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Within the Wicked Wilds/The Story So Far

This page is the campaign synopsis as told by the DMs. To read a more detailed, fun, and lengthy synopsis of the campaign, see Within the Wicked Wilds/Player Recaps

Wicked Wilds Campaign Trailer
Book 1 Recap

Book 1

Book 2

Book 3 - Ongoing

The Tempest Brothers Expeditionary Company has been tired by Xender City to take wardship over an abandoned waystation in the wilds of Xender Pleth. Naming the waystation Tempest's Landing, the company and its many members work to expand the waystation and explore the surrounding region.

At the same time, rumors of an ancient treasure begin to circulate, the legend of the Lost Hoard, and the company quickly learns they may not be the only ones interested as Giants, Devils, Werewolves, and even Mind Flayers are after the same prize.

The company manages to track the treasures location to the most dangerous region of the wilds, Wyvern's Roost, a massive crater filled with some of the most dangerous flora and fauna the wilds know.

Session 81: Quelmar Con 2024 Game: Kiss of Ice

Session Tags: The Glacial Rift, The Seven

Characters: Therrin Flare, 22, Selene, Ronin (Wicked Wilds), Tryska Bjorndottyr, Thordon Akieye

DM: Keller (6/2/2024)

Important NPCs: Skippy, Eleria the Winter Dryad, Ysildra, the Mother in Ivory, Prince Ulftiir, the Rimelord

XP Gained: XP at Level 6: 4171, XP at Level 7: 3575, XP at Level 8: 2383, XP at Level 9: 2026

Important Things that Happened:

  • After the establishment of the new waystation, the party were instructed to travel the entirety of the road leading from the waystation all the way to Xender City to identify any potential threats and dangers along the way. The party chose to take their friend Skippy with them and began to make their way.
  • Halfway through their journey while they rested during the night, they were accosted by a mysterious creature none of them could identify. Their encounter with this being was interrupted by a terrifying howl that shook the jungle. Investigating the source the party found a torn-open T-Rex covered in strange frost.
  • Traveling on, a few days later the party found a similarly dismembered animal, and searching forward they discovered a massive out-of-place Yeti. After defeating the strange beast, the party began to look into how such a creature came to Amusa. Following its tracks the party found a massive dome made of solid ice. Entering through a small crevice carved into the dome, the party found a mystical frozen jungle, where all the plants were coated with ice and where snow rained down from the sky. The party also found solid ice sculptures which they soon discovered used to be living people and animals.
  • Arriving at the center of the dome, the party found a strange ice rift formed in the center of a massive tree. The gate was watched over by a strange Winter Dryad known as Eleria, who offered the opportunity for the party to remain with her forever, frozen in perfectly preserving ice. Combat ensued and after a difficult battle with many close calls the party defeated Eleria. As she was defeated, the party received a strange vision from the night of The Thelryan Restoration. The party saw the grove when it was in its pre-frozen state, full of life and tended to by fey dryads. The leyline surge from the Thelryan event caused a strange crown artifact held by a ranger staying with the dryads to react, tearing open the strange frozen rift.
  • During the fight one of the party members got pulled into the strange rift, waking up to endless fields of snow and ice ringed with tall mountains. On the forest mountain stood a castle of tall stone and ice, and approaching him was a towering humanoid figure with blue skin. Beholding the rift the figure proclaimed:

"Start spreading the news, we leave today. Long live the Frostfell Empire!"

  • The figure then blew on a large horn, awaking what appeared to be a massive ancient white dragon on a nearby mountain top. After the Winter Dryad's defeat and seeing the approaching dragon through The Glacial Rift, the party fled back to their cart, finishing their journey to Xender City, with many more questions then answers.

Session 82: The Community Garden

Session Tags: Fey

Characters: 22, Ren Atherton, Iris, Zarril, Beauregard Shryke, Chrysaor

DM: Guest DM Kade (6/14/2024)

Important NPCs: Pharius Halatar, Fevria, The Goose Untie

XP Gained: XP at Levels 3 and 4: 3802, XP at Level 5: 3259, XP at Level 6: 2173, XP at Level 7: 1847, XP at Levels 8 & 9: 1521

Important Things that Happened:

  • The party was tasked to check on the local community garden created just south of the main outpost. After arriving, they discovered that the half-drow farmer Pharius Halatar, who was hired to start the garden, had been utterly terrorized by a malicious unknown entity and her horrid pet goose.
  • After some creative investigating, they discovered that this malicious entity was a Fey known as Fevria. She seemed to have an unknown obligation to her court but decided she wanted this land for her pet goose, Untie. She sported multiple additional body parts, taken from slain adventurers and foes she deemed 'worthy' of killing. The party quickly got to work before she could slay them, dishing out devilish blows and ensuring that her reign of terror ended swiftly.
  • With the fey and her dastardly pet goose defeated, the group successfully secured the community garden for the Tempest Brothers.

Session 83: Farmstead Investigation

Session Tags: Wilds, Farm, Scarecrows

Characters: Finnegan (Finny) Warbler, Valdos, Nokori Naru, Ghargux, Coryn Alaeth, Sallen "Hummer" Mason

DM: Dave P (6/19/2024)

Important NPCs: Darian Tempest, Derwin, Ellie, Devin Markster, Frederic Willhelm

XP Gained: XP at Level 3: 2713, XP at Level 7: 1085, XP at Level 8: 1008

Important Things that Happened:

  • The party was chosen for the investigation mission by Darian Tempest while they were eating breakfast. In the central fort (The Big House), they met Devin Markster & Frederic Willhelm, two farmers who lived up the road that leads to Troverth. Darian told them that the men were having trouble with something skulking around the jungle around their farm.
  • On their way to the farm Devin informed them that they were discovering animal carcasses around their farm, the farm animals had been spooked, there had been strange noises in the wilds, and a strange figure was seen killing animals in their barn before fleeing. The party also learned that Fredrick's daughter Ellie had a strange imaginary friend name Hopper. The party later learns that Hopper is a Shield Guardian, with Ellie as his amulet holder.
  • As they investigated, the party spotted strange humanoid figures skulking around the farm as well as seeing strange blue lights. After much investigating they found a strange hut occupied by a man named Derwin. Derwin revealed that the figures were animated scarecrows of his creation. He had also created two larger scarecrows called Harvest Reapers made to protect farms. The party deployed the Harvest Reapers which protected the farm, keeping whatever had been harassing the farm at bay. But whatever that thing was was still out there......

Session 84: Men in Tights

Session Tags: Jack of Hearts, Troverth, Frost Giants

Characters: Ronin (Wicked Wilds), Amelie, Wiggler, Allinor Kalth, Thordon Akieye

DM: Keller (6/21/2024)

Important NPCs: Jack of Hearts, Velemar Decrye, Cookie, Binkle and Twinkle

XP Gained: XP at Level 6: 3850, XP at Level 7: 3300, XP at Level 8: 2200, XP at Level 9: 1870

Important Things that Happened:

  • The party was gathered by Velemar Decrye to investigate reports of bandits robbing merchants along the Troverthian road. He worried that if these attacks continued it could bring an end to trade along the route between the waystation and Troverth.
  • Accompanied by the Otter Wizard Cookie, the party joined the gnomish merchant couple of Binkle and Twinkle on the road to see if they could find and stop these bandits. Along the way they found the strange aftermath of a battle between a now dead [[[Frost Giant]] and a large bipedal fiendish creature. The party questioned how a Frost Giant could end up in the wilds of Amusa.
  • Continuing along, the party were ambushed by figures wearing brightly colored tights. The leader of this group of merry bandits was revealed to be Jack of Hearts, a mercenary and freelance adventurer the company had encountered in the West. Jack revealed that after his encounters with the company, he wished to turn a new leaf, traveling out east and forming his band of brigands who would rob traveling merchants to give their wares and riches to the poor villages of Troverth.
  • Jack of Hearts brought the party to his camp where they debated with him the actual heroics and morals of stealing to give to the poor, with members of the party split on the issue. Engaging in festivities at the bandit camp, the party members participated in a series of fun challenges while getting questions answered by Jack of Hearts. He told them he was aware of more Frost Giants in the area, having arrived through the glacial rift. He informed the party that the giants were looking for something, but he wasn't sure what.
  • As the night was coming to an end the party was pulled aside by a figure who revealed themselves as a captain of the Troverthian military. The captain asked the party to help arrest Jack and his crew, though the party was split on the issue. As they debated one party member warned Jack who fled with his band of merry men. Afterwards the players would find a letter from Jack informing them that the party had inspired him to move beyond thievery and to attack the heart of the issue, to become a revolutionary.

Session 85: Storming the Tower

Session Tags: Xender Royal Family, Magic

Characters: Therrin Flare, Esperanza Alnilam, Kh'jan, Lysvan, Karma Runes

DM: Guest DM Drew (6/23/2024)

Important NPCs: Gafizmaphram the Magnificent

XP Gained: XP at Level 3: 3738, XP at Level 5: 3204, XP at Level 6: 2136, XP at Level 7: 1815, XP at Level 8: 1495

Important Things that Happened:

  • The Royal Family of Xender Pleth told the Tempest Brothers that a testy wizard had stolen a priceless portrait of a 'beautiful child' and that two negotiating parties had not returned from their efforts to retrieve it.
  • The party was briefed on the mission to recover the portrait and find out what happened to the other parties. They flew by Red McCaw to a nearby camp and scouted ahead with familiars to discover a stone monolith with no clear entrance. They hiked to the location the following morning to find a tower with no doors or windows and covered with some type of force shield. Magic mouths in the tower announced that it belongs to "Gafizmaphram the Magnificent".
  • They searched the area, found a mine entrance that was from long before, and followed it to a mined entrance into the tower foundation. In these catacombs, they fought undead before finding their way to a trapdoor into the tower proper. They discovered that the undead were, in fact, the remains of the previous two parties who were sent to investigate.
  • The party emerged on the next level in a storage room and burst in on the gnome wizard while he was eating breakfast. The defenses of the tower activated and the party had to fight fire elementals while being peppered with spells from the mage and scorching rays from the fireplace. The party successfully banished the mage and they continued up the tower.
  • On the next level they searched a library, finding clues and having a shouting match with the mage that suggested that there was a different side to this story. The tower defenses activated again and they had to fight animated objects.
  • After the fight, the party debated about whether to continue forward, having exhausted almost all spells and having only a fraction of hit points remaining. They continued one more floor, finding an alchemy lab. There, they found additional evidence which confirmed a different story about what happened and confronted the mage and his Simulacrum.
  • The mage, Gafizmaphram, had been accosted by the Royal Family who had requested that he become their court mage. Gafizmaphram rejected this offer and was in the process of being taken into custody by castle guards when he grabbed a portrait off the wall, smashed out the frame and used it to distract the guards while he teleported back to his tower. The wizard had no idea that this portrait of a scrawny, ugly baby bird had any value whatsoever and was using it for scrap paper throughout the tower. The party was able to recover all three pieces of the portrait of a baby aarakocra. They collected loot and left the tower without confronting the wizard further, returning to camp.

