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The Quelmar Wiki

Troubles in Alanya is an online campaign, https://app.roll20.net/join/18129723/z0m7Ig, that began on September 10th, 2024.

The next session is Tuesday, January 21, at 6:30.

About[edit | edit source]

Looks menacing

You may not have heard of Alayna. Few have. It's a small quiet, region in Western Amusa that exists during the Holy War. You can easily walk across it in three days, and the war has largely skipped right over it.

Recently, there have been a occasional troubles on the borders, but few are concerned. Those troubles, however, are harbingers of a bigger menace to Alanya. This campaign is about solving the mystery of that menace and eliminating it, starting by investigating and dealing with the troubles it has created.

Player Characters[edit | edit source]

  • Valosbalandra
  • Mavinda
  • Sapphira; a healer with the Community of Healers

Notable NPCs[edit | edit source]

Berna: Novice mage in the Fire Guild.

Ates: The mage in a Fire Guild enforcement squad. Also Berna's uncle.

Layla: Former head of the Two Bridges militia. Recently lost her sword arm fighting bandits.

Associate: Masked woman the party meets in the graveyard at night for exchange of information.

Ozan: Blacksmith and part time administrator of Two Bridges

Tulay: Very epic chariot rider.

Verna: The highest ranking survivor of Soma. Wants to kick out the orcs and reestablish the city.

The Story So Far[edit | edit source]

See: Troubles in Alanya/The Story So Far

House Rules[edit | edit source]

The campaign uses the Epic Power TTRPG system. You don't have to read it ahead of time. You can easily pick it up during play. Here's an intro:

Tristan, sword bared, turns a corner, and sees Lyndis, his nemesis, ahead. She leers, and starts weaving a spell to immolate him. Even a sprint won't get him to her first. Foiled by a couple of paces.

No! Tristan is epic. He can stretch beyond the limits of ordinary mortals. With an epic boost of speed, he surges to Lyndis before she can cast. He swings, and holding nothing back, he draws on his epic reserves to make his sword cut like a razor.

Luck unites with swordsmanship in Tristan's swing; it would blow past Lyndis' defense. And with its amplified cutting power, it would drop her in one blow. Would. Lyndis is epic, herself. She taunts Tristan, as she defies gravity with an epic dodge.

But that taunt is a sham. Dodging that deadly blow depleted her epic power, leaving her only enough for one more desperate dodge for now. And Tristan's allies are coming up. Time to flee!

Tristan and his allies give chase. Slaying Lyndis would not only cleanse the land, but fuel their own epic rise, especially if fame awaits – time to hire a bard and etch their legend.

By making epic power part of the rules, the Epic Power system gives players and GM's more scope to build their story:

  • Each turn, a player chooses both what to do, and how to epically enhance it. The more skilled they are, the better they can do, and the more epic they are, the further they can stretch those abilities.
  • When creating a character, and when advancing them, their player chooses both what skills they are best at, and any special ways they have of using epic power.
  • The rules are modular. Only the first 30 pages are essential. Everything else is optional  clarifications and extensions. They play nice with each other, and invite further extensions. For example, adding a completely novel character motif typically requires only a couple of pages: a few new ways to use epic power, and maybe a new skill or two. Lots of these extensions have happened to embrace a player's character conception. If you don't see what you want in the rules, it may be time for another extension.

Location Campaigns
MD Pirates of Quelmar, Uncharted, OathWielders, Chronepsis Campaign, The Atla Campaign, Untitled Podcast Campaign, SotS Inc, The Underdungeon, Towson Tabletop, Sick of this Shit
Online The Court of Bloom and Blade, Troubles in Alanya, Knowledge, Lost and Found, Aw Heckna!, Trial of Dreams, Qandela Obscura, Within the Wicked Wilds, Infernal Invasion, Cirque de la Fey, Painted Sands of Pteris, Icewind Dale, Assassins of Q-Synara, Quelmarch, Deadly Diaspora, Reckondary Characters, Queljammer, Sparrow's Point, The Beggar's Bodega, Quelmar Goes to Space, Secondary Characters, The Realmtrotter's Guide to Zobeck, The Neighbours, For the Love of Gold
PA The Court of Bloom and Blade, The Backhalls 2, Within the Wicked Wilds, Alien Colonial Marines, The Iron Sea, Teatime Adventures, Into the Greedy Green, The Backhalls, The Beggar's Bodega, The Brightwater Campaign, The Realmtrotter's Guide to Zobeck, Ancients Alive
International The Cola Bears Saving the World, Queljammer
Twitch Blood Wood, Depths of the Druma, Just the Q of Us, Once Upon a Town, CyberpunQ, Untitled Mafia Project, System Agnostic, First Class, The Rocklin Clinic Job, Not Strahd, Another One Bites the Dice, Rule Benders, Metagame, King for a Day, Operation Verdant Pyramid, Playtest Tuesday, ⮞Get Submodule, Tails of Quelmar, It Came From Kiston
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