help with the gnolls, gave them a similar pouch, and told them to clear out and not come back.
  • The group made their way back to the Warden and the Warden thanked them for their effort and awarded the group a Druidic Staff of Protection When planted in the ground, it would offer protection for the area. In this case, the encampment. The staff must be left in the ground once placed. The power contained within is finite. An abundance of protection will eventually burn it out. If it is removed while still active, the power would discharge.

Session 29: We're Going in Circles!

Session Tags: Thelyra, Thinwhistle

Characters: Billium Teddly, Twilsby Pendergras, Dragonett, Sir Yewvane Eedryll, 22

DM: Keller (9/16/2023)

Important NPCs: Cookie, Lorrie Haslo, Oliver Vincent Bartholemew, [[Skippy}

XP Gained: Level 3: 1794, Level 5: 1380, Level 6: 1173

Important Things that Happened:

  • The party is called to the tent of Cookie the Otter, master abjurist for the Tempest Brothers Expeditionary Company. Alongside Cookie, the party meets with Lorrie Haslo, looking worse for where since beginning to work for the Collector. She informs them that in his good will the Collector has offered to help the company find one of the other lost Kobold villages, since Thinwhistle had been destroyed and was taken by Gnolls. they claim that they can connect the party with an explorer who can lead them to this village.
  • With Lorrie's help the party calls upon the aid of Oliver "Olly" Vincent Bartholemew, an eccentric explorer who is summoned through a strange ritual and who appears from the mists outside of camp, followed closely by his two assistants. The adventurer offers to lead them on a hard and dangerous trek through the jungle, but the players say they can take an airship instead. Olly is bewildered by the airship and the players realize that the adventurer may have been disconnected from time for some while.
  • With Skippy the Skiff Strider as their pilot, the party flies out over the jungle while being followed by a strange fog. Upon landing to camp for the night, a few members of the party are drawn out deeper into the jungle and encounter a strange wolf-like beast that seems to create illusionary constructs based of the greatest moments of loss in the party-members lives. The party quickly reconvenes and after resting return to the air.
  • After flying for some time Olly forces them to land and the player complete a strange door puzzle that Olly claims is necessary to "continue the journey." When they rest again they are once again accosted by the wolf-like beast, a large creature of rotting fur and dark smog. The players continue their journey and are forced to land the skiff to avoid a pack of wyverns nearby. they continued on foot and are attacked by the creature. They manage to fend it off one last time and finally arrive at the village, Drakemire Hollow, a village left empty and deserted long ago by a volcanic disaster.
  • The players question Olly on what has been going on and under a Zone of Truth spell he admits the truth. Hundred of years ago he led an expedition where his ignorance caused the deaths of 46 of his fellow expeditionaries. From then on the gods cursed him to continue his expedition forever, now chased by this wolf-like creature, the pure embodiment of death and entropy, now dubbed Tertha’volf or “the wolf that consumes," by the party.
  • Olly and his team leave the village, disappearing back into the fog and the party investigates the destroyed village, discovering a strange underground tunnel which they sense contains a strange magical energy. The party calls an airship to retrieve them from camp and the party returns in hopes to rest up, regroup, and return to Drakemire Hollow to see what secrets it may hold.

Session 30: TBD

Session Tags:


DM: Julia (9/23/2023)

Important NPCs:

XP Gained:

Important Things that Happened: TBD

Session 31: TBD

Session Tags:


DM: Keller (9/24/2023)

Important NPCs:

XP Gained:

Important Things that Happened: TBD

Session 32: TBD

Session Tags:


DM: Dave (9/24/2023)

Important NPCs:

XP Gained:

Important Things that Happened: TBD

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