Session 86: Grave Omens

Session Tags: Wilds, Ruins

Characters: Ghargux, Zarril, Karma Runes, Tryska Bjorndottyr, Iris

DM: Julia (6/25/2024)

Important NPCs: Paul Fletcher

XP Gained: XP at Level 3: 2791, XP at Level 4: 2393, XP at Level 5: 1595, XP at Level 6: 1356

Important Things that Happened:

  • Paul Fletcher requested the party's help to investigate some strange ruins that had recently been discovered. Upon arriving the party discovered that the ruins were a graveyard and potentially the abandoned lab of a necromancer.
  • Investigating the graves the party was beset by undead which the party barely managed to fight off.

Session 87: Lost In Transit

Session Tags: Wilds, Ymbtrymman, Mind Flayer

Characters: Twilsby Pendergras, Karma Runes, Slog the Bonker, Esperanza Alnilam, Lysvan, Valdos

DM: Dave S (6/30/2024)

Important NPCs: Adrian Tempest, Arc, Gumptor Flynn

XP Gained: XP at Level 4: 2310, XP at Level 5: 1980, XP at Level 6: 1320, XP at Level 8: 924

Important Things that Happened:

  • Adrian Tempest received an urgent notice from Ymbtrymman. A caravan sent off two days prior had lost communication on its way to the outpost. Immediate assistance was requested from the Tempest Brothers to track along the path in an expeditious fashion to figure out what had happened and if possible recover the lost people and goods. Moving quickly, he gathered some of the doughty members of the expeditionary force to fulfill the request.
  • Arc, the company's head of arcane matters, crafted a teleportation circle to take the gathered party to Ymbtrymman. Since the caravan had departed Ymbtrymman two days previously, it was decided to track and pursue their route from Ymbtrymman rather than try to locate them from the air or via a land route out from the outpost. The locals told the party that they would be guided by a local named Gumptor Flynn, a Half-Orc Ranger, who was a hunter and tracker familiar with the area.
  • They made great time through the jungle with Flynn's guidance. The trail showed many signs of the caravan's passing so Flynn felt confident they were gaining. After a long and grueling journey they found the remains of the caravan. The carts were torn and damaged and there were traces of shed blood, along with many sets of pawprints of jaguars, which strangely appeared to have been hunting in a pack-like fashion.
  • The party found prints and tracks indicating several bodies were dragged through the jungle in a northern direction. Stopping to assess the situation, several party members realized creatures were moving through the undergrowth all around them. They braced for an encounter and within moments ten jaguars broke cover and moved to nearly surround the party. The party attempted to communicate with three of the animals and did make contact, but in response received a ten-voiced mental reply of "Food!". It quickly became apparent that there was something strange happening. The jaguars all moved with a strange synchronicity as they attacked.
  • And that's when the weirdness cranked up a notch. As the party watched in horror, any jaguar they defeated just evaporated into a mist that flowed into the remaining creatures, healing and strengthening them. The party realized the way to defeat this enemy was to kill them all at once. After defeating the creatures, the party continued and found the beasts' lair. The party discovered a lab or research room with a curtained corridor leading to a closed wooden door. They discovered a large storage area with a set of metal doors, beyond which there were prison cells.
  • The research area drew the party's attention and they all moved in to investigate. They found an obvious teleportation circle in the center of the room and three tables with differing research components - a table of alchemical supplies, a table of wizardly drafting equipment, and a table of timepieces of many varieties. Then suddenly a wave of energy blasted down and the entire party was struck. A Mind Flayer became visible floating near the ceiling. While the party tried to gather their wits, the mind flayer drifted down to the table of timepieces, grabbed a heart-shaped silver device from the table, and then disappeared.
  • Continuing to search, the party found some survivors from the caravan. With perseverance the group rescued the captive survivors, recovered the shipment, and made their way back to Ymbtrymman over a few days' time.

Session 88: Pop Up Art

Session Tags: Ymbtrymman, Artifact

Characters: Ghargux, Finnegan (Finny) Warbler, Dr. Weedus, Sallen "Hummer" Mason, Tryska Bjorndottyr, Balder the Bald Boulder

DM: Guest DM Nin (7/2/2024)

Important NPCs: Dimi, Marion Ette

XP Gained: XP at Level 5: 2855, XP at Level 6: 2448, XP at Level 7: 1632, XP at Level 8: 1387, XP at Level 9: 1142

Important Things that Happened:

  • The party was hired by a divination wizard and artifact collector contact in Xender City named Dimi. They informed the party that there had been recent reports of a strange haunting in the town of Ymbtrymman which they believed was tied to an artifact they wish to possess.
  • Arriving in the town, the party found that the people there were preparing for the upcoming Farmers' Festival. The party learned that the hauntings were tied to the disappearances of paintings in the town and that they may have been connected somehow to a new family that had recently moved in.
  • The party followed the strange happenings to the sewers where they were suddenly beset by a strange attacker who shattered into glass when destroyed.
  • As they continued on, they discovered more strange humanoids who looked like town folks before shattering into glass when destroyed. The party discovered that these humanoids came from the stolen portraits, given life by a strange mirror. The party recovered the mirror and gave it to Dimi to finish their job.

Session 89: The Maiden Voyage of Windrunner

Session Tags: The Well of Souls

Characters: Zarril, Valdos, Ghargux, Karma Runes, Bardek Ironbleeder

DM: Dave P (7/9/2024)

Important NPCs: Darian Tempest, Elowen Thistledown, Skippy

XP Gained: XP at Level 3: 2660, XP at Level 5: 1520, XP at Level 6: 1292

Important Things that Happened:

  • The group was gathered by the company and reported to the office of Darian Tempest. He welcomed them inside and introduced them to Elowen Thistledown a silver haired, smartly dressed High Elf. She was introduced as a librarian researcher who had commissioned an expedition, by airship, to search for The Well of Souls.
  • The group was lead to the field out behind the office/house and came face to face with the Tempest Brothers newest acquisition, a light freight runner airship called Windrunner. This ship is much smaller than the larger frigates the company owns but much larger than simple skiffs the company had commissioned the year prior. The company also hired on Skippy to be the captain of Windrunner.
  • As the party prepared Elowen shared her knowladge on the Well of Souls. She has been researching the concepts of Wells of Souls for a number of years. Such phenomena apparently formed naturally at convergence points of leylines where the veil between the material plane and the plane of death is thin, and that such locations may also hold valuable alchemical materials. She also learned that some mediums claimed to be able to use Wells of Souls to enhance their ethereal abilities. The last thing she learned was that a group of druid emissaries arrived in the city of Warukami 60ish years ago to report that a cult was found to have attempted to occupy a Well located to the South. The cult was defeated and the Druids said that they had put protections in place around the Well. Elowen has been commissioned by the Alchemist Guild in Warukami to find a Well of Souls and bring back any materials that are found around it for experimentation.
  • The group departed on the Windrunner and began to approach the Southern Mists of Sotchalla. The group flew to the mist/smoke and were met by a group of strange crows who taunted the party, When the ship entered the mist everyone on board was hit with this feeling of despair and hopelessness, some even having the urge to jump from the ship.
  • The team decided they would be better off dropping below the jungle canopy to take a look around below. Upon landing the party were attacked by corrupted necromantic plant monster and Treants. After defeating the monsters, Wild Harengon appeared from the wilds who began to help the players. The Harengons explain that they were watching over the Well of Souls and that recently in the past four months, something strange happened and the region began to be corrupted.
  • The party promised to return and the Harengons agreed to keep an eye out for them and lead them to their elders who can tell them more.

Session 90: Draconic Depths

Session Tags: The Glacial Rift, Kavanmort, Vampire, Devils

Characters: Keeper, Chrysaor, Jennings, Morten Nusi, Selene, Allinor Kalth

DM: Keller (7/13/2024)

Important NPCs: Paul Fletcher, Wally Goodfeather, Galidant, Exarch of Kavanmort, Prince Ulftiir the Rimelord

XP Gained: XP at Levels 3 & 4: 4476, XP at Level 5: 3836, XP at Level 6: 2558, XP at Level 7: 2174

Important Things that Happened:

  • The party was gathered by Paul Fletcher in order to explore some recently discovered draconic ruins. Paul hoped that these ruins could give some insight to the Ancient White Dragon beyond The Glacial Rift. They also hoped to find the missing scholar Wally Goodfeather, who had been sent out to investigate the ruins prior, only to disappear.
  • The party arrived at the ruins, discovering that they were devoted to the two headed dragon Kavanmort. After triggering a dangerous ceiling trap, and surviving almost going over a waterfall, the party discovered a group of imperial Frost Giants in the deepest regions of the temple. The party asked why these Frost Giants were so far from their native homes, and the Frost Giants revealed they had entered from the Glacial Rift in search of an artifact known as the Ring of Winter's Wrath. Their leader was Prince Ulftiir the Rimelord, a Half-Dragon Frost Giants and ruler of the fallen Frostfell Empire. They hoped to use the ring to rebuild heir empire and freeze the realm over. Prince Ulftiir reveals that they had captured Wally Goodfeather, and would only free him if the party defeated the evil at the temple's heart.
  • Going deeper into the temple the party passed by more traps and discovered the remnants of ancient draconic rituals. Some of the party members would perform these rituals on themselves to gain new draconic abilities. The party discovered that this temple was built in worship to Kavanmort, who they learned had a penchant for eating dragons.
  • Entering into the temple's final chamber, the party discovered the Dragonborn Vampire, Galidant, Exarch of Kavanmort, along with a cadre of Mammonian Devils who were performing a strange ritual. A battle ensued and the party watched in horror as the Devils were transforming the bodies of mortal worshipers into evil devils. It appeared that this ritual allowed devils to circumvent The Pact Primeval as these Devils were able to harm the party. Galidant fled and the party defeated the remaining devils.
  • The party returned to Prince Ulftiir and recovered Wally. As they left, Prince Ulftiir. affirmed his promises to recover the ring and rebuild his empire. His last words were those of warning to the party, to beware and infernal known as The Golden Hellion.

