The Quelmar Deities are a pantheon of divine powers that create, patrol, and manipulate the various planes of the Quelmar Universe. Quelmar, as a project of the gods, is watched over by the council of Greater Gods who helped create it, as well as a handful of Lesser Gods who later became attached to the Quelmar project during the Plane Wars or otherwise, followed by nearly countless Demi-Gods: creatures recognized by the gods for their significant impact on Quelmar and granted divine immortality and spectating capabilities over the realm.
While individuals in Quelmar may find themselves attached to many powerful beings, the following lists encapsulate the most popular and well-known deities in the realm.
Greater Gods[edit source]
These are the gods that are incredibly powerful, the gods that gods fear. Their worshipers are diverse and everywhere, their power feared or inspiring to the deities of lesser rank. Most deities wish to aspire to this classification, though only three are known to have succeeded. As ancient as Quelmar, the Greater Gods go under many different names and appearances in different times and places. For example, in Ta-Shedet, the gods were often depicted with the heads of animals.
The Four[edit source]
The Original Six[edit source]
Ascendants[edit source]
The Tied: Lesser Gods[edit | edit source]
Lesser Gods are unlike the creator deities in that they often find themselves interacting more directly with mortals. They are usually concerned with their worshipers and the status of their apotheosis as, without their followers, they would lose their power. At most, they are sympathetic and can be found invoking their power to help out mortal happenstances. However, this generous involvement is usually indirect.
Quelmar Originals[edit | edit source]
These gods were invented by players and DMs for stories set in the Quelmar Realm.
Transplants[edit | edit source]
These gods were popularized elsewhere, but brought into Quelmar (and now canonically exist here) thanks to a player's passion for them. [[
The Granted: Demi-Gods[edit | edit source]
Demi-Gods are aspiring gods who may have few worshipers, but desire greatness. They are the most likely to be granting spells to mortals, interfering in their affairs, or even just observing the mortal realms. They are often so new to their divinity, they cannot yet shake their interest in mortality and it may take them several centuries to truly feel beyond it.
Demi-Gods are sometimes created from one of the greater gods as aspects, avatars, or extensions of their divine will. Pelor's aspect Lathander is an example of this phenomenon.
* indicates a transplant god
Knowledge: Hat, Ioun*, Waukeen*, Dumathoin
Nature: Reesec, Tobii, Grumbar*
Tempest: Kragnux, Iakhovas*, Istishia*, Eldath
Trickery: Akadi*
The Servants: Exarchs[edit | edit source]
Exarchs are divine beings who serve a Greater or Lesser God. They possess powers comparable to Demi-Gods, but whereas Demi-Gods generally strive to bolster their own divinity, Exarchs exist to serve the interests and enforce the will of a more powerful deity. Exarchs can be just as inclined, however, to intervene in the mortal realms as gods or patrons. For more information on who an Exarch serves, see their article.
The Nordic-inspired gods of Ysgard who serve under Odin are examples of Exarchs.
* indicates a transplant god
Death: Delphi, Hermes*, Iyachtu*
Light: Echemus, Xarzith-Dian, Apollo*
Trickery: Durzibethinus, Loki*
See Also[edit | edit source]
- Archdevils
- Demon Lords
- Archfey
- Old Ones
- The Lost Pantheon
- Gods of Ta-Shadet
- Elemental Demi-Gods
- Warlock Patrons
- Lost God
ExpandThe Quelmar Realm |