Session 91: Trade Relations

Session Tags: Wilds, Kobolds

Characters: Esperanza Alnilam, Beauregard, 22, Tryska Bjorndottyr, Lysvan, Thordon Akieye

DM: Dave S (7/21/2024)

Important NPCs: Gumptor Flynn, Chief Pyrrhin, Szamarsh

XP Gained: XP at Level 6: 3125, XP at Level 7: 2083, XT at Level 9: 1458

Important Things that Happened:

  • Gumptor Flynn arrived at the waystation with a request for assistance mapping a route from there to a remote kobold village of his acquaintance that expressed a wish for trade relations. Gumptor explained that the journey would take about ten days and that there was a major obstacle in the form of a locale inhabited by a large number of wyverns.
  • The journey was remarkably unremarkable. The days were spend scouting and mapping a good route to build a road. About the sixth day of the journey the party came to the wyvern nesting grounds. In the middle of the jungle was an enormous impact crater, from a meteor that had fallen millennia ago. The crater was filled in with jungle growth and the edge dropped about 200 feet below the surrounding terrain. The party could easily see groups of wyverns flying about the crater. After reviewing the situation and discussing the options, the party chose to navigate counter-clockwise around the crater, heading to its southern side.
  • They made it past the crater in two days' time and continued mapping their way to the kobold village. A day away from the crater they were accosted by a pack of manticores. The beasts were preceded by a telepathic message of hostility received by the party members. A moment later they were joined by their leader, a huge manticore with a fiendish demeanor and abilities. Although fearsome, the party were able to fell the pack of beasts.
  • Tracking back to their lair, the party found a cache of treasure and a few magic items. They continued on their way, eventually camping for what they expected would be their last night in the jungle. During that night they had an encounter with a small hunting party from the kobold village.
  • The next day the party arrived without fanfare at the village. In the midst of a small clearing, with a stream running through the area, the party saw the amazing site of the front two-thirds of a huge airship suspended in the branches of large trees. On the ground rested the back third of the ship, face down, engines jutting into the air. Many kobolds moved through the village, some doing basic gardening in small plots in the clearing, others coming back from a hunt, and all moving hither and yon with a vibrant energy.
  • Gumptor took the party to meet the kobold chief, Pyrrhin, who was happy to meet them and extremely pleased with their work. He rewarded the party and arranged for the tribe's shaman, Szamarsh, to teleport the party back to the Outpost.

Session 92: Tempest's Six

Session Tags: Devil's, The Glacial Rift

Characters: Jennings, Finnegan (Finny) Warbler, Tryska Bjorndottyr, Morten Nusi, Ghargux, Karma Runes

DM: Keller (7/27/2024)

Important NPCs: Bulio, Lieutenant Azha, Kalzivach (mentioned), Prince Ulftiir, Ingrid Frost

XP Gained: XP at Level 4: 3857, XP at Level 5: 3306, XP at Level 6: 2204, XP at Level 7: 1874, XP at Level 8: 1543

Important Things that Happened:

  • The party is suddenly gathered to investigate a large explosion near the waystation. Investigating they find the explosion was caused by an infernal Fire Giant named Lieutenant Azha, also known as the Golden Hellion, in her battle with a now dead Frost Giant. She informs the party that she was sent from the Hells to fight back the arriving Frost Giants from The Glacial Rift and to hinder their search for an artifact called The Ring of Winter's Wrath.
  • Azha tells the party that her master, a Pit Fiend named Kalzivach, a servant of the Archdevil Mammon, also seeks to enter the realm, but his way is barred by the Frost Giants who are utilizing an infernal artifact. Azha promises to forgive crimes that members of the party performed against devils and promises that she and her kin would not harm the company as long as the company did not harm her nor her allies.
  • With information provided by Azha the party infiltrates where the infernal artifact is being kept, a Frost Giant fortress built atop the Glacial Rift. After lots of planning the party executes an elaborate heist including parlaying with the Frost Giant's Winter Wolves, stealing a coin from the hoard of the Young White Dragon Gaathic, stationed in the fortress, pilfering the arcane scrying eye of a Bheur Hag, and distracting the Giants' leader, Prince Ulftiir.
  • After parts of the plan go awry and some improvising, the party manages to escape with the artifact, an infernal helmet, and open the way for Kalzivach to enter the realm. From a scroll taken from Ulftiir's lair though, the party discovers that the giants have potentially located the ring, and soon plan to move to retrieve it.

Session 93: Who Let the Cold Out

Session Tags: Wilds, Breme

Characters: Wiggler, Coryn Alaeth, Eavan Ice-Eye, Mark, Valdos

DM: Guest DM Emma (7/28/2024)

Important NPCs: Kelrynne

XP Gained: XP at Level 3: 2013, XP at Level 5: 1725, XP at Level 6: 1150, XP at Level 7: 978, XP at Level 8: 805

Important Things that Happened:

  • The party was informed of two strange letters left in camp and decided to investigate the one that seemed to be an urgent plea for help. While camping on their travels, they were attacked by dire wolves who were acting erratically. They slew two before managing to wrangle the last one into submission so it could be healed. They were then blindsided once more—by baby [[silver dragon}silver dragons]]! Their big sister, a Dragonborn named Kelrynne, was the one who had sent out the letter. They soon learned that the Venator Syndicate, the group responsible for sending the other letter, had captured their youngest sibling along with a witchwolf ally accompanying them. According to Kelrynne, the Venator Syndicate was also involved in the disappearance of their mother—the silver dragon guardian of Breme’s Iceback Mountains.
  • The party was able to walk right into the Venator’s base and found an unsuspecting ally in the mistreated sister of the snow elf leading the group. They found the captives and killed their captors except for the leader who managed to Dimension Door away. They also brought an interesting friend back—a cosmic bear cub.

Session 94: Don't Feed the Fears

Session Tags: Sotchala, The Seven

Characters: Iris, Dr. Weedus, Mirth, Eavan Ice-Eye, Coryn Alaeth, Esperanza Alnilam

DM: Keller (4/4/2024)

Important NPCs: Cookie, The Seven, Ingrid Frost

XP Gained: XP at level 5: 3433, XP at level 6: 2943, XP at Level 7: 1962, XP at level 9: 1373

Important Things that Happened:

  • The party is called together by the company abjurist, Cookie the Otter who has been studying the hag eye of Ingrid Frost, a scrying eye recently stolen from the fortress of the Frost Giant Prince Ulftiir. Cookie is in the process of destroying the eye and has found where the eye came from, a strange ritual site beyond the mists of Sotchala. He sends the party to investigate as recent reports suggest that the Giants may be trying to get a replacement eye which could let them scry anywhere in Amusa.
  • The party depart and eventually past into the terrifying and strange Mists of Sotchala. Eventually they arrive at the ritual site, a lone standing doorway leading to nowhere, surrounded by seven statues. Investigating the statues, the party identifies them as the Sepexilium, ancient beings who have hidden for untold centuries in the wilds. When they try to enter the door they are all flung into horrific realms of the Sepexilium's making. By trusting on their Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma, they are able to escape.
  • Upon freeing themselves from these strange realms, they find the last member of the Sepexilum yet to encounter, a strange figure known only as Nameless. Nameless congratulates them for surviving while chastising them for trying in the first place. Nameless reveals that Ingrid Frost and her giant bodyguards also reached him to get another eye, but through self-sacrifice the party convinces Nameless to destroy the hag. Afterwards Nameless expels the party from his realm, but not before waning them that his companions are beginning to wake.

Session 95: Brewing Storm

Session Tags: The Glacial Rift, Devils, Giants, Dragons, the Lost Hoard

Characters: 22, Ronin, Wiggler, Thordon Akieye, Tryska Bjorndottyr, Ghargux

DM: Keller (4/10/2024)

Important NPCs: Cookie, Harrow Grimfold, Ysildra, the Mother in Ivory, Prince Ulftiir, the Rimelord, Lieutenant Azha, Kalzivach (mentioned)

XP Gained: XP at Level 6: 6738, XP at Level 7: 5775, XP at Level 8: 3850, XP at Level 9: 3273

Important Things that Happened:

  • The party was gathered in order to hunt down a powerful artifact known as The Ring of Winter's Wrath, a powerful giant relic capable of untold devastation if it were to fall into the wrong hands. Using information gathered on previous expeditions, the party discovered that the ring was in the possession of a famed ranger named Harrow Grimfold who was hiding in the Luggland mountains. The party also learned that the Frost Giants of The Frostfell Empire were moving to intercept Harrow and to take the ring, so the party made haste to the mountains.
  • Before the party departed, they were approached by an imp serving the infernal Fire Giant Lieutenant Azha. The imp informed the party that Azha's master, a Pit Fiend named Kalzivach, had successfully entered the realm. The imp then gave the party magical coins on Azha's behalf which bestowed a temporary boon.
  • The party managed to find Harrow Grimfold before the giants, but negotiations were tense and they were forced to incapacitate him and take the ring. Using magic they picked his mind for information, learning of a great treasure hidden in the wilds known as the Lost Hoard and how the ring was somehow connected to it. Before the players could leave though, they were ambushed by a skillful Frost Giant Hunter, and when they thought things couldn't get any worse, the Ancient White Dragon, Ysildra, the Mother in Ivory, arrived along with her son and the Giant Leader of the Frostfell Empire, Prince Ulftiir, the Rimelord.
  • After a long and hard fought battle, the party was unable to secure the ring, the artifact being taken by Ysildra with her and Prince Ulftiir then retreating from the mountains. The party was released to have survived, but knew that if they didn't get the ring back soon, all would be lost.

Session 96: Vela's Venture

Session Tags: Druids, Crystalline Conclave, Adventure Race

Characters: Allinor, Wiggler, Eabha, Ren Atheron, Amaris, Rina

DM: Guest DM Mercedes (8/13/2024)

Important NPCs: Ensueno Alnilam, Naolin, Val, Catalina

XP Gained: XP at Level 3: 3690, XP at Level 5: 3163, XP at Level 6: 2108, XP at Level 7: 1792, XP at Level 8: 1476

Important Things that Happened:

  • The Scouting Druids of the Crystalline Conclave invited the Tempest Brothers' to send 6 people to complete in their Rite of Passage ceremony as a friendly contest, Vela's Venture. The teams were Allinor and Wiggler (the Boys' Squad), Eabha and Ren (the A-team), and Amaris and Rin (The Girls' Squad). The adventurers were set 48 hours away from the Tempest's Landing Waystation, racing to the center and to be the first team to have both members touch the statue
  • Each team had strong start, one teammate navigating the stars with maps while the other one encountering challenges such as avoiding pits, trying to calm bawling children, and happily inviting thieves to join them and potentially follow back to the Waystation.
  • When arriving at the waystation, they found the druids in their way, their final barrier between victory and defeat. Eabha and Ren used their new animal polymorphs to race right to the finish line without any issue. Rina and Amaris got caught up in Catalina's storm but managed to secure second place. Allinor struggled to make it past Ensueno, full of sisterly protective rage and doing everything she could to prevent him from finishing the race. Giant Eagle Wiggler saved the day and they finished third! After the end of the trial, the conclave departed from the waystation.

Session 97: Darbin's Drought

Session Tags: Troverth

Characters: The Raven, Slog the Bonker, Varnaruk, Rochambeau, Ghargux, Caelum

DM: Guest DM James (8/21/2024)

Important NPCs: Ironia Koval, Ted the Wizard, Edward Nestelle, Madam Alligator

XP Gained: XP at Level 4: 2289, XP at Level 5: 1962, XP at Level 6: 1308, SP at Level 7: 1112

Important Things that Happened:

  • Blacksmith Ironia Koval reached out to the company for help after barely reaching the waystation with her life. Her hometown of Darbin, near the border between Xender and Troverth, had been under a severe drought for the past three years. To get water, people would need to either venture into the Wilds and risk being attacked by monsters, or they would have to pay a wizard to create water, but only for a very high price.
  • The party reached the outskirts of Darbin, and just before the trees turned from green to brown, they were attacked by Dire Wolves and some bandits. They easily dispatched the assault and interrogated a bandit, who told them of their boss only known as Mr. Zero.
  • They then investigated a few businesspeople who had gotten tremendously wealthy in the last few years since the drought began, including a wealthy business man named Edward Nestelle.
  • The party went to Nestelle HQ, where a team of wizards allegedly worked all day creating water for the people. One wizard, allegedly named Wally, received the party and informed his boss of their arrival. The party engaged in a fight and quickly defeated Edward Nestelle. Afterwards they discovered tha the source of his water was a Decanter of Endless Water
  • His financial records pointed solely to one major backer: Tiffany Ali Gator, better known as Madam Alligator, the wealthiest person in town, whop they discovered was using the Control Weather spell to create the drought.
  • Control Weather requires being outside, so they found her at the highest point in town: Darbin Cathedral, which was once dedicated to Tiamat in ancient times, but was now for all religions. After convincing some guards to leave without a fight, pushing up a spiral staircase, teleporting onto the roof, and breaking some stained glass of evil gods along the way, they finally defeated Madam Alligator, ending the drought.
  • As thanks, Ironia Koval agreed to join the Waystation and open up shop as a Blacksmith.

Session 98: Road Warriors

Session Tags: Koa-Toa, Kobolds

Characters: Caelum Vesper, Lysvan, Valdos, 22, L'Kon D'Loc, Thordon Akieye

DM: Dave S (8/25/2024)

Important NPCs: Gumptor Flynn

XP Gained: XP at Level 4: 4929, XP at Level 6: 2817, XP at Level 9: 1549

Important Things that Happened:

  • The Tempest Brothers Expeditionary Company have agreed to work with the kobolds of Airship Village to build a dependable road between the village and Tempest Landing. That work commenced after a party from the company along with Gumptor Flynn managed to map out a potential route. The work went well until the work crew was assaulted at night by unseen forces. A group from the company headed out to provide assistance.
  • The party proceeded with alacrity to the last known site of the work crew. It took about three and half days, but arriving at the site the party discovered the workers currently being attacked! Leaping to assist the group quickly discovered the identity of the attackers - Kuo-Toa, strange fish-like humanoids who commonly dwell deep in the Underdark.
  • Despite some solid warriors, the kuo-toa quickly found themselves on the defensive, and their leader teleported themselves and some other warriors away. The party managed to subdue or kill the remaining kuo-toa and began to interrogate a lone captive. After gaining a little useful information the enemy was dispatched, and the party used magic to aid in tracking back the attackers into the large crater which houses many wyvern nests. They avoided any reptiles and after an hour or so found a cave entrance that seemed newly opened. Heading into the darkness, the party found a few hundred feet down the tunnel an open shaft that was where the kuo-toa emerged. A passage lead away in one direction and so the party tracked it to its source, at which they found the apparent lair of the kuo-toa. Catching the fish-people unaware the party struck to put an end to this threat.
  • Unnoticed by the party a true monstrosity hovered in darkness at the peak of the cavern. It observed the group for a moment then struck, and attacked. The creature was a neothelid, a large worm-like aberration. It was strong enough to drop two of the members, and things looked like they might take a grim turn. But the party stuck to their teamwork and tactics, and managed to turn the table on the aberrant creature soon enough.
  • In the aftermath of the battle the party had time to fully explore the area. They found several captives taken by the kuo-toa, including Gumptor Flynn and the kobolds that had been grabbed a few nights previously. Searching through simple rooms in the branches from the shrine the kuo-toa called home, they found a few items of value. Gathering the treasure and the captives, they began the long trek back to the work camp, taking a great deal of time to ascend the deep shaft they had to traverse on their way down. But ultimately they succeeded, the kobolds and Gumptor went back to the work camp, and the party trekked back to Tempest Landing to report their success.

Session 99: Battle for the Dryad

Session Tags: Well of Souls

Characters: Zarril, Nester Spitemore, Dr. Richard Weedus, Karma Runes, Finnegan (Finny) Warbler, Askeladd

DM: Dave P (8/28/2024)

Important NPCs: Adrian Tempest, Elowyn Thistledown

XP Gained: XP at Level 5: 4620, XP at Level 7: 2640, XP at Level 8: 2244, XP at Level 9: 1848

Important Things that Happened:

  • The volunteer group was mobilized, meeting Adrian Tempest and Elowyn Thistledown at the company office. They moved to the Windrunner and headed out South East. Elowyn filled the group in on the findings of the Alchemy Guild while studying the Vivanite shard that was recovered from the corrupted treant. She informed them that the Vivanite is a manifestation of the potent and ongoing necromantic corruption of the area, and that in studying it, the alchemists developed a possible antidote that they needed to have Elowyn field test on a living and corrupted creature.
  • The group arrives at the Terraced Pools, one of the locations Elowyn and the group who explored previously were told to go when they returned. They encountered harengon scouts who welcomed them with a pile of questions and also sent scouts to notify Thistlefoot the druid leader of the tribe, who soon arrived as well. After a discussion with the group it was decided that the best option was for them to seek out the home of one of the Dryads who lived just up the river from where they were currently located. If the antidote would work, that would be the best person to test it on
  • The group traveled up river into the corrupted area and came to a druidic ritual site with druidic markings in stone on the ground, a henge that was freshly crumbling and with vivanite infesting the cracks and crevices of the remaining stone. The group stayed out of the henge ring and all was quiet until the group tried to extract a large chunk of crystal. An angry scream arose from all around and the dryad, corrupted appeared. She called forth Elemental Myrmidons to defend her home. A fight ensued and ultimately the dryad was defeated. Elowyn, invisible, grabbed her body and teleported back to the Terraced Pools.

Session 100: Frostfell Fallen

Session Tags: The Glacial Rift, Devils, The Seven

Characters: Coryn Alaeth, 22, Ren Atherton, Ronin, Karma Runes, Bardek Ironbleeder

DM: Keller (9/8/2024)

Important NPCs: Prince Ulftiir, the Rimelord, Kalzivach, Nameless, Leviathan

XP Gained: XP at Level 4: 6854, XP at Level 7: 5875, XP at Level 8: 3917, XP at Level 9: 3329

Important Things that Happened:

  • A new Glacial Rift has been opened above Amusa by the tyrannical Frost Giant Prince Ulftiir, using a powerful planar artifact known as The Ring of Winter's Wrath. The Frost Giant's castle, now suspended in the rift.
  • The party repairs one of the company airships which had been frozen by a blizzard from the rift and are approached by a Pit Fiend named Kalzivach, an infernal servant of Mammon. The Devil promises the party his assistance in the fight, but in return, they must promise to kill Prince Ulftiir when they go to recover the ring and close the rift.
  • With the Pit Fiend's help, the party ascends to the rift and lay siege to the Frost Giant castle. Delving deep into the frozen fortress, the party finds the Prince's war room being raided by Kalzivach who is taking all the information he can gather. In the war room, the party learns the origins of the Ring of Winter's Wrath, and learn that it is also a key to a legendary treasure called The Lost Hoard.
  • The party confront Prince Ulftiir in his throne room and do battle with the giant and his knights. Aiding the giants is also the strange figure only known as Nameless, one of the mysterious Seven and a being who has been a patron to the giants' efforts in Amusa.
  • After much chaos, the ring is recovered and the rift begins to collapse. As the rift collapses, it leaves room for an eldritch titan known only as Leviathan to attempt to claim it as its own, only to be pushed back by the party using the ring's magic.
  • The party manage to kill the evil giant prince and seal the rift, banishing the remaining Frost Giants back into the Plane of Ice and saving Amusa from a frigid doom.

Session 101: Die Dragon Die!

Session Tags: The Glacial Rift, Dragon

Characters: Amelie, Finnegan (Finny) Warbler, Chrysaor Purosis, Zarril, Tryska Bjorndottyr, Thordon Akieye

DM: Keller (9/14/2024)

Important NPCs: Ysildra, the Mother in Ivory, Prince Ulftiir, the Rimelord (mentioned)

XP Gained: XP at Level 5: 7875, XP at Level 7: 6750, XP at Level 8: 4500, XP at Level 9: 3825

Important Things that Happened:

  • Following the defeat of Prince Ulftiir, the Rimelord, all that remained of The Frostfell Empire in Amusa was the giant's mother, an Ancient White Dragon, Ysildra, the Mother in Ivory. A team of expeditionaries gathered as many resources and weapons as they could manage from all across Amusa and set up an ambush for the great dragon.
  • In a long and arduous battle, the party fought the ancient dragon, slowly but surly chipping away at its armor-like scales and dulling its blade-like claws. In the end, the party was finally able to ground the dragon and slew Ysildra where she stood, ending the Frostfell Empire's reign of terror in Amusa.

Session 102: Meet the Xandrians

Session Tags: Breme

Characters: Tryska Bjorndottyr, Dickweedus, Valdos, Ren Atherton, Ghargux, Wiggler

DM: Guest DM Nate (9/15/2024)

Important NPCs: Lancellas Ranglon, Dr. Morgan Frostbeard, Kyle Lane

XP Gained: XP at Level 6: 2230, XP at Level 7: 1911, XP at Level 8: 1274, XP at Level 9: 1083

Important Things that Happened:

  • After receiving a request from Lord Commander Lancellas Ranglon, the acting commander of the Xandrian Expeditionary Force, to assist with recovering a package stolen from a group of Xandrian scholars by the infamous poachers of the Venator Syndicate, the party was taken to the Xandrian encampment to discuss the details. Upon arriving, the party witnessed an altercation between Artorious Ranglon (the brother of Lancellas) and Dr. Morgan Frostbeard, a leader of the Xandrian scholars who were encamped with the Xandrian troops and a survivor of the attack that lost the package the party was recruited to find, over whether or not the force should go and find out what happened to the scholars who didn't come back. Artorious rejected Frostbeard's request very aggressively. The party was then introduced to the soldiers, Lancellas told them what to do, and they conversed with the scholars that night.
  • The next morning, accompanied by Dr. Frostbeard, the party ventured out to the old camp to find the package to discover that Venator soldiers were searching the camp. After defeating the soldiers, the party not only found the packages, but also found out that the Venator were keeping the missing scholars as hostages. The party then set off to rescue said scholars.
  • The party raided the Venator camp, defeated their captain (who had buffed himself immensely with a special potion), rescued the hostages, and burned the camp. Upon returning to the Xandrian camp, it was revealed that the packages contained Black Marilas, a species of very venomous snakes native to Amusa. Lancellas revealed that he intended to use the venom to go tit-for-tat against the Venator who were using their own special toxins and brews. After paying the party handsomely, and "assuring" them he would not put innocents in the way while also agreeing to keep problems like the Venator off the Company's back while they saved the world, the party departed.
  • Kyle Lane, a scholar in the camp, was chosen to go back with the party to the waystation to be Xandria's man in the waystation in case the Xandrians needed the company's help in the future.

Session 103: Frigid Treasures

Session Tags: The Glacial Rift, Dragon

Characters: Wiggler, Iris, Valdos, Ren Atherton, Eavan Ice-Eye, Selene

DM: Keller (9/21/2024)

Important NPCs: Oliver Vincent Bartholemew, Darian Tempest, Lord Hulfgar, Samiael, Humphrey, Ysildra, the Mother in Ivory (mentioned), Prince Ulftiir, the Rimelord (mentioned)

XP Gained: XP at Level 6: 3383, XP at Level 7: 2255, XP at Level 8: 1917, XP at Level 9: 1579

Important Things that Happened:

  • The party was gathered by Darian Tempest for a most dangerous mission: travel into The Plane of Ice and acquire the now unclaimed hoard of the recently slain Ancient White Dragon Ysildra. The company had managed top uncover some of the secrets within The Ring of Winter's Wrath, one of which being to open a portal to the Plane of Ice temporarily. To aid on this quest and to serve as a guide, Darian Tempest summoned the mysterious seemingly immortal and cursed explorer Oliver Vincent Bartholemew.
  • Soon after entering the Plane of Ice, a pack of Yetis caught the party's sent and began to pursue them. It was a grueling journey through the icy wastes leaving the party exhausted and some even near death. The pursuing Yetis were causing them to be unable to rest as the beasts would ambush them in the night.
  • Eventually the party reached a cliff face where at the top was Ysildra's lair. Climbing up the cliff, the party was beset by the lair's two guardians, a Cryo-Hydra and a powerful cyclops. After defeating the guardians the party made it to the top of the mountain only to be stopped by a Frost Giant spirit. The spirit informed them that it's name was Lord Hulfgar, Spirit of the Mountain. He explained that he was Prince Ulftiir's father and Ysildra's one time mate before she killed him. He told them he would allow the party to pilfer the dragon's treasures in return for them freeing his body and spirit so he could rest.
  • The party freed Lord Hulfgar's body and he gave them access to Ysildra's hoard. The party also freed an angel named Samiael who returned with them to the waystation, a strange dwarf with a lion's tail named Humphrey, and eldritch tentacle monster, and an Efreeti who granted the party a limited wish. After this the party claimed their treasures and returned to Tempest Landing richer then ever!

Session 104: Crushed Tomatoes

Session Tags: Farmers

Characters: Ghargux, 22, Eavan Ice-Eye, Iris, Morten Nusi, Varnaruk

DM: Guest DM Geoff (9/28/2024)

Important NPCs: Tom, Otamot

XP Gained: XP at Level 5: 5236, XP at Level 6: 2992

Important Things that Happened:

  • The party visited a village on the border of Xender-Pleth and Troverth to find the small farming hamlet plagued by a strange crop blight. In addition, farmers from the small hamlet of Redwell had been disappearing.
  • The party discovered that one of the farmers had been engaging in eldritch rituals after losing a contest during a recent farm festival. Through their rituals, the created an eldritch tomato monster named Otamot who was creating the blight and killing the farmers. The party managed to destroy Otamot and defeat Tom the farmer.

Session 105: Gumptor's Revenge

Session Tags: Mind Flayer, Kuo-Toa, Wyvern's Crater

Characters: 22, Eavan Ice-Eye, Karma Runes, Sallen "Hummer" Mason, Thordon Akieye, Khimnis Jine

DM: Dave S (9/29/2024)

Important NPCs: Gumptor Flynn

XP Gained: XP at Level 6: 5156, XP at Level 7: 3438, XP at Level 8: 2922

Important Things that Happened:

  • Gumptor Flynn arrived at Tempest Landing looking for backup for a raid on the suspected lair of the mind flayer that has been his nemesis for months. A party of expeditionaries gathered up and headed out into the depths of the Wyvern's Roost crater.
  • After an uneventful journey to the site, Gumptor directed the group to a small cave in a deep, narrow ravine in the crater. On silent feet the party entered the cave and made their way down a long passage. Proceeding deeply into the passage the group finally heard a voice ahead of them, and when they finally could spot the source they saw their mind flayer quarry.
  • The party attacked the mind flayer only to realize it was an illusion. The party were then suddenly ambushed by Kuo-Toa and combat ensued. But during the battle, Gumptor betrayed the party and began to attack them. The party wondering if he had been charmed worked to subdue their former ally only to reveal that it was a simulacrum imposter. The party now wondered if Gumptor was copied while imprisoned by the kuo-toa initially. Maybe he still was, and the simulacrum was "rescued" from the clutches of the kuo-toa.
  • The party gathered Gumptor's belongings and returned home, wondering the point of this encounter, and what might next be in store for them.

Session 106: Return to Markster Farmstead

Session Tags: Derwin, Werewolves

Characters: Karma Runes, Ren Atherton, Finnegan (Finny) Warbler, Twilsby Pendergras, Ghargux, Garvey Tiller

DM: Dave P (10/02/2024)

Important NPCs: Derwin, Adrian Tempest

XP Gained: XP at Level 3: 5426, XP at Level 7: 2713, XP at Level 8: 2306, XP at Level 1899

Important Things that Happened:

  • The company receives a message from Derwin the artificer requesting aid, informing them at the farmers at the Markster farm were kidnapped. The party meets with Adrian Tempest and quickly makes their way to the farm near where Derwin works. On their way the party spots blue eyes watching them from the forest, but upon investigation they find nothing.
  • As they approached the farm they saw Derwin's constructs patrolling the farm but no people, only for Derwin to appear from the Markster house. He informed the group that his constructs had engaged monsters on the edges of the farm and though they had been successful in repelling them, there were large ones that his constructs could not affect.
  • The party set out and after some combined investigation they found the ruins of a strange temple. At the temple they were attacked by strange cultists which the party managed to dispatch. Inside they found a group of dire wolves, scraggly werewolves, and a full form Moon-Touched Werewolf. The dire wolves detected their presence, alerted the rest to the intruders and attacked. The party defeated the werewolves and found the captured farmers.
  • Among the items in the werewolves' possession, the party found a journal labeled "The Explorations of Aloysius Tempest."

Session 107: No Mourning in Mossbank

Session Tags: Mystery

Characters: Karma Runes, Esperanza Alnilam, Ghargux, Selene, Morten Nusi, Nebuma

DM: Guest DM Ali (10/05/2024)

Important NPCs: Sylviel Yearwood, Horace Yearwood

XP Gained: XP at Level 3: 2567, XP at Level 6: 2200, XP at Level 7: 1467, XP at Level 8: 1247

Important Things that Happened:

  • Word arrives at the waystation of the passing of one Sylviel Yearwood, a friend of the Tempest Brothers and inhabitant of the small town of Mossbank. But rumors are about that she was murdered, and so the Tempest Brothers send the party to investigate.
  • When the party arrives in Mossbank, suspicions are immediately high about who the culprit is. They first inspect the crime scene, Sylviel's very own home, for clues. They find the victim's mother, Bernadette Montague, wallowing in grief. She is willing to give further information on possible suspects.
  • The party visits City Watch Station to interview the late woman's husband, Horace Yearwood. Horace is unwilling to divulge additional details on an argument. Morten uses his divination to read the guard's thoughts. They discover that Horace's good nature is a farce, as he had an affair with another guard. Putting two things together, they plan to visit the Arena where the argument occurred.
  • Before they arrive, however, the party visits the butcher shop to figure out if the murder scene they found was in any way staged. It turns out that a day before Sylviel was murdered, she bought a live chicken. After checking the store records, the carny at the Arena refuses to talk unless they battle each other for it.

Esperanza, instead, charms the carny to get the clues they need. This trail leads them to the Humbuddy, a tavern where they find another suspect and an old flame of Sylviel's, Norman Butterwelk.

  • Norman puts more information in place, with what he tells the party pointing towards Horace being the culprit. It doesn't all add up, though. In hopes of tying it all together more succinctly, they investigate Horace's house at his invitation. Finally, some well-placed records and a missing page of a love letter give Horace a solid motive to murder his wife. Why is it then that when they return outside, they find Horace bleeding out, a kidnapped mayor in his shed, and a shredded skin that scarily resembles the man writhing in pain?
  • The adventurers catch what they assume is the assailant, surrounding the shapeshifter with a phantasmal force and cornering them using a dimensional door. It turns out that Sylviel is a Doppleganger and was behind her own murder, placing evidence around town in hopes of framing her husband. Their union was a loveless one, motivating Sylviel to escape it. The party agrees to let her go, send Horace to the City Watch Station for other crimes, and pin the murder on a rogue doppelgänger.

Session 108: Haunting Heists

Session Tags: The Lost Hoard, Devils, Dorian Shroud

Characters: Nebuma, Chrysaor Purosis, Slog the Bonker, Tryska Bjorndottyr, Ronin, Garvey Tiller

DM: Keller (10/12/2024)

Important NPCs: Dorian Shroud, Darian Tempest, Velemar Decrye, Captain Avra Coure, Professor Madeline Cinder

XP Gained: XP at Level 4: 3850, XP at Level 7: 2200, XP at Level 8: 1870

Important Things that Happened:

  • The party is gathered by Darian Tempest and Velemar Decrye. They inform the party that a number of banks that the company did business with had been robbed. They believe that whoever the thief was, they were in pursuit of a strange relic in the company's possession that had previously been stored at these banks. The company sends the party to Xender City in hopes that they can recover the artifact before this mysterious robber can get their hands on it.
  • The party arrives to meet Captain Avra Coure, a captain in the Xender City Guard, and Professor Madeline Cinder, who had been studying the artifact for the Tempest Brothers. Professor Cinder tells the party that the artifact was a strange puzzle box, and a piece of The Aestorian Codex, a mystical relic that could supposedly lead to the legendary treasure known as The Lost Hoard. The puzzle box had been passed down to the Tempest Brothers by their grandfather, Aloysius Tempest, and seemed to be made of a metal not of this realm.
  • The party investigates a bank recently hit my the mystery thief. Through their investigations, the party come to a conclusion that the thief must be a ghost. In pursuit of a lead, they travel to a nearby Lathandarite church to learn more, only to find that the priests had all been massacred by Devils. At the church, the party finds that the ghost's identity is that of Dorian Shroud, a gentleman thief who has since been reanimated in service to Mammonian Devils. At the church, the party also finds a ritual they can use to temporarily banish Dorian Shroud.
  • With this info, the party heads to the bank where the Aestorian Codex puzzle box is being stored only for Dorian Shroud to attack with a small cadre of devils. The party managed to defeat the devils and use the lathandarite ritual to banish Dorian Shroud back into the Hells. Now with the puzzle box recovered, the company continues their search for the other three pieces of the Aestorian Codex.

Session 109: The PumpKing Under the Hill

Session Tags: The Mists of Sotchala

Characters: 22, Valdos, Ghargux, Garvey Tiller, Karma Runes, Finnegan (Finny) Warbler

DM: Guest DM Gingie (10/18/2024)

Important NPCs: Jax the PumpKing

XP Gained: XP at Level 5: 3690, XP at Level 6: 3163, XP at Level 7: 2108, XP at Level 8: 1792, XP at Level 9: 1476

Important Things that Happened:

  • The group of adventures was gathered in the center of the waystation and met three scouts. They tell the party of a small ruined town on the edge of the Mists of Sotchala, where they heard of there being strange statues.
  • The party made their way to the ruined village and as the approached, the party found the strange statues the scouts spoke of. They made their way to the edge of the village where they saw a house with lights. At the house they met a mysterious and his pup. The stranger spoke of there being strange rituals with pumpkins being performed beneath the village's old graveyard.
  • After some conversations, the team took to the graveyard and started maneuvering through the couple of rooms under ground. After exploring a bit, they realized they were in the middle of a beholder's lair. They came across a room with a statue of a beholder and some treasure. They then went to the next room and encountered the Pumpkin beholder named Jax, the PumpKing, who had been created by his former beholder master before Jax turned it to stone. They attempted to fight the pumpkin beholder and finally after a hard combat, they defeated the strange pumpkin creature.

Session 110: Sunk Cost

Session Tags: The Lost Hoard, Devils, Dorian Shroud

Characters: Slog the Bonker, Selene, Karma Runes, Ren Atherton, Wiggler

DM: Keller (10/20/2024)

Important NPCs: Aloysius Tempest (mentioned), Professor Madeline Cinder, Minerva Tempest, Orville, Dorian Shroud

XP Gained: XP at Level 7: 3927, XP at Level 8: 2618, XP at Level 9: 2225

Important Things that Happened:

  • By studying the journal of Aloysius Tempest, the grandfather of the Tempest Brothers, the party discovers the location of another piece of The Aestorian Codex. Long ago Aloysius gave a piece of a codex to his sister, Minerva Tempest, who was lost along with the piece in a shipwreck. The party joins Professor Madeline Cinder and an elderly tortle diver named Orville to journey across the Luggland sea and locate this shipwreck.
  • Upon arriving, the party dives down into the water and begins to investigate the wreck. During their search, they are beset by strange underwater creatures and some of them are even charmed by a strange melodic song, forcing the party to turn against one another.
  • The party eventually encounters the source of the song, a changed Minerva Tempest who had been transformed into an evil siren of the deep. The party capture her, but before they can get the piece of the Aestorian Codex, it is stolen out from under their noses by the ghost of Dorian Shroud who had been hiding in wait by possessing one of the diving crew members. The party return to the surface with Minerva and her treasures in tow and continues their search for the rest of the Aestorian Codex.

Session 111: The Shambling Undead

Session Tags: The Lost Hoard, Devils, Dorian Shroud

Characters: Ren Atherton, Valdos, Garvey Tiller, Rosin

DM: Keller (10/27/2024)

Important NPCs: Professor Madeline Cinder, Dorian Shroud, Kalzivach

XP Gained: XP at Level 5: 3417, XP at Level 6: 2929, XP at Level 7: 1953, XP at Level 8: 1660, XP at Level 9: 1367

Important Things that Happened:

  • The party traveled to the town of Ymbtrymman deep in the Xender wilds during the town's All Hallow's Eve festival. They hoped that the festival would draw out the ghost thief Dorian Shroud, along with the piece of The Aestorian Codex he stole. Upon arriving they uncover strange infernal machinations with imps placing strange necromantic runes all across the town. Suddenly random citizens across the town started acting strange and began to turn into zombies!
  • The party quickly took to the roofs to escape the zombies and found that the zombie epidemic was quickly spreading across the entire town. That was when they noticed that the town's clocktower had started to tick backwards. The party journeyed across the roofs of the town, encountering survivors and undead alike. After fighting some devils and retrieving the clock smith's key, the party entered the clocktower.
  • Inside they encountered Dorian Shroud who told the party he hoped to create a zombie army to help him find the remaining pieces of the Aestorian Codex. The party fought Dorian Shroud and his undead minions, managing to steal back his piece of the codex and cure the zombie plague before its effects became permanent. For failing his mission, Dorian's infernal master, Kalzivach, banished him back to the Ten Hells.

Session 112: Kobold Festivities

Session Tags: Kobolds The Lost Hoard

Characters: Karma Runes, L'Kon D'Loc, Eavan Ice-Eye, Garvey Tiller Bardek Ironbleeder, Nebuma

DM: Dave S (11/03/2024)

Important NPCs: Adrian Tempest, Chief Pyrrhin

XP Gained: XP at Level 5: 3000, XP at Level 6: 2000, XP at Level 7: 1700, XP at Level 8: 1400

Important Things that Happened:

  • The party along with Adrian Tempest were invited to a yearly festival hosted by the Kobolds of the Airship Village]]. There they met the kobold Chief Pyrrhin who encouraged them to partake in the festivities and games. The games included javelin throwing, vine swinging, for eating, a cooking contest and even a scavenger hunt.
  • For their heart participation in the festival, the party received a prize from the kobolds, a strange puzzle box that had been inside the crashed airship when the kobolds made it their home. With some investigation, the party discovered that this puzzle box bas a piece of The Aestorian Codex, part of the map that could lead them to the fabulous treasure of The Lost Hoard.

Session 113: A Day at the Carnival

Session Tags: The Well of Souls

Characters: Karma Runes, Slog the Bonker, Garvey Tiller, Zarril

DM: Dave P (11/06/2024)

Important NPCs: Verdantiss, Mikey

XP Gained: XP at Level 6: 3188, XP at Level 7: 2125, XP at Level 8: 1806

Important Things that Happened:

  • In hopes to restore the corrupted lands around the well of souls, the party was in search for a Floral Drake which was said to have previously laired in the region. The party of tagged along with a caravan out of the wilds and into the beautiful and bountiful lands of Luggland. They found all the towns, villages and waystations along the way with posters of the carnival. They quickly learned the route of the carnival and that it was about a days travel east towards Wistil. About a days walk out of Wistil they found the carnival in a fallow field next to a decent sized Hamlet.
  • Hoping to gain tickets into the main attraction event, the party began to play games around the carnival. After coming up short, they attempted to steal some before approaching the carnival ring leader, a man named Mikey. Mikey lead them to the floral drake, named Verdantiss, who was the main attraction of the carnival.
  • Verdantiss revealed that they were with the carnival willingly and were not held prisoner like the party assumed. She explained that she had gotten injured trying to escape the corruption around the Well of Souls, and that the carnival nursed her back to help. In return, she promised to aid their carnival for six months. In return for allowing Verdantiss to leave so they could cure the land around the Well of Souls, the party gifted Mikey a griffon. Afterwards they went of to enjoy the main show at the carnival.

Session 114: Fillet Fish

Session Tags: The Wilds, Kuo-Toa, Hags

Characters: Tryska Bjorndottyr, Allinor Kalth, Valdos, Garvey Tiller, Varnaruk (Deceased)

DM: Keller (11/10/2024)

Important NPCs: Old Ingrid, Elyvia, Kalzivach (mentioned)

XP Gained: XP at Level 6: 5558, XP at Level 7: 3705, XP at Level 8: 3149, XP at Level 9: 2594

Important Things that Happened:

  • The party was gathered in response to strange rumors of fish-like creatures stalking the wilds, and the recent disappearance of a dwarven merchant. The party headed out to find the merchant and found a horrific scene where the merchant was attacked where multiple people had been captured. After accidentally setting off a poison bomb, the party followed strange webbed-foot tracks into the wilds.
  • As night fell, the party encountered two Kuo-Toa burying a body which had been mutilated with animal taxidermy and which had Kuo-Toa eggs implanted in its stomach. Going deeper into the forest, the party found a few small wooden huts near a group of Kuo-Toa in active worship. The party rushed in to attack them, only to be surprised by the Kuo-Toa summoning a massive mutated Kuo-Toa, and a Green Hag named Old Ingrid who led the Kuo Toa. As Old Ingrid entered the battle, she cast a spell animating the many zombies buried around the huts. The battle was brutal and bloody, but in the end the party was able to slaughter all the remaining Kuo-Toa, destroy the effigies animating the zombies, sunder the continually mutating Kuo-Toa Hulk, and slaying the hag Old Ingrid.
  • Investigating the huts, the party found the captured merchants who helped to direct the party to Old Ingrid's secret underground lab. In the lab the party found some results of Old Ingrid's experiments and a captured Tiefling named Elyvia who the party discovered was undead. Elyvia revealed that he worked for the Pit Fiend Kalzivach who had her traveling around Amusa stopping would be rivals in Kalzivach's quest to find The Lost Hoard.

Session 115: Dashing Through the Snow

Session Tags: Breme, Gafizmaphram, Kelrynne

Characters: Chrysaor, Karma Runes, Garvey Tiller, Therrin Flare, Lysvan, Slog the Bonker

DM: Guest DM Cat (11/16/2024)

Important NPCs: Gafizmaphram, Kelrynne, Colin Pendergras, Atnas

XP Gained: XP at Level 6: 2375, XP at Level 7: 1583, XP at Level 8: 1346

Important Things that Happened:

  • Gafizmaphram the Magnificent and a warforged companion named Colin showed up at Tempest's Landing seeking volunteers to rescue a prominent artificer from a dangerous mage. Gafizmaphram transported everyone to a secret teleportation circle outside of Yksinäisyys, a tiny waystation with buildings of ice in Breme's arctic wilderness. They rendezvoused with Kelrynne, a local guide familiar to the company due to her recent trip to Amusa, and acquired (overpriced) cold-weather gear.
  • The wizard performed an enigmatic ritual and informed the group they'd be proceeding without him and Colin, who was anxious for the mission to go well. Kelrynne guided the party as they traveled by dog sled for two days, encountering and slaying an Abominable Yeti en route.
  • A short time later, the group found what they'd been looking for, a structure built into the mountainside. An alarm sounded when they entered, and soon they were faced with three small automs with elf-like features and a gnome who seemed to disappear from the world whenever she wasn't casting spells at the party. They destroyed the elf-bots, but when the mage succumbed to her injuries, she vanished before even hitting the floor.
  • The group searched the workshop until they found and repaired a rotund, disabled warforged called Atnas. With a deep laugh, he said they'd been very good and asked what gifts he might give them, proceeding to pull each requested item from a large sack. Kelrynne drove the dogsled back while Atnas transported the party in his self-propelled sleigh.
  • Colin and Atnas embraced when they saw each other. Gafizmaphram repeated the peculiar ritual he'd performed before, then teleported the group directly to his tower back in (spectacularly temperate) Amusa.

Session 116: Run on the Bank

Session Tags: Devils, Philani

Characters: Karma Runes, Ren Atherton, Wiggler, Zarrial, Garvey Tiller, Slog the Bonker

DM: Keller (11/17/2024)

Important NPCs: Philani, Kalzivach, Lieutenant Azha (Deceased), Calliope Gemscale

XP Gained: TBD

Important Things that Happened:

  • The party is given an opportunity by the archdevil Philani to strike back at the Pit Fiend Kalzivach for all his meddling in Amusa. Through her servant, an Amethyst Dragonborn named Calliope Gemscale, Philani sends the party to the city of Minauros in The Ten Hells and to the doorstep of Kalzivach's domain, the 7th Infernal Bank.
  • The party enters the bank and find it to be a pristine den of greed. After talking with the infernal receptionist, having a tense meeting with a devilish accountant, almost getting trapped in the waiting room, and cleaning out the vault of the Horned Devil Gervon, the party get an audience with Kalzivach in his office.
  • The party reveal to Kalzivach that they are there to kill him, and he in turn makes a counter offer, to reveal who sent them and to leave in return for a large sum of gold. *After accidentally revealing that Philani sent them, the party decides to move forward with killing Kalzivach, who sicks his infernal guards on the party, including his right hand, the infernal fire giant Lieutenant Azha. During the fight Lieutenant Azha and Kalzivach is forced to flee before the party retreats as well back into the Material Plane before more of Kalzivach's devilish servants can arrive.

Session 117: Behind Feynemy Lines

Session Tags: The Moon Court

Characters: Amelie, Rosin, Garvey Tiller, Ghargux, L'Kon D'Loc, Nebuma

DM: Guest DM Kade (11/24/2024)

Important NPCs: Hags

XP Gained: XP at Level 5: 3086, XP at Level 7: 1763, XP at Level 8: 1499, XP at Level 9: 1234

Important Things that Happened:

  • Members of the company have disappeared on a recent expedition and the party is sent to find them. The party discovers an arcane trap and finds that their friends had been ambushed and kidnapped.
  • Following the trail the party finds their friends in the clutches of a coven of hags who are trying to sell the company members to the fey realm. The company stops the hags and manages to save most of their friends.

Session 118: The Setting Moon

Session Tags: The Moon Court, Philani, Devils

Characters: Amaris Luanach, Ronin, Amelie, Otto von Gerwig, Coryn Alaeth, Marion Ette

DM: Keller (12/01/2024)

Important NPCs: Luster, Nuala, Lady Celenica Luanach, Philani, Sayla Allurian

XP Gained: XP at Level 7: 8675, XP at Level 8: 5783, XP at Level 9: 4916

Important Things that Happened:

  • Ronin and Amaris Luanach have been captured and taken to The Moon Court deep within The Feywilds. Their mother, Lady Celenica Luanach, ruler of the Moon Court, intends to bring them back into the fold whether they like it or not. assisting Lady Luanach is the archdevil Philani. A team of Ronin and Amaris' friends prepare a rescue mission to enter the feywilds, along with a fairy paladin named Luster, and a corrupted-fey now devil named Nuala who is Amaris' warlock patron.
  • The party enter the feywilds and use magic and guile to rescue their companions. After the rescue mission is completed, they move deeper into the Moon Court to put a stop to Lady Luanach and a ritual she has prepared. The party with the help of Luster and Nuala beat back Philani, her devils, and even a band of Drow, Lady Luanach brought to aid her. In the end they depose Lady Luanach and restore the majesty of the Moon Court.

Session 119: Parlay

Session Tags: Wyvern's Roost, Mind Flayer, Kuo-Toa

Characters: Khimnis Jine, Esperanza Alnilam, Rosin, Slog the Bonker, Karma Runes, Ronin (Wicked Wilds)

DM: Dave S (12/15/2024)

Important NPCs: Adrian Tempest, Cookie, Gumptor Flynn (mentioned), Grrrrl'k'pk

XP Gained: XP at Level 7: 4200, XP at Level 8: 2800, XP at Level 9: 2380

Important Things that Happened:

  • The party gathered with Adrian Tempest and Cookie. They were told about a parlay request from a Kuo-Toa at the Airship Village to negotiate trading the Brain in the Box for Gumptor Flynn. The group discussed the idea of making a trade, though some were unwilling given the work it took to acquire the brain from the Mind Flayer.
  • The group travelled to the village via airship and met the kuo-toa representative, Grrrrl'k'pk. It said it would guide them to meet with his chief in Wyvern's Roost crater. The party followed and they made their way to the floor of the crater where they camped for the night.
  • During the night a group of Yuan-Ti riding wyverns descended on the party. The yuan-ti leader demanded the party turn over the kuo-toa, citing repeated territorial violations by its people. The party declined and tried to talk but the yuan-ti were having none of it. A combat ensued, during which the yuan-ti and their mounts spent their actions trying to net, grab or suggest the party members into submission. This failed eventually, and when a yuan-ti fell in the battle the leader agreed to talk.
  • The groups discussed their issues with the kuo-toa and the mind flayer. It was decided the yuan-ti leader would accompany the party to meet the kuo-toa chief and find out what was going on.
  • The meeting eventually took place. An agreement on proof of life couldn't be solidly reached, so a new meeting was proposed. At that time the mind flayer will be willing to explain more of its intentions so that it can reach its goal of, as it says, returning home. When this will occur is not yet determined, but it will be soon.

Session 120: Quelmar Past, Present, and Yet to Be

Session Tags: Ghosts, Sparklemas

Characters: Esperanza Alnilam, Allinor Kalth, Rosin, Selene, Karma Runes

DM: Guest DM James (12/19/2024)

Important NPCs: Dorian Shroud (mentioned), Jason Farley, Elvis Elmer Scrooge, Darius Fuzzywig

XP Gained: XP at Level 8: 2300, XP at Level 9: 1955

Important Things that Happened:

  • Officer Darius Fuzzywig met the party at Tempest's Landing, asking for help investigating some ghosts in his hometown of Ymbtrymman. These ghosts normally help with decorations and morale leading up to Sparklemas, but this year, they were making people apathetic and angry.
  • After recent events in the town when the spectral phantom Dorian Shroud attempted to take over the town, there had been a few disappearances. Wealthy investor Jason Farley was among those who vanished. His business partner, Elvis Elmer Scrooge ran the main bank in town, was becoming a target of anger among the people. Additionally, he was one of the few people not targeted by the ghosts.
  • The Spirit of Sparklemas Present broadcast a child’s voice to the party. Yob Matchett, Scrooge’s hardworking tabaxi accountant, had a sick daughter called Tiny Tem who still had lingering illnesses from Dorian Shroud’s curse. It was too strong for any clerics in town to have time to fix. The party wasn’t sure how to cure her either, but maybe the ghosts or someone else could.
  • The party discovered the ghosts were being influenced to make everyone angry at Scrooge, not just give people nostalgic or terrifying visions as usual. Clues pointed to Jason Farley faking his death, but they needed some proof, and a motive. Recalling some faulty mining tools seen earlier, the party went to Tontino’s General Store, where the manager had been plagued by the Spirits of Sparklemas. Past, and Yet to Be, raising her anxiety on the future of the store. Jason Farley had been a major investor in the store. The party broke into Farley's apartment, revealing the full extent of the missing banker’s greed, his framing of Mr. Scrooge, and a map to his hideout.
  • The party followed Farley's trail to the Dragonfort, an ancient fortress once used for fighting dragons, now used as a community space, church, and food court. The path continued to a graveyard, where they found the original graves of the three ghosts. The party also discovered Farley, who they turned in for his crimes.

Session 121: TBD

Session Tags: TBD

Characters: TBD

DM: Dave P (01/08/2025)

Important NPCs: TBD

XP Gained: XP at Level 6: 5949, XP at Level 7: 4648, XP at Level 8: 3178, XP at Level 9: 3161

Important Things that Happened: TBD

Session 122: The Crystalline Assault

Session Tags: Druids, Crystalline Conclave, Troverth, Jack of Hearts

Characters: Thordon, Allinor, Rosin, Wiggler, Chrysaor, Karma

DM: Guest DM Mercedes (01/09/2025)

Important NPCs: The Diamonds, The Crystalline Conclave, Alsephina (leader of the Conclave), Warden of Troverth, Ensueno

XP Gained: XP at Level 8: 4092, XP at Level 9: 2728

Important Things that Happened:

  • The Emerald Twins arrive at the waystation, seeking aid as Troverth has attacked the Crystalline Conclave.
  • The Troverthian soldiers believe that the conclave is assisting Jack of Hearts' rebellion and therefore are trying to snuff out the traitor.
  • When the adventurers arrive, the soldiers have already moved on, taking some of the Conclave with them, half a dozen prisoners, and leaving four dead.
  • The adventurers help them put out fires, fix the well, fight off scavenging dinos, turn over the salted earth, getting cows unstuck, and organize maps that had been rifled through by the soldiers.
  • Esperanza begs the Alsephina to have people go retrieve the prisoners, which includes her sisters. The Alsephina does not offer to send anyone, but offers to give the Tempest Company magic items if they retrieve the imprisoned members.
  • On their way to Troverth, the company members come across a faction of Jack of Hearts' rebellion, The Diamonds, who are in charge of theft and grifting to fund Jack's plans. They give the group a fight until the King of Diamonds surrenders, stating that they were heading to help the Conclave, since someone within the Conclave helped them and gave them star maps to navigate the area.
  • The adventurers tell the Diamonds that the best way to help the Conclave with their trouble with Troverth is to just leave them alone, and when they take the money the Diamonds stole, most of it is donated back to the Conclave.
  • Arriving in the city, the group uses the sewers to get under the prison and one by one get the guards out of the way using Vortex Warp, the Cloak of the Dream Dragon, and Invisibility, tying their hands and taking their weapons while unconscious.
  • Once they bring the guards down and start to free the Conclave prisoners, they then free all the prisoners to make sure no one is suspicious of the Conclave, and Thordon and Allinor fight the Warden of Troverth in the sewers, Allinor realizing the glint of familiarity in the Warden's eyes before he kills her, his former captor as well.
  • It takes an extra achievement to get one of Esperanza's sisters, Ensueno to leave the prison, as she is the one who gave the maps to the Diamonds and feels she deserves to be in the prison.
  • The Tempest Company then returns unscathed and victorious with all the captured druids to the Conclave!

Session 123: Down in the Dirt

Session Tags: Wyvern's Roost, The Lost Hoard

Characters: Wiggler, Rosin, Karma Runes, Thordon Akieye, Tryska Bjorndottyr

DM: Keller (01/11/2025)

Important NPCs: Adrian Tempest, Aloysius Tempest (mentioned)

XP Gained: XP at Level 8: 3675, XP at Level 9: 2450

Important Things that Happened:

  • With all four pieces of The Aestorian Codex brought together, the company discovered the location of The Lost Hoard, at the very bottom of the Wyvern's Roost Crater. As they prepare for their expedition, preliminary scouting missions are beset by strange earth tremors and sinkholes, and so a team is sent to investigate.
  • As the party delves into the dangerous wilds of Wyvern's Roost, they are beset by Wyverns before the party manages to drive them off. The party eventually discovers a massive dirt mound which they discover is an Ankheg hive. The party enters the hive and does battle with the insectoid beasts within. They eventually reach the chamber holding he Ankheg Queen who they see is connected to a strange series of metallic wires that give her unnatural abilities.
  • After defeating the queen and driving off the remaining Ankhegs, the party find a corpse of a dead Yuan-Ti which has similar wires emanating from its body. Carved into the wall in a strange language is the name "The Writhing Dark." Investigating the body, the party finds that it is quietly whispering. Listening in, the party hears what the corpse is saying, "Praise be Aloysius Tempest."

Session 124: Fleeing the Nest

Session Tags: Yuan-ti, Wyvern's Roost, The Lost Hoard

Characters: Chrysaor Purosis, Valdos, Lysvan, Juno, Garvey Tiller, Nebuma

DM: Keller (01/19/2025)

Important NPCs: Lucinda Grimfold, Ugg-Glugg the Rock Troll, Aloysius Tempest (mentioned)

XP Gained: XP at Level 5: 4890, XP at Level 6: 4191, XP at Level 7: 2794, XP at Level 8: 2375, XP at Level 9: 1956

Important Things that Happened:

  • The party is gathered by Lucinda Grimfold for another mission into Wyvern's Roost crater. As the company has been continuing their search for The Lost Hoard treasure, they have had to deal with attacks from one of the craters many nests of Wyverns. Lucinda asks the party to find a way to deal with these dangerous wyverns, to either drive them out, or to kill them.
  • The party delve into the crater, and manage to avoid encountering large floral beasts. They discover the wyverns' nest atop a large pillar of stone, but find strange corpses at its base. The corpses are of Yuan-ti, but some are not like the others, heavily rotted and filled with strange metallic wires. One of these wired-filled corpses awakens and attacks the party, only saying the words, "Praise be Aloysius Tempest." The party climb to the nest and find an injured wyvern mother. The party discovers that these strange Yuan-ti had kidnapped the other wyverns and manage to make a deal with the wyvern mother for safe passage if the party rescues the captured wyverns.
  • The party travels deeper into the jungle and encounter a large Rock Troll named Ugg-Glugg who guarded a ladder leading to the Yuan-tis' tree base. The party anger the troll but quickly climb into the trees, finding the Yuan-ti have the wyverns bound in the strange wires. The party also sees the Yuan-ti being guided by the spectral figure of a Succubus. The party defeats the Yuan-ti and Ugg-Glugg, and free the wyverns, but not before the spirit of the succubus returns and warns then to fear "The Writhing Dark."

Session 125: TBD

Session Tags: TBD

Characters: TBD

DM: Keller (01/25/2025)

Important NPCs: TBD

XP Gained: TBD

Important Things that Happened: TBD

Session 126: Groundhog Ouroboros

Session Tags: TBD

Characters: TBD

DM: Keller (02/02/2025)

Important NPCs: TBD

XP Gained: TBD

Important Things that Happened: TBD

Session 127: TBD

Session Tags: TBD

Characters: TBD

DM: Dave S (02/02/2025)

Important NPCs: TBD

XP Gained: TBD

Important Things that Happened: TBD